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Porn Filters

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eccles Offline
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Post: #41
RE: Porn Filters
(28-01-2013 13:38 )SCIROCCO Wrote:  If the current do gooder brigade in Parliament get their way all public WiFi will be defaulted to non adult content. Hopefully access to political party sites will come under the ban so we can't have our minds poisened by their endless bullshit.

And the money grabbing parasites and hate monger filth posing as religion.

Gone fishing
28-01-2013 19:57
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eccles Offline
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Post: #42
RE: Porn Filters
(28-01-2013 10:12 )elgar1uk Wrote:  I haven't been keeping up with this subject matter but what is proper age verification? I thought you had to be 18 to have a credit card, so isn't that age verification?

The rule Ofcom use is that a credit card must be used for encrypted adult channels, and actual money must change hands each time a nights viewing is purchased, or there must be a subscription.

Debit cards are not good enough - under 18s can have them,

Prepaid cards are no good as there is no age or identity verification.

Credit cards without money changing hands are no good either, otherwise how will Mum or Dad know the 16 digit number has been used?

ATVOD says this in its UKCCIS Parental Controls Consultation (18/9/2012):
Quote:Technical tools which may be acceptable for age verification purposes include:
 Confirmation of credit card ownership or other form of payment where mandatory proof that the account holder is 18 or over is required prior to issue1.
 A reputable personal digital identity management service which uses checks on an independent and reliable database, such as the electoral roll.
 Other comparable proof of account ownership which effectively verifies age.

There is a some case information on BroadbandTVNews. The important point is that a father found his son was accessing Bootbox using a debit card.
Quote:ATVOD rules adult site must block access by children
The Authority for Television On Demand (ATVOD) has said online video on demand service was in breach of statutory rules requiring video on demand providers to ensure that under 18s cannot normally access hardcore pornographic content.

Rules require material that might seriously impair under 18s can only be made available if access is blocked to children. according to the regulator, the content shown by Bootybox was equivalent to that which could only be sold in licensed sex shops if supplied on DVD.

ATVOD, which is increasingly showing its teeth as a regulator, was responding to a complaint from a concerned father who discovered his son had visited the site.

Investigations found a website that offered unrestricted access to a selection of hardcore videos and used payment mechanisms – such as debit cards and prepaid vouchers – that could be used by under 18s.

ATVOD followed up its ruling with an Enforcement Notification, requiring the provider of to either remove the hardcore porn content from the service or put it all behind effective access controls which will ensure that only adults can see it. However, the service has now ceased operating.

Finally a link to the Daily Mail specifically about ATVODs proposal to block bank payments "Under the proposal, banks and other payment processors would receive a blacklist of all companies making pornography available without proper age verification."

Gone fishing
(This post was last modified: 28-01-2013 21:46 by eccles.)
28-01-2013 21:31
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Post: #43
RE: Porn Filters
Liberal Fascism spreading from the God fearing neo cons across the pond. We are preventing freedom of choice FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. When America is perfect fine, until then sod off and sort your gun laws out.
28-01-2013 22:44
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IanG Offline
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Post: #44
RE: Porn Filters
Quote:Rules require material that might seriously impair under 18s can only be made available if access is blocked to children. According to the regulator, the content shown by Bootybox was equivalent to that which could only be sold in licensed sex shops if supplied on DVD.

None of the above provides PROOF that R18 material "might seriously impair minors" (or those under 18 who are legally entitled at 16 to have sex and make their own porn movies for their own enjoyment if they so wish).

ATVOD have supplied NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to show that R18 material might seriously impair the under 18s. Until such time as they PROVE to a court they are acting in compliance with the law, ATVOD are unlawfully interferring with EVERYONE'S Right To Freedom Of Expression. We KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE because the BBFC were unable to prove any such harm to under 18s existed in defence of their UNLAWFUL ban on hardcore content at R18. In 2000 the High Court ruled that "based on all the available evidence, a reasonable person would conclude that the likelihood of harm to children from viewing hardcore material was insignificant".

Nothing has changed since 2000. Indeed, as the Internet has been around for almost 20 years and children have had totally unfettered access to all manner of hardcore content then, the evidence of harm would by now be overwhelming IF such harm were at all likely. So where is it?

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29-01-2013 19:52
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Post: #45
RE: Porn Filters
Our office IT guru, ex BT says that the net has gone too far to be reigned in. There are more than enough influential people with a vested interest in a free net to challenge the do gooder brigade.
29-01-2013 20:46
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mr williams Offline
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Post: #46
RE: Porn Filters
(28-01-2013 19:57 )eccles Wrote:  And the money grabbing parasites and hate monger filth posing as religion.

Big Grin Wondered why you didn't make the shortlist to be the new Archbishop of Canterbury

follow me on twitter @mrwilliamsforum

(This post was last modified: 31-01-2013 15:14 by mr williams.)
31-01-2013 15:13
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eccles Offline
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Post: #47
RE: Porn Filters
(31-01-2013 15:13 )mr williams Wrote:  
(28-01-2013 19:57 )eccles Wrote:  And the money grabbing parasites and hate monger filth posing as religion.

Big Grin Wondered why you didn't make the shortlist to be the new Archbishop of Canterbury

Too much?

How do you know Im not slagging off the competition?

Gone fishing
01-02-2013 01:31
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #48
RE: Porn Filters
On this question of ATVOD and protecting our kiddiewinks from 'harmful' material etc.
I just visited the shebang website. They appear to be based in the UK, and have a simple 'you must be 18 years old or older' click link to enter the main site. Once there, they run previews of previous shows, uncensored, and on show nights, they have uncensored free-to-air sections.
If playboy fell foul of ATVOD, maybe shebang should be a little more cautious!

And for that matter, sexstation also appears to be UK based and doesn't have any kind of clickable link to enter! (although admittedly I can't seem to make their site work in any of my browsers, so have to use another site if I choose to watch their feed, so maybe they are safe!)

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02-02-2013 15:49
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #49
RE: Porn Filters
(02-02-2013 15:49 )munch1917 Wrote:  On this question of ATVOD and protecting our kiddiewinks from 'harmful' material etc.
I just visited the shebang website. They appear to be based in the UK, and have a simple 'you must be 18 years old or older' click link to enter the main site. Once there, they run previews of previous shows, uncensored, and on show nights, they have uncensored free-to-air sections.
If playboy fell foul of ATVOD, maybe shebang should be a little more cautious!

And for that matter, sexstation also appears to be UK based and doesn't have any kind of clickable link to enter! (although admittedly I can't seem to make their site work in any of my browsers, so have to use another site if I choose to watch their feed, so maybe they are safe!)
It does look like Shebang needs to be careful as far as i know they are UK based and show free to air stuff without age verification
SexStation may be broadcast from the UK but it is a Dutch Company based in Holand that owns the site . The SexStation website is owned by
Game Network B.V
Postbus 1417

This company also owns the Dutch licence for the Dutch regulated BS TV channels as well, so i wonder if it is out of ATVOD's jurisdiction the same as the TV channels are out of Ofcom's jurisdiction and may like the TV channel be regulated by the Dutch in some way ? .
Also Ofcom themselves on their website licence details section give links to porn sites that you just have to click that you are over 18 by the way, Click on this link provided by Ofcom and then click on the channels website details provided by ofcom and and click you are over 18 and check out the imagery courtesy of Ofcom without age verification . I know you have to be age verified to join this website and see the full content hard core stuff on that link but the free to view imagery is still 18+ in nature and can be viewed by children courtesy of Ofcom .

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(This post was last modified: 02-02-2013 19:34 by mr mystery.)
02-02-2013 18:43
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #50
RE: Porn Filters
^^ I know sexstation is dutch owned, but the website is UK based, and ATVOD could argue it is UK controlled.
Playboy tried to move control of their websites overseas (Canada I seem to recall), but ATVOD/Ofcom argued that in reality the sites were still 'run' from UK, so came under their jurisdiction, hence the recent fine.

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

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02-02-2013 19:50
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