gemma massey

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Gemma Massey - Elite TV : Caps & Videos

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skateguy Offline
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Gemma Massey - Elite TV : Caps & Videos
Gemma Massey, First Night, Elite TV, 18th April 2009

This clip is from the early part of Gemma's first night show. A great intro from Gemma, looking completely gorgeous and gracing us with a slight wardrobe malfunction - don't most girls on their first night on these channels....

[Image: gemma_massey_elite_090418_cap10-d17af77801.jpg]

[Image: gemma_massey_elite_090418_cap5-2cb9cfc23d.jpg]

[Image: gemma_massey_elite_090418_cap7-6bbd50bbb2.jpg]

[Image: gemma_massey_elite_090418_cap8-5767fb0aeb.jpg]

[Image: gemma_massey_elite_090418_cap2-04bad82cf3.jpg]

[Image: 594d5533096691.gif] [Image: 9be90033096628.gif] [Image: bab74e33096649.gif] [Image: 6c319c33096676.gif] [Image: 7c13bf33096695.gif]

Gemma Massey, Elite TV, 18th April 2009, 11.07 minutes

Hi-Res Version (1024x576) ::: Click to Download (Rapidshare, 200 MB)

There's also a HQ 1280x720 version of this vid. Its 350 MB. If anyone wants it then just shout and I'll upload it.

[Image: 97237733084120.gif]

If you experience problems playing this clip, use VLC Video player

Flash the Gash...... ......Encrypted Shows...... ......Knickerless Daytime Clips...... ......Hotbox XXX...... ......Mic Left On Clips
19-04-2009 09:06
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Fidster69 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
I thought so.....I stayed up til 4.30 taking random screen caps (approx 140), mostly of Gemma and a few of Dionne. I have to admit it was a bit like Aerosmith's song "Don't want to miss a thing" and it was hard not to when the webstream cut in and out every now and then

I did notice the wardrobe malfunction as it you say, all part of a girl's first day....maybe even 2nd or 3rd..... Wink

I think Gemma had a good first day, do you all agree?

its all very well saying you can take the bad comments, but can you learn from them?
19-04-2009 10:54
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
Fidster69 Wrote:I did notice the wardrobe malfunction as it you say, all part of a girl's first day....maybe even 2nd or 3rd..... Wink

Haha, we can hope! Thought she had a good show - she seems more comfortable with interaction with another girl than Kacy does. Just a shame she covered up a bit too well after that first shift.

Flash the Gash...... ......Encrypted Shows...... ......Knickerless Daytime Clips...... ......Hotbox XXX...... ......Mic Left On Clips
19-04-2009 11:43
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Fidster69 Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
yeah I mean its first day/night (or Prima Nocte Wink ) so there the whole nerves thing going on, and if she's with a girl, does she come across as too touchy feely with a girl she may have only just met in the dressing room and the same for the girl who's done the show before a few times? They didn't seem to talk to each other much in between calls, but it didn't come across as though they weren't getting along....

Gemma's bound to relax a lot more as more shows go by and she seemed pretty relaxed anyway, and she's done soft g/g stuff before so...who knows,

I've seen her in lingerie shoots, topless shoots, nude shoots, open leg shoots, strip videos with Only Tease and M&B, I've even met her in person....

[Image: gemmaandIsm.jpg][Image: gemmacroppedblursm.jpg]

and chatted with her since, but, as a fan, nothing prepares you for seeing her turn the heat up on a Live show like last night

its all very well saying you can take the bad comments, but can you learn from them?
19-04-2009 12:17
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Spacey Offline
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RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
19-04-2009 14:07
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skateguy Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
Cheers Spacey...thought that said Money Magazine for a moment! Still would have been apt though - "she sure is the money" Wink

Flash the Gash...... ......Encrypted Shows...... ......Knickerless Daytime Clips...... ......Hotbox XXX...... ......Mic Left On Clips
19-04-2009 15:04
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skully Offline

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Post: #7
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
I think I'll throw my two cents in Smile she looks a million dollars Wink lol.

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
19-04-2009 15:08
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ste2858 Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
Stunning girl, saw a bit of her the other night, very impressed.

If you go to her website

there are sample photo sets and videos, including her and annelise (sex station) in the shower.
19-04-2009 16:56
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Fidster69 Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
[Image: d9362433134910.gif] [Image: 50adc433134935.gif] [Image: f8b6af33134958.gif] [Image: b0a7a433134993.gif] [Image: 53d90233135004.gif] [Image: dda58433135012.gif] [Image: a3be7733135015.gif] [Image: 3e00b733135023.gif] [Image: abd4fd33135027.gif] [Image: e1125833135030.gif] [Image: f3055133135033.gif] [Image: dfc75033135044.gif] [Image: a1acc633135049.gif] [Image: d82ea433135052.gif] [Image: ff4d8c33135055.gif] [Image: cf6fef33135080.gif] [Image: 44551733135088.gif] [Image: 08213133135106.gif] [Image: 7b527833135116.gif] [Image: dda8bb33135121.gif] [Image: 0f105433135139.gif] [Image: 77cec633135155.gif] [Image: 2807db33135173.gif] [Image: 4535b033135200.gif] [Image: ebba5833135216.gif] [Image: 95af9133135233.gif] [Image: 9fa0a233135242.gif] [Image: e76c3533135248.gif] [Image: 52786d33135255.gif] [Image: 611a0333135260.gif] [Image: 95f8ae33135269.gif] [Image: bed46a33135280.gif] [Image: 9e2c7c33135294.gif] [Image: c160dc33135325.gif] [Image: cda2e433135351.gif] [Image: cfa32b33135361.gif] [Image: 506c7533135380.gif] [Image: cd3e2833135403.gif] [Image: 6e5dc833135418.gif] [Image: c8b32433135421.gif] [Image: 5ad78133135427.gif] [Image: 36d3ca33135442.gif] [Image: 1ef7c633135512.gif] [Image: 20da2233135586.gif] [Image: b2e4f433135606.gif] [Image: 8b748b33135610.gif] [Image: e6c5c433135616.gif] [Image: e7f97333135623.gif] [Image: b0669933135624.gif] [Image: ac8e8833135628.gif] [Image: 206f4933135632.gif] [Image: 17a55433135635.gif] [Image: 3b564033135649.gif] [Image: 14842533135658.gif] [Image: 8e376533135681.gif] [Image: 2b9e9633135714.gif] [Image: 990e7133135725.gif] [Image: 41c96233135732.gif] [Image: 449fa433135753.gif] [Image: 28a47533135764.gif] [Image: 4de0da33135770.gif] [Image: 84b2db33135777.gif] [Image: 26c47b33135796.gif] [Image: 5cd0c133135799.gif] [Image: b8555233135820.gif] [Image: a58e3033135843.gif] [Image: 69a29433135853.gif] [Image: c1061233135873.gif] [Image: e6d4a833135904.gif] [Image: 0a23f433135924.gif] [Image: a139fd33135926.gif] [Image: 02540b33135933.gif] [Image: 7edb5433135939.gif] [Image: 2bbed633135954.gif] [Image: de42a933135983.gif] [Image: e7bca233136002.gif] [Image: 9246cb33136033.gif] [Image: 1c0e2a33136068.gif] [Image: afd96a33136088.gif] [Image: c953a633136104.gif] [Image: 069add33136123.gif] [Image: ef6af933136137.gif] [Image: e66d6733136155.gif] [Image: 9467fc33136161.gif] [Image: 07665433136167.gif] [Image: 60b8c033136174.gif] [Image: ba8e2e33136197.gif]

more to follow Big Grin

its all very well saying you can take the bad comments, but can you learn from them?
19-04-2009 19:01
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muttley Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Gemma Massey - Caps & Videos
she is very very "hot", was she a uk playboy cyberbabe also she looks like dionne from babestation

(This post was last modified: 19-04-2009 19:29 by muttley.)
19-04-2009 19:27
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gemma massey