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RE: Stupid PS3 software updates
yep its 65 on world at war
and like mas said, no game updates have taken longer than about 40 seconds for me
my xbox is noisy, but think thats cos its one of the first ones, my mate has an elite and it don't make that much noise i am sure.....
15-05-2009 22:43 |
Posts: 3,480
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RE: Stupid PS3 software updates
to be honest, the games i play don't look much different on either, i have more friends who own an xbox, i'm not touching blu-ray yet until its got way more out and my xbox hasn't died since i got it the first day it came out........... so i'm stickin to it personally
16-05-2009 08:35 |
Herald of the Forum
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RE: Stupid PS3 software updates
I had a 360 from release and never had the RROD, but because it did not have a HDMI port I gave that to my little brother (with whom it is still running perfectly, so that is 3.5 years so far) and bought a newer one with my most recent Christmas bonus. And you are 110% right Shandy, it is nowhere near as loud with the newer consoles, you can barely hear it.
Plus the 40 minutes really is not bullshit, I have actually had to wait longer for some of the main PS3 updates which don't actually change much, whereas I have had to wait 12 minutes I think it was for the NXE on the 360 which changed EVERYTHING on it. The difference in games is also very debatable, with most multi-format games actually looking better on the 360 if the reviews on ign are to be believed. Plus I have like 5 mates who own 360's and about 5 that own PS3's, not one 360 has had to be replaced and one mate has had to replace a PS3 once and one has had to replace his twice, and you cannot keep the stuff saved on the PS3 because the hard-drive is internal so the twofer guy was SO pissed haha.
Don't get me wrong the PS3 is still very useful for me film-wise, like the fact it signs you out so you aren't bothered when watching a film and films like Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk really are superb on Blu-Ray. But the 360 is so much better for gaming and ridiculously more user-friendly.
16-05-2009 23:47 |
Posts: 3,480
Joined: Jan 2009
RE: Stupid PS3 software updates
wicked on the noise mas, am toying with an elite upgrade in the next few months cos i am gonna get a 1080p telly since my old telly broke and i'm futureproofing
yea the NXE was nearly a whole new OS and it downloaded and installed for me in about 10 mins or so, i was suprised at how quick it was.
to be honest, i'm not getting into blu-ray for at least a year or so, and i'll just buy a blu ray drive for that seperately anyway  not in a rush since i can stream HD movies from my PC thru the xbox anyway
16-05-2009 23:55 |