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Bored with the transfer market now

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speedybert Away
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Bored with the transfer market now
OK everyone please read this post carefully as it is not intended to upset any babes or their fansImportant

Noticed that Hazel had moved to Elite the other night and it got me thinking.

1-She still looks the same(no reason to change)
2-She will still sound the same(same as above)
3-She will still dress(undress)the same(again no reason to change)

Again this is NOT a personal attack against Hazel.She's nice to look at and always puts on a show.

Is Elite any better than any of the other channels or are they just having a little war with Bangbabes?Do we as viewers and paying callers benefit.

£1.50 per minute?Same as everyone else.

I don't think so.After all one ,maybe 2 girls every night and sometime overlapping into the day slots.

Best value channel for me currently?Sexstation online webshow.

Why?Because the girls go fully nude and it's only 75p a minute(50p credit card)And they also have a nice selection of girls.

The problem for me is that the numbers of girls seem to be going down and those that are left seem to be on a merry go round which stops off at different channels.Wierldy the only exception to this is Hotel Voyeur which is now getting a very crowded bedBig Grin

To be honest Jamie's pursuit of Bangbabes is all well and good but where is the new blood.Again this is not in detriment to the girls but surely we can have some fresh faces out there.I have started watching Babeworld a lot more because some of the girls on there really push the boundaries(Candy most notably)and they seem to rotate a lot more.
BTW I am not a shareholder in Sexstation online although I should be owing to the number of calls I have made to Twinkle & ChloeWink

Yes we all know Cellcast as a company are probably there to rip us off but actually their webshow consistently delivers only problem being screen freeze/download rate.

I personally don't think a battle between Elite & BB will benefit us because it will probably result in one or other of the channels going down(pardon the pun)Elite's current rosta is almost exclusively made up of girls we have already seen

I am using Elite because they are new,Bangbabes have introduced a new girl probably almost certainly because of all the poaching that's been going on.Be honest will the lovely Victoria or Emily or Sasha or Tori look any better on Elite..............................

No but ultimately they will still be the same good looking babes.Just in a different set.

The Merry go Round is definitely up and running now and no doubt there will be a lot of transfers as girls move around.I am picking Elite mainly because they are the newest and may be best placed to bring on new Talent.However I think that this applies to all the channels

So the real reason for this Sunday morning ramble is:-


Ramble over

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17-05-2009 10:55
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Chilly Away
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Post: #2
RE: Bored with the transfer market now
I know how you feel. To be honest, I think all the channels have really become stale. It's almost like they know Ofcom is circling and is ready to close them down for good. Sad
17-05-2009 11:03
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"mini see through thong"

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Post: #3
RE: Bored with the transfer market now
Chilly Wrote:I know how you feel. To be honest, I think all the channels have really become stale. It's almost like they know Ofcom is circling and is ready to close them down for good. Sad

Have to agree, although on the other hand a transfer seems to give some babes a new lease of life. Just need to look at Alexa and Paige Ashley who look far hotter now. Just my thoughts.Smile Could be right about the tits at Offcuts!!!Sad
(This post was last modified: 17-05-2009 12:43 by SOCATOA.)
17-05-2009 12:41
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Hollywood PillowPants Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Bored with the transfer market now
Prehaps i've been watching too many Oliver Stone movies,but i think the whole babe transfer thing is a conspiracy.I reckon there was a secret meeting by all the babechannel producers ( even chatbacks reproducers ) the sole objective of this meeting the destruction of the babechannel forum ( insert sinister laugh ).The plan is genius in it's sublety,my sources tell me ( are voices in my head sources? ) the plan is as follows........THE EROSION OF THE FORUM MODS SANITY once this is achieved the forum will self-implode and Cellcast and it's partners in crime will be free to continue it's ongoing campaign for nationwide domination of masturbation access at premium rates.Without the negative feedback and the constant financial gripes of the forum massive and Skateguys postings which offer a better product than they can offer ,THERE'S NOBODY WHO CAN STOP THEM." But how will they achieve this? " i hear the doubters scoff,simple it's a three prong plan
  1. To start with they will swap around the channels by moving programs to new channel settings meaning The Mods have to edit the threads.
  2. They will then start to swap the Babes around causing The Mods to have to delete and move threads around just to keep up.
  3. Finally just as The Mods relax and think too themselves " Phew thank fuck for that after hours of editing we've finally caught up " They then go for the kill,They change the names of all the channels and bring in loads of new babes causing thread overload and making the forum impossible to moderate .
The end game is total breakdown of Forum Mod sanity resulting in anarchy and chaos ( note from admin; how will we tell the difference ? ) resulting in lawsuits and legal action over copyright breeches and the end of the babechannel forum as we know it.

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17-05-2009 13:45
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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #5
RE: Bored with the transfer market now
sorry but it looks like elite are taking the transfers too far yeah take all the best babes this channel will only stale in a couple of months sorry to be using elite as an example but they are doing a lot of poaching at the moment. and the talk of the shows being watered down recently i can relate too expecially when the sky channels move to freeview it looks like they gotta play safe
17-05-2009 14:47
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Rammyrascal Online
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Post: #6
RE: Bored with the transfer market now
yep looks like the babe merry go round has started and i also agree that rather than getting babes already on the channels they should bring babes new to the channels which elite have tried to do with gemma massey and kacy

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
17-05-2009 18:27
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Colbert Rules Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Bored with the transfer market now
I'll happily scout for them, I'm a good judge of talent.Tongue

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18-05-2009 00:54
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Rammyrascal Online
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Post: #8
RE: Bored with the transfer market now
id volunteer too

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
18-05-2009 09:38
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HAGGIS Offline
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Post: #9
Smile RE: Bored with the transfer market now
a scout for the Babe channels, how good a job would that be?
19-05-2009 18:52
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