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SexySat TV live webstream

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modelflat Offline
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SexySat TV live webstream
The Euro babe channel SexySat TV has a free live web stream, I've just discovered:
(I didn't find a thread about this, but I see it's been mentioned once or twice)

It shows SexySat 1, though they also supposedly have more channels running on the Hotbird satellite. Two girls are on there at the moment, talking German and displaying much more pussy than I've seen on Eurotic TV or Babestation24. And you can hear their calls! On the downside, it really is just a webcam - the camera is remote controlled by the girls. Looks a bit like early Babestation. Phone numbers are listed for mainland Europe but not the UK.

I heard about SexySat years ago, but this is the first live web show of theirs I've seen. Its explicitness certainly hasn't been toned down as much as other babe shows nowadays.

(This post was last modified: 16-05-2012 23:44 by modelflat.)
16-05-2012 23:36
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #2
Wink RE: SexySat TV live webstream
And now it's gone?

Moving swiftly along... er, they're showing '70s soft porn from Spain(?) here on TeleAsturias, which is just as good perhaps. Blush

(EDIT) The SexySat TV stream went off at 1am, but came back after 2am UK time. May've just been a technical gaffe. It's now just one babe including some close-up masturbation.

Does anybody know the schedule for SexySat? Is it on the air 24 hours a day?

(This post was last modified: 17-05-2012 01:50 by modelflat.)
17-05-2012 00:10
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #3
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Normally the day shows on here are deathly dull (and night shows too to be honest), bad picture and little action. But today it's a bit more interesting. Hot model Michelle has been flashing her breasts now and then, pointing her crotch to the camera, and stays topless when she gets a call. Just had a long call too, very nice. She's on til 6pm. Central European dayshows, they surprise you sometimes Smile

From the Liveshow-TV messageboard it seems she's been there two years without getting sacked, so presumably daytime nudity on SexySat is okay, even not-so-briefly. The girls just have to be up for it...

27-05-2012 14:53
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #4
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
To be precise, daytime breasts are allowed on Sexysat at the weekends. There are some exceptions, as it seems the hot models Nicol (vids) and Isabella (vids) just haven't been told that they can go topless!

And the rules may change on the producer's whim, but at the moment it's great! Low-budget and blurry, but more daring than other shows. Nice relaxation on a weekend afternoon, especially the shows by Michelle (vids). She'll be on on Saturday from 1pm UK time.

The full schedule is here.

Sorry you have to register to see pics thru those links – I figure it's better than nothing for people who are interested. Here's a taste of Michelle's last Saturday midday show:
[Image: 9dea6c197902626.jpg] [Image: 43158b197902639.jpg] [Image: 493025197902648.jpg] [Image: 463f67197902652.jpg] [Image: 6bd3aa197902653.jpg] [Image: b5cf08197902659.jpg] [Image: 0ca6b7197902677.jpg] [Image: 46b6b0197902678.jpg]

27-06-2012 03:27
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #5
Big Grin RE: SexySat TV caps
When the stream isn't working, you can go on or where they've got two other streams. To watch them, u probably also need to have downloaded VLC media player

Here are some caps (no video cos I've not got the technology) from Michelle's late-night shift this Sunday morning 1am-5am – a typical nightshow for her!

[Image: untitled1_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled2_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled3_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled4_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled5_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled6_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled7_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled8_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled9_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled10_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled11_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled12_102_thumb.png] [Image: untitled13_thumb.png] [Image: untitled14_thumb.png] [Image: untitled15_thumb.png] [Image: untitled16_thumb.png] [Image: untitled17_thumb.png] [Image: untitled18_thumb.png] [Image: untitled19_thumb.png] [Image: untitled20_thumb.png] [Image: untitled21_thumb.png] [Image: untitled22_thumb.png]

For my money she's the channel's best babe!

I was thinking of starting a separate thread for Sexysat caps and vids – but it might only be me who posts in it. What would we normally do on this forum?

(This post was last modified: 02-07-2012 00:37 by modelflat.)
01-07-2012 03:58
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #6
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Check it out Big Grin Michelle is on TV and the livestream now, for the next 4 hours. Her shows are always good and hot. And she speaks good German and English (multi-talented)...

26-07-2012 00:19
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #7
Exclamation RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Daytime weekend breasts are off for the time being. According to Sexysat a regulator complained about raunchy dayshows, but they're not saying who it is. I'm pretty sure Sexysat is registered in the Netherlands, after much sleuthing. Sad

So, there's no daytime nudity at the moment, making the dayshows a total waste. But nightshows are as good as ever... blurry and hard to see. But worth watching when someone like Michelle is on.

For more caps of the shows, see "Sexysat TV - caps & videos"

15-08-2012 01:29
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #8
Exclamation RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Daytime boobs are back, it's "boobs-for-tips".

If a German viewer calls a particular number, the model receives a 'tip' and is compelled by law to show her breasts. Well, not by law. In fact, this is the kind of thing that got Sexysat into trouble with a regulator a few months ago.

I think Viki said on the show yesterday morning that she could show her boobs for callers as well. But she didn't get any tips or calls, and I haven't seen any other shows recently, so I'm not sure. There's no dedicated UK phone number for Sexysat, but lists ways of phoning or giving tips from an iPhone or on Skype.

So it's good news for the time being. Sexysat's dayshows will be allowed to be risqué seven days a week, temporarily at least. They needed some good news since Isabelle left the channel. They now only have seven models left to cover a 24/7 channel.

01-10-2012 23:30
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #9
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Sexysat only has one channel (they had Sexysat 2, 3 and 4 in the past).

But on Saturday (December 1st), they're scheduled to start a live XXX/hard web stream. It'll start with Naomi at 5am UK time, while the TV stream continues as normal, supposedly. or

How a second channel will succeed, I've no idea. Their current roster of models is only 7 (Emma, Viki, Nina, Tina, Naomi, Michelle and Nicole), it's already overstretched.

28-11-2012 17:55
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #10
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
(Edit) I'll hold my tongue until the XXX show starts!

Here's what the new studio will look like:
[Image: Untitled11.png]
[Image: Untitled22.png]

Michelle was controlling a hand-held camera, like the type they use on normal TV. That would suggest no camera operators, as usual.

But the scrolling on-screen info says, if a (German) viewer texts the word "licking", the model will "lick her dildo and her fingers and the cameraman!"
[Image: Untitled12.png]
... So Sexysat is giving mixed messages. Lucky cameraman though.

(This post was last modified: 01-12-2012 02:33 by modelflat.)
30-11-2012 23:41
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