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Porn Filters

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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #81
RE: Porn Filters
(22-07-2013 19:54 )mido Wrote:  As for your voilations of civil rights and freedoms, do a little research into other countries internet censorship we have it good, your just being asked if you have kids in the house you dont want viewing adult images.

Yes good find mido, I have however already read it before. If what is proposed is as far as the government is prepared to go then I can live with that.

However its David Cameron we're talking about here. The same David Cameron that promised that if his party ever came to power then ofcom as we know it would cease to exist. Talking right out of his arse Wink

Cameron is a lying weasel who like I said fooled us all by getting many people to vote him and the tories into power.

Fact - Never trust a politician because the majority of them make false promise's normally at about General Election time. Is this the same Cameron that said he wouldn't allow ofcom to dictate policy and would restrict them of their remit severely. Look at how tame the Adult Channels have become on the telly since his party has come to power.

Ofcom may have been born out of New Labour but they have more powers since the tories came into Government.

This opt in to porn is what I would like to call stage 1 of the masterplan.

Like I said if any of you lot believe thats as far as Cameron will go then think again, it's only just the beginning.

I look forward to reading that link in a few years time when the UK's name will be placed right alongside China and Iran Cool
(This post was last modified: 22-07-2013 20:41 by Scottishbloke.)
22-07-2013 20:06
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Vic_Smith Offline
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Post: #82
RE: Porn Filters
(22-07-2013 20:00 )skully Wrote:  ...and actually make sure their little darlings aren't finding a way around the filters.

Yep, good luck with that. I agree with the rest of your points too.

Incidentally, here's the Mail's webpage celebrating their 'victory'. You know the Daily Mail, the moral arbiter of this nation. The paper repulsed by sexual imagery and the sexualisation of our children. Interesting sidebar don't you think.

[Image: dm52xdg.jpg]

You couldn't make this shit up.
22-07-2013 20:14
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #83
RE: Porn Filters
(22-07-2013 20:00 )skully Wrote:  ...
I was thinking about the search issue earlier, if they intend to blacklist certain words/terms, then what about people who've suffered child abuse or rape, does that mean that their online support groups and forums will be blocked because the things they may be discussing could fall on the list? Tricky.

There is already a filter in place on most public wifi hotspots. i was just reading that apparently people using such hotspots were being blocked from sites reporting news about the porn filter policy by these filters Big Grin
Oh the irony.

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

Sophia - Becky - Mica - Camilla - Ella
(This post was last modified: 22-07-2013 20:43 by munch1917.)
22-07-2013 20:43
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #84
RE: Porn Filters
BTW - Is everybody enjoying tonights feast of soft porn on the telly (if that's what you want to call it) Wink

Get used to it because once Mr Cameron has finished with his meddling way's it'll be the new internet hardcore porn.

Once stage1 is complete all adult internet material within the UK will be at the same level once he's handed over power to ofcom.

All other porn from outside the UK will be banned, so enjoy the likes of you-porn and co whilst you still can as we get all set for stage2 in his mission to clean the country up for good.

Only the likes of Johhny foreigner and co will be able to see the real deal.

Cue - The blackmarket and illegal programnes to beat the UK censors.

Well done Mr Cameron you've just opened up the soon to be floodgates for criminal gang's galore Cool
(This post was last modified: 22-07-2013 22:16 by Scottishbloke.)
22-07-2013 22:15
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SteveHG Offline
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Post: #85
RE: Porn Filters
Although I'm not one for conspiracy theory about universal snooping and Big Brother being out to get us etc, I am a great believer in the law of unintended consequences and the unfailing ability of politicians to c**k things up spectacularly.
I can see interfering bodies such as Ofcom and the Internet watch Foundation (mentioned by the PM today who clearly knows all about this subject) getting pressure and ever greater powers to crack down on what will be regarded as the evil of pornography in any shape or form (not just paedophile or violent stuff). People who make or watch anything at all (even very soft content like the babe channels) will suddenly become demonised and the great and good will vie with each other to show how hard they are cracking down on all these evil influences which are corrupting our children. I could easily see the owners of existing Freeview channels coming under increasing pressure to close, let alone allowing encrypted web channels to allow even harder material just in case a child should accidentally get hold of a PIN number.
Without embracing conspiracy theory too much, I don't think it's too fanciful to suggest that the pressure that was obviously being applied to have BSX dropped may well have the same source as the announcements being made today.
So I don't think it's just a question of having to opt in and that's all that will happen. I do see it as the thin end of maybe a long wedge where we will see the ability to watch what we want being eroded by such upstanding keepers of the nation's moral well being as Tory politicians and the Daily Mail.
22-07-2013 22:39
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Stillroom Rock Offline
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Post: #86
RE: Porn Filters
The biggest wanker in the country wants to introduce a porn filter,now that's irony

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22-07-2013 22:42
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #87
RE: Porn Filters
I for one think its better if porn filters are on. makes it harder work to get porn plus its more satisfying when get hands on it its a major 2 fingers up to Cameron Wink

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
23-07-2013 07:59
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BarrieBF Offline
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Post: #88
RE: Porn Filters
(22-07-2013 19:24 )Vic_Smith Wrote:  Who's paying for all this? How much is it going to cost the taxpayer, are the ISP's footing the bill

The cost to the taxpayer is zero. The ISPs are paying for it themselves.
23-07-2013 08:46
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #89
RE: Porn Filters
Not a bad article in The Guardian today about the issues here :

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

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23-07-2013 14:01
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mido Offline
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Post: #90
RE: Porn Filters
Rather than all get angry about this on a forum devoted to glamour models and porn stars, has anyone actually thought of acting pro-actively if they are really that concerned?

Who has written a serious letter to their MP or the PM about this requesting a referendum?

Has anyone thought of starting a new online poll? (you might actually get more signatures on this one although i still doubt you will hit the 100,000)

Has anyone contacted the media with their views? surely this could be bought to account on Question Time or even a special programme.

Maybe a 'pro labour' national newspaper will back this campaign?

Has anyone contacted their ISP to discuss this?

Has anyone got alternative solutions to offer the Government?

Its no use just getting wound up, if you feel that strongly act!
theres plenty of other things people can and should do if they are bothered rather than going over and over conspiracy theories on a forum dedicated to that which you believe is being outlawed.

Personally I am not fussed by it and have no interest in dressing up as Del and Rodders to scale buildings in the name of perverts4justice Cool
(This post was last modified: 23-07-2013 17:44 by mido.)
23-07-2013 17:19
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