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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #641
RE: Petition
So just under 16 hours to go until this petition is closed and all numbers are counted and documented, current total being 813. So effectively this is the last day. On reflection it's not a bad total - it's well short of the number which we had hoped to achieve but more than we thought we'd reach only a few short months ago when all interest had appeared to fade away.

Once again well done to eccles for coming up with the idea of a petition in the first place. We are now entering phase 2 because we desperately need another campaign up and running asap to build on all the good work achieved.

Ofcom is 9 years old and looks likely to celebrate it's 10th birthday in 2013 whether we like it or not. Ofcom doesn't cost the government fuck all which is a mere pennies when you look at the entire budget they have to spend. We'd need a financial crash of some magnitude similar to Greece and Spain before we could realistically see this qango being abolished.

So we are going to have to work really on changing the opinions of those trusted in running ofcom. No babe channel complaints made in months or even worth investigating has given us some chink of light, but not enough to ensure us that all is certain in the long term, the way the channels are regulated ofcom can still close the lot of them down at a moment without any reason given other that they broke the rules.

Adult entertainment should never ever have been left to run in this way in the first place. The channels should have all stood up to ofcom from day 1 rather than ignoring their presence. This explains just why we are seeing a yoyo effect of such inconistent shows. Ofcom's presence has effected the whole market on SKY with the likes of eurotic tv unable to broadcast after 11PM when they could so easily if they wanted to use any number of the free channels on the 900 EPG space. The funny thing is what they broadcast after 11PM is soft porn at the very most and no stronger than anything that you'd see on the likes of movies4men yet deemed too strong by ofcom to be broadcast on our SKY tv.

Big changes are needed but it needs individuals willing to stand up for what they believe in. Teleshoppping rules is just some bullshit redtape which ofcom will put in front of the channels to try to justify their current stance but it wouldn't stand up in the courtroom. It's unlawful and bullshit at the highest level.

The watershed which we have in the UK applies to all channels including the teleshopping ones. There is no distinction between any one of them. To say otherwise is unconstitutional and unfair.
(This post was last modified: 17-08-2012 16:46 by Scottishbloke.)
17-08-2012 16:42
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iloveMegan Offline
And Rebecca Jade

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Post: #642
RE: Petition
(17-08-2012 16:42 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  the way the channels are regulated ofcom can still close the lot of them down at a moment without any reason given other that they broke the rules.

What other reason could they give for shutting them down Huh

(17-08-2012 16:42 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Teleshoppping rules is just some bullshit redtape which ofcom will put in front of the channels to try to justify their current stance but it wouldn't stand up in the courtroom. It's unlawful and bullshit at the highest level.

I trust you have therefore reported them to the relevant authorities?

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17-08-2012 17:57
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #643
RE: Petition
What a sarcastic, mouthy individual you are ILM Wink I've yet to meet a more smug forum member like yourself. Well done Smile that'll be another post made by yourself that it's very purpose from the outset is to contradict others and to take every word posted as being literal. Please let me know when you decide to actually make a post that is civil and has any strong argument or context to it, comments like your's we can do without, we all know you never supported this petition along with the rest of your merry men Rolleyes Enough said Cool
17-08-2012 18:12
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #644
RE: Petition
(17-08-2012 16:42 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  ...
the way the channels are regulated ofcom can still close the lot of them down at a moment without any reason given other that they broke the rules.

Not strictly true, there is a procedure to go through before they can close a channel down.
The likes of BangBabes only had their license revoked because they continually refused to co-operate with Ofcom's requests, it wasn't an overnight thing.

Other than that, well said, and not a bad final tally on the petition considering.
If nothing else, perhaps having the petition there has helped bring some of this to other forum members attention more, given it a bit of focus, and even if they didn't actually sign the thing, maybe it planted a seed in their minds that will fester away and one day bear fruit. Maybe they'll think about this more when they watch the channels and wonder why they are so tame, yet on the mainstream channels we seem to see much more dressed up as 'drama' or 'education', perhaps they will finally realise why it is like that, and resolve to do something about it.

Today nothing changed, but there's always tomorrow!

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

Sophia - Becky - Mica - Camilla - Ella
17-08-2012 18:27
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #645
RE: Petition
Yes this petition has brought certain forum members more together aswell as bring about a clear divide. A lot have supported this since day 1 and others have rubbished it all along. But the old saying goes be careful for what you wish for, to show such opposition to it which some forum members have done has surprised me. I would have thought that everybody who was on this forum and enjoyed this type of entertainment would have given it the full backing.

2012 and it's now 10 years since we had the first babe channel in the name of Babestation and a lot has changed in that period for the better and the worse. On the positive side the production side of things have become much slicker as opposed to the tiny screen and lack of air time first given when Babestation used to share it's channel with game network.

On the negative side a lot more attention from ofcom has been present that was before. Far too much unneccessary red tape has ended with some very tame shows which is clearly unacceptable especially when it's intended for over 18's. We have lost some great channels such as Babestar TV in 2007, Bangbabes in 2011 and laterly Sportxxx TV which also ended last year.

At present there is a clear gap in the market, we have however gained a new show in the name of eurotic tv but so far we have yet to see it in it's full glory which is all down to ofcom regulations which will continue to put off any other European channel that wishes to join forces with the current UK ones.

A lot of hard work and convincing ofcom is still ahead of us. Some people have compared our censorship laws to China's but that is obviously a clear exaggeration. That country won't allow freedom of speech to be shown or anything that might be negative to their government nevermind airing a late night babe show Smile

But yes what today ofcom dictates to us won't neccessary allways be the case, stay positive because in the end our good work and fight against ofcom will surely pay off. Eccles petition was a brilliant idea. Our fight against ofcom will continue.
(This post was last modified: 17-08-2012 19:18 by Scottishbloke.)
17-08-2012 19:17
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iloveMegan Offline
And Rebecca Jade

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Post: #646
RE: Petition
(17-08-2012 18:12 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  that'll be another post made by yourself that it's very purpose from the outset is to contradict others

I disagreed with what you were saying, so it was difficult not to be contradictory. I thought you would have welcomed it, given this post by you earlier today:

(17-08-2012 17:11 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  The good thing about this place is it's easy to forget all about them and instead have heated discussions with other forum members instead Smile

(17-08-2012 18:12 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  Please let me know when you decide to actually make a post that is civil and has any strong argument or context to it

What was uncivil about my post? It had context as I was replying directly to points you made. Anytime I do make a post with a strong argument you either ignore it (as you did here) or resort to personal attacks as you have in this thread.

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17-08-2012 19:31
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shankey! Offline
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Post: #647
RE: Petition
there is clearly a divide in the members on here and i for one would be happy in a section where i dont have to read about negativity on the petition , the idea cant come quick enough for me as i am sick of some of the opinions who claim to be fans of adult tv yet will put up with this garbage aired
17-08-2012 19:57
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #648
RE: Petition
Maybe I was a bit strong in my words towards you ILM Cool but you took my words totally out of context once again, it's not for me to report ofcom's dodgy ways of handling the channels, it's for the babe channel execs themselves. I am merely appealing to them and outlining the hypocrisy of ofcom's ridiculas rules.

If I were a channel exec I'd take ofcom to the cleaners, sure the channels are making money to a certain extent but they'd make more than double if they were to deliver a product that could entice more customers in. Like I have previously I used to rack up quite a few bills ringing into the likes of babestar tv and Sexstation TV when they used to show full frontal aswell as the use of dildos.

I once texted into the show and asked if Rio had a brazilian and she showed off her shaved pussy to the viewers that she was clean shaven. Money well worth spent Smile

This petition is all about the freedom for us the over 18's of the nation to be able to see such a show more befitting to late night adult entertainment rather than the current cannon fodder that is being aired.
(This post was last modified: 17-08-2012 21:11 by Scottishbloke.)
17-08-2012 21:09
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iloveMegan Offline
And Rebecca Jade

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Post: #649
RE: Petition
(17-08-2012 21:09 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  you took my words totally out of context once again

How is replying directly to your points taking your words out of context?

(17-08-2012 21:09 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  it's not for me to report ofcom's dodgy ways of handling the channels, it's for the babe channel execs themselves.

The channel owners have shown time and again they have no interest in challenging Ofcom and will accept any rule changes asked of them. The current tameness of the shows is proof of that. So I'm afraid it is for you to report Ofcom's "dodgy ways", as no-one else will do it for you.

"You are rude" - Michelle Thorne
"haha ilM you sick bastard" - Rev Tsu

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17-08-2012 23:55
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #650
RE: Petition
So what next is the question, 815 total vote count, is this our campaign over, definately not. I would be very interested to know if this petition will make any difference, will it get looked at or just banished to the archives. Could this be the beginning of our fight against ofcom and when looked back in years to come we can proudly say we done our bit and started the ball rolling for greater campaigns to come. I am busy racking my brain as to what the next step should be. Will it take another Bangbabes scenario before any of the babe channel execs decide to stand up to ofcom or are they just wishing the problem away. Well done again to everyone who supported the petition. 815 is a greater number than the entire history of complaints made to ofcom in the history of the channels. Today the petition ended but our fight will go on.
18-08-2012 15:36
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