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pillows and arm rests...strange i know

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McGivern Offline
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pillows and arm rests...strange i know
ok. this might sound real strange but i love watching women straddle objects like pillows, cushions, riding horses, glamour shots of girls on motorbikes etc. does anybody have any material from the channels like this? before tvx call girls became what it is, i rememberng seeing jet black or someone else just straddling the arm rest bit of the sofa which looked amazingly hot! i also recently caught leah jayne riding and straddling on a cushion. any body else seen anything like this?
13-05-2009 22:31
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Da Mastah Away
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RE: pillows and arm rests...strange i know
Le Maître de votre Domaine indique...

I can actually relate to this, though I'd never really given it much thought before. I'd suggest it has more to do with the actually act of straddling than what item - a random object, another girl, me - is being straddled.

Dah Master Says: So long and thanks for all the fish!

Wait a sec... You never gave me any fish! Lousy cheapskates!

Note: That remark wasn't aimed at you, Skateguy.
14-05-2009 00:13
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