(29-11-2012 17:59 )The Truth Wrote: (29-11-2012 16:45 )mrmann Wrote: Gives us more censorship if the channel producers are reading our comments and are afraid to allow certain women to go nude, if they think we will talk about it more. Talking about it as much as we like isn't an issue, as long as we don't put out when slips happen, so there's no reason there should be any fear about letting the women go nude!
The producers clearly don't mind letting some women go nude, so I don't think us discussing how we want nudity is going to give us tamer sessions. There's always the possibility that they might not let her to nude, just to spite us due to some of our comments, but I doubt they are that petty.
Clare wants to go nude, so bring it on 
Do you believe It was helpful drawing attention to a picture that could have quite easily slipped gently buy without incident??????
Let's say Clare goes stark bollock naked and shows a bit of quim,will "YOU" not tell us all not to talk or post pics??? Because if your answer is no,why did "YOU" make such a song and dance about a pic in the early hours of this morning???
"YOU" can't cry out that you want see more,then when you see more,cry out,you shouldn't put that up you can get them in hot water,That don't make sense!!!!!
I really hope Clare wears a Burka when she's on....that way,no cheeky incidents can occur,and It's what "YOU" deserve.
I know stuff can/will get removed,and I can accept that with good grace,but people making big deals about it and then chiming up about wanting more is hypocritical.
Please note: Saying/Talking about seeing a 'Pussy Slip' is just as incriminating as actually seeing it in a pic,think about it,everyone posting "DID YOU SEE HER PUSSY LAST NIGHT-DID YOU SEE HER PUSSY? Will draw just as much attention as a little pic....IMO...
Oh dear... while you and I both have an appreciation for certain women, you are mistaken about something. I didn't draw attention to your post in any way, as I never even mentioned what you posted, and I posted in the tonight I'm loving thread, not in a slip thread. I asked why you would post a blatant slip, if you knew it might get a channel in trouble, but I never mentioned any channel or any woman in my post, and the mods probably deleted it anyway, for reasons many of us know about. Even if they had only deleted your post, but left mine, nobody would have any idea what I was referring to.
I've suggested to some in the past, not to mention slips, as it could make the channels tame things and could draw the attention of Ofcom, which is the same thing as posting a revealing cap, though that's worse I think, since it's actual evidence.
Anyone remember a great opening session from Deni Tayla a year and half to two years back, where after she read many of the revealing comments during her break, she and the producers got nervous and tamed the rest of the night? I do, and Deni even told us this as well, so while it would be nice to feel like we can post what we want, don't be surprised if the women and producers tame things because of it. Sure you would assume they'd ask us first to watch what we say (Some have!), but I don't think they are always on the ball about this, and that maybe they just hope we will keep a tight lid on certain moments, or hope many of us won't be awake at certain hours.
Do you think we should openly mention slips and post caps of slips or blatant flashes? In a better climate I think so, but considering some of the producers have asked us not to, and considering other people could use this against the channels to complain to Ofcom, I think it's a bad idea, and doesn't deprive us of anything, as we always have our private message box to tell people about things.
BIG difference in posting revealing caps and mentioning slips, when compared to posting how you want to see certain women go nude.
Nudity is allowed, but flashes or even accidental slips could mean Ofcom will start an investigation