(29-05-2013 00:19 )Scottishbloke Wrote: Hannah is an excellent daytime girl and I've yet to see anything different that she does on the nightshow that would convince me otherwise 
You see - merely an opinion.
(29-05-2013 00:28 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote: Now that is a load of bollocks what you are spouting.
In responce to Responsible Adult, I think you'll find that it was you that decided to rubbish my post when you posted the above comment.
Like kerravan has already stated, where exactly was all the negativity. When I stated that I thought Hannah was an excellent daytime girl and I'd yet to be proved otherwise, it was merely an opinion.
It wasn't a dig at all with regards to Hannah because please note how I used the word excellent. I will also say that she does have potential which is why my post was left to interpretation but I get the feeling that you find it very hard to read between the lines.
Now I fully respect your right to disagree with me but not when you make a post such as the one I have highlighted above which had no justifiable context other than trying your best to score points.
When you posted this in the Jennifer Jade Thread to me it had no justifiable context to it.
(26-05-2013 15:50 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote: The girl doesn't give a shit, because she as been paid, and it seems some of you are happy. BUT I AM FAR FROM HAPPY AT WHAT THEY DISH OUT TO US.
Have a look at my comments on this thread which were merely stating an honest opnion then have a look at the one you posted here.
I think we all know exactly which one cross's the line so ofcourse it was right of me to challenge you on that front in the Jennifer Jade Thread