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BBC kills watershed
The BBC has now decided that it's OK for programmes not suitable for pre-watershed broadcast to be shown as early as 8pm!
As reported here, it is apparently OK for non child-friendly programming to be broadcast before 9pm because (and I'm paraphrasing here) it would not offend those who normally watch the programme (Holby City in this case).
It'll be interesting to see if Ofcom does anything. If they choose to ignore the complaints then surely adult channels can use the excuse "people who choose to watch the adult channels wouldn't be offended by it".
Here's hoping!
31-07-2013 20:35 |
custodes qui custodiet
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RE: BBC kills watershed
Strange admission as Ofprude have consistently found against channels that have broadcast swearwords prewatershed even where the audience is known to be grown up and familiar with the content.
However the article is from the Daily Mail, a paper well known for trolling the BBC and, often forgotten, a commercial rival for new coverage and an advertising funded website.
Ofcoms own research says "In terms of strong language, most participants found the words ‘cunt’, ‘fuck’, ‘motherfucker’, ‘pussy’, ‘cock’ and ‘twat’ unacceptable pre-watershed and also wanted care to be taken over the use of the words ‘bitch’, ‘bastard’, ‘bugger’, ‘dick’, ‘wanker’, ‘shag’, ‘slag’ and ‘shit’."
Shag was put into category 3 (medium acceptability) with "slag" and "dick". "As a result, some
participants thought there were some contexts in which these words would be
acceptable on television pre-watershed. However they said that care needed to be taken over their use, based on the principles discussed in the previous section, particularly whether children were likely to be listening or watching and whether programmes were intended to be family viewing."
Strangely the researchers also put "shag" into category 1 "higher acceptability" but that could be a separate exercise.
I don't think this totally lets the BBC off the hook as Holby City is one of those awful dramas that Mums love because they focus on medical drama, doctors, weepy stories and over the top relationships, and Mums love inflicting those on their families. I know mine does.
Gone fishing
31-07-2013 21:15 |
Silence is golden
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RE: BBC kills watershed
Typical Mail sensationalism, making a story out of nothing.
"not all programming shown an hour before the watershed is suitable for younger children"
What that really means is that some of these programmes are really aimed at adults. No surprise there, childrens programming typically runs from around 4pm to 6pm. The very next thing on is the news, which, shock, horror, is not a kiddies show!
The likes of Eastenders has adult themes, often dealing with sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, all themes that may not be suitable for younger children! Would you class something like Embarrassing Bodies, which frequently has graphic images of genitals, as suitable for younger children?
They are discussing Holby City, which is not exactly a kids show, it's aimed at adults.
No real story here, just some clever reporting to make something seem like something it's not.
"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"
Sophia - Becky - Mica - Camilla - Ella
31-07-2013 22:00 |