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RE: Movie News & Reviews
Saw the Dark Knight Rises and man that film was epic what a great way to finish the trilogy, now am not gonna spoil any of the film at all but i will say is that the film is epic and very emotionally its like you feel all the joy and pain from all the characters whether there good or bad Chris Nolan always seems to get the right people to fit the roles Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne and Batman brilliant, Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon brilliant, Morgan Freeman one of my fav actors again excellent in his role as Fox, Michael Caine as Alfred he knocked role right out the park and i won't spoil why, Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle i know most people had doubts she would good as Catwoman but i will go on record saying for me the best Catwoman and plays it pretty much exactly like the comic book version of her. Joseph Gordon-Levitt again excellent and had a big role to play and very well acted and is fast becoming one my fav up and coming actors. Tom Hardy as Bane he played this role too well and for me was excellent some people have been trying compare him with the Joker in the Dark Knight which i think is unfair as there very different villains the Joker is more of psychopath and there's no logical to what he does but at the same time his bright and isn't as crazy as people think to be where as Bane is more of a physical brute with great strength but at the same time is thoughtful in his plans and is very intelligent, it was nice to see a different kind of villain for Batman to take on and i did understand everything he was saying too lol. Marion Cotillard she excellent in role and very attractive too all there a few cameos but not spoiling that. The film is long at nearly 3 hours but it doesn't feel long as the film goes at nice pace so time just slips you by before you know if any thing i wish it was longer and by the end of the film even i have to admit it bought a tear to the eye. Only one thing is that am surprised it was given a 12 A as its very violent and the film does feel like a cross between the Batman Begins and Dark Knight. All in all its my film of the year and the last film watched i gave it a solid 10/10 for me, so get there and watch it and can't wait for the reboot its gonna have some big shoes to fill lol.
"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
23-07-2012 22:57 |
Posts: 37,922
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25-07-2012 03:54 |