Some of you may know I had a bit of a mini 'spaz attack' last night when the Red Light Central TV website wouldn't show me a picture so i was unable to cap Lexi Lowe's stint in the bath

i literally turned the air blue
Now the above may not have been the reason for doing what I am about to do but it was a trigger for it, the "straw that broke the camel's back" so to speak.
You see, in my frustration at being unable to view the stream on the RLC site (Something i'm still not able to do

) I realised, with the subtle help of my gorgeous other/better half, that forum life and especially this "capping malarkey" (My Wife's words

) is taking up way too much of my life.
I first started capping on here when I realised that not all that many caps and vids were being posted of my favourite girls at the time, the likes of Louise Kay and Dannie Low (Ruby Summers) who were both dayshow performers at the time. they were being capped but not as regularly as most (obviously this has changed as streams have got better). I think my first cap if memory serves was of Evelyn on BangBabes and was shockingly bad

but I continued to cap the girls, gradually expanding my horizons and getting better at doing it but the time i spent glued to my laptop as a result was increasing exponentially. I have the wrists of a 90 year old thanks to all that capping
Its become a routine that i get home from work, have dinner, spend a bit of time with my (Now Heavily Pregnant) wife and my 3 year old girl before putting my daughter to bed, turning the laptop on and getting lost in forum life! My Mrs has become a widow to this place and frankly its not fair on her. I need to be there for her now more than ever.
Hayley introduced me to this place and for the most part she has happily left me to it but i have sensed that in recent times she is maybe becoming a bit annoyed by the amount of time I have spent on here, last nights mini hissy fit lead her to say this afternoon..
"Gaz, i think you are spending too much time on the forum.."
I have to agree, what with "Baby Aston" number 2 on the way and my wife feeling neglected, I have decided to bow out from forum life for good! I believe its the right thing to do.
Some of you may say that "you'll be back.." taking bets on when i will re-surface but i am 99.9% sure (

) that this post will be my final one.
For the most part I have immensely enjoyed being a forumite. I've seen it change an awful lot back in the days when there were hardly any caps and vids and speech was relatively free to what it has become today, not necessarily all bad but lets just say I've had ups and downs on here which has all added to an overall good experience. I probably will miss it but I'm very close to embarking on another stage of my life which requires me to "grow up" and realise that i will soon have a 3rd person who is demanding of my attention and something has to give, sorry but the forum has to go!
With all that being said, i'd like to firstly apologise that this has been rambling like a
scottishbloke ofcom rant

but i'll be done in a minute
Secondly, thanks to all those that have repped me in the past, all the cappers, vid makers and regular contributors that provide the backbone of this forum, i hope your efforts don't go un-appreciated.
Thirdly, for those that i am facebook friends with, follow on twitter and vice versa those who follow me, i will still interact with you guys and gals fairly regularly so no need to panic

some of those are no longer posting here but i still "speak to" fairly often..
Chilly will just have to find someone else to harass

(just joking , Love you
Finally i'll be sending a few pm's tonight but then i'll be off to "The real World"
Take care Guys, Gals and those who couldn't make up their mind what they were
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”