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SexySat TV live webstream

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modelflat Offline
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Post: #11
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Just a small update (since last December): the XXX stream ended after about a month. The stream was blurry and graphic-infested. The shows weren't scheduled daily or regularly, and they weren't erotic. There was no girl-girl, no blowjobs for cameramen - Sexysat talking bollocks as usual, and it failed like everything else they try.

Sexysat is amazingly crap. It's always been low-budget, but now graphics and numbers cover most of the screen. Users on the other forum have pointed out that the webstream would have a better picture with graphics printed beside the screen, not on it. The channel's owners seemed to respond by increasing the OSGs.

I've never seen a better example of any business trying to avoid doing the right thing. (That's my source of entertainment with the whole thing.) If a problem arises, you can guarantee that Sexysat won't fix it, and will look for a way to make it worse. SSTV has a roster of 8 hosts at the moment, but it'll cut that number down at the first opportunity.

(This post was last modified: 17-06-2013 22:41 by modelflat.)
17-06-2013 22:35
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #12
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
I've been collecting the daily web ratings for since last year, and it's informative to see how much they've sunk. We don't have TV ratings, but we can only assume the TV numbers have also dropped similarly - certainly the program quality is only getting worse.

Jul-Aug 2012 [Image: Untitled2.png] averaging ~2,000 visitors a day

Oct-Nov 2012 [Image: Untitled1.png] averaging ~1,800

November 2012 [Image: Untitled1.png] averaging ~1,500

December 2013 [Image: Untitled1.png] averaging ~1,700

January 2013 [Image: Untitled1.png] sinking ~2,300 to ~1,400

March 2013 [Image: Untitled2.png] averaging ~1,500

June 2013 [Image: Untitled1.png] averaging ~1,300

The last few months have been unreliable due to fake hits on some days (maybe a website virus?) causing inflated figures, or the stream refusing to load for many viewers, causing low figures. Things are a bit more stable now, and they're getting...

Sep-Oct 2013 [Image: Untitled.png] ~1,200 visitors a day. Well done to them... Huh

So, Freesexysat's ratings have almost halved. On the other stream,'s ratings have halved, going from ~600 in August 2012 to ~300 in August 2013. It's a bad situation for the channel, which is not run competently.

(This post was last modified: 13-10-2013 03:44 by modelflat.)
13-10-2013 03:43
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #13
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
A new second Sexysat channel with Brazilian babes has actually started broadcasting and/or streaming online on

Sexysat Brasil looks like it's 8 hours a day, beginning at 10pm Brazilian time. (If that's Brasilia, then it's midnight UK).

Brazil had Babestation Brasil in early 2013, now Azaração Sexy, a nice hot show. Sexysat Brasil won't be as good as that, but it can't be worse than Sexysat Europe. The picture quality is the same, maybe a bit better. Brazilian guys really love a bunda (ass), so the girls might show more asses than boobs.

There's no music, so you can hear the calls at the moment. I think I hear other girls/the producer talking in the background. Eigentor caught the "test broadcast" from Brazil last week.

This is Bombom on the show tonight (with Michelle on Sexysat Europe at the same time - that's still on

[Image: Untitled1.png] [Image: Untitled2.png] [Image: Untitled3.png] [Image: Untitled4.png]
[Image: Untitled5.png] [Image: Untitled6.png]

30-10-2013 02:04
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #14
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
We all know Sexysat has no rules, only Frank's whims. He makes it all up. Last time they changed the nudity rules, Frank blamed it on "German pressure" (here). That's a lie - he's gone years ignoring "German pressure". Don't believe a word of it. Whatever the rules are on South American satellite, Frank would ignore them ... and blame other people for his own incompetence.

There's no Brazilian show yet tonight. It's just Isabela on both channels. The Brazil stream is noticeably darker - it's slightly less infested with graphics. (Still terrible either way.)

[Image: Untitled1.png] <-- European show ... ... ... Brazilian show --> [Image: Untitled2.png]

Now Sexysat has a second model on the screen - maybe that's the Brazil show. [Image: Untitled3.jpg]
(2 mins later) Look, they just added more graphics - Isabela's about to disappear [Image: Untitled4.jpg]

You're deluded if you hope this channel will be on a European satellite... They've had enough problems keeping the European Sexysat on satellite! Big Grin

(This post was last modified: 31-10-2013 02:11 by modelflat.)
31-10-2013 00:55
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #15
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Sexysat Brasil has hotter daytime adverts than Sexysat Europe - the Brazilian ads have boobs and girls rubbing over/under their knickers shown at 7am BRT, while the European channel has never gone that far in a daytime ad.

[Image: Untitled1.png] [Image: Untitled2.png] [Image: Untitled3.png]

As I say, the rules are just invented by the owners while ignoring actual regulators. They've not been shut down yet. Smile

Another porn observation - the Brazilian channel uses the European stream all day until midnight (UK time). The European nightshow, including the girls' pussies and bumholes and masturbation, would be on by 8pm Brasilia time, and an hour or two earlier in the other timezones in Brazil... Very risqué!

By the way, Amanda is on now for the next 3½ hours (the Brazil stream is slightly more watchable). Amanda's a real hottie, and loves to give the viewers sexy shows.

Before lazy 'uns ask where's the stream I can't see the stream, here they are again:
SEXYSAT BRASIL (but the Brazilian show is only midnight to 8am UK time)

(This post was last modified: 02-11-2013 00:08 by modelflat.)
01-11-2013 10:29
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #16
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
There's a naked girl doing a show on Sexysat Brasil now (it's 7:50am Brasilia time).

See caps of this show here, in the caps thread -

Whether the show is live or not, the channel doesn't seem to do any "daytime" shows with non-nude girls. Certainly not at the moment - it's nude all the time. Surprised Masturbation seems to be fine too. So, now we know what Sexysat Brasil's current rules are - much looser and hotter than the European channel. And this girl seems to have lots of calls.

Meanwhile this morning, the European Sexysat is filling in time with repeats. It looks like the channel's owners are now in Brazil and mostly concentrating their efforts on Sexysat Brasil.

(EDIT) Then they go and spoil it all... the show from 8am BRT (10am UK time) on both channels is Viki, who will give you more frowning and shouting than sexiness.

(This post was last modified: 05-11-2013 10:16 by modelflat.)
05-11-2013 09:52
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #17
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Now it's time for the most fun part of Sexysat... the web statistics!

[Image: Untitled1.png] (Stats for Rising from 1,100 to 1,300 a day - visitors, not web hits which can be misleading
[Image: Untitled2.png] (Stats for Pretty much meaningless

I don't know if either of these include If Sexysat Brasil is using the old stream vacated by XXX Sexysat, then I guess the stats aren't included. XXX was on the same web domain as mobilesexysat ( but mobilesexysat's stats stayed low. Then XXX stopped and redirected to and the freesexysat stats suddenly went up - which is why I suspect the Brazil stream is running separately again and its web stats aren't being counted publicly.

(This post was last modified: 08-11-2013 17:03 by modelflat.)
08-11-2013 16:27
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modelflat Offline
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Post: #18
Exclamation RE: SexySat TV live webstream
Sexysat Brasil seems to be using some webcam models from the adult site Camera Caseira (Home Camera).

Abany (or "Any") has been on a bed by a webcam on the TV show - for a few minutes the Camera Caseira site showed the same thing, but it times out after 3 minutes and I haven't been able to get it back. Actually, at the start of Abany's show, a man in a blue shirt was flicking the light switches on the right of the screen, so maybe it's not really her "home webcam".

These are the framegrabs I took before it ended - it's a shame it doesn't work all the time, as the webcam picture is a clear stream with no graphics and with better picture quality. (That's what I tried to explain to some idiots on The Other Forum til I was blue in the face shocked .. Sexysat is only as good as a very poor webcam. If Sexysat wasn't on satellite TV it would be totally insignificant.)

[Image: Untitled1.png][Image: Untitled3.png] <-- Sexysat Brasil (web stream) tonight
[Image: Untitled2.png][Image: Untitled4.png] <-- Camera Caseira webcam at the same time

They're having some technical problems - after showing Naomi's Ssat Europe show, the Brazil stream came on late after 10pm BRT/midnight UK, and Naomi was back on again half an hour later. Then it returned to Abany after a few minutes. Despite having no calls, Abany's already shown us a view up her arse. No close-ups yet either Shy

(This post was last modified: 15-11-2013 00:49 by modelflat.)
15-11-2013 00:34
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ILoveGeri Offline
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Post: #19
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
I'm sure I'm being overly thick, but can we just get clarity from someone in the know...
Using current UK time (GMT), and with Brazil currently 2 hours behind, are we saying
SexySat Brazil will be on the stream from 00:00 (midnight) until 08:00 for UK viewers

Just wanting to make sure I watch things at the right times to catch those naughty Brazilian babes...

Thanks in advance

"Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame." - the War Doctor
16-11-2013 18:24
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #20
RE: SexySat TV live webstream
(16-11-2013 18:24 )ILoveGeri Wrote:  I'm sure I'm being overly thick, but can we just get clarity from someone in the know...
Using current UK time (GMT), and with Brazil currently 2 hours behind, are we saying
SexySat Brazil will be on the stream from 00:00 (midnight) until 08:00 for UK viewers

Just wanting to make sure I watch things at the right times to catch those naughty Brazilian babes...

Thanks in advance

I was surprised that Brazil is only 2 hours behind us, but I checked and it is.
That means next year's World Cup matches should be on our TVs at a reasonable time. Smile
16-11-2013 20:28
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