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Dr Who

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bytor Offline
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Post: #751
RE: Dr Who
(27-11-2013 20:55 )Doddle Wrote:  
(27-11-2013 20:46 )M-L-L Wrote:  Currently waiting on delivery of "The Enemy of The World" DVD which was released on Monday.
I'm waiting for the new year, got a pile of others to get through which should keep me busy until then. Word is, it rocks Cool
Quote:There's a few classic DVDs now available for under a tenner - I was impatient/dumb enough to buy most of them full price.
It's more the case that there's only a dozen or so that are more than a tenner now (depending on where you shop) Cool Even ones released last year or earlier this year.

And if the rumours of more rediscoveries to come are true, 2014 will be a bonanza shocked

Amazon have most of them priced around £5 each Smile
27-11-2013 21:10
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #752
RE: Dr Who
Out of some sense of probably misguided loyalty I've tried to buy most of them from BBC Shop Rolleyes
27-11-2013 21:16
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #753
RE: Dr Who
Was a bit "underwhelmed" by the recent DVD release of "Terror of the Zygons".

Don't get me wrong- like the story; but just thought that were was a missed opportunity to offer an option of new CGI over the "puppet" Nessie - particularly the "climatic" swimming down the River Thames finale. Really thought the fact that they seemed to have kept that story back as the last Tom Baker story to be released meant they were doing something extraordinary with it. Particularly when they were going to be bringing them back for the 50th.

Always thought the Zygon spaceship didn't look right either - great modelwork for its day, but shouldn't the Zygon spaceship have looked more organic on the outside a la Claws of Axos (but obviously better than that, as that was frankly a not very well executed Freudian nightmare, the entrance to it resembling a certain female orifice).

Prize for the best Classic Dr Who spaceship for me has to go, of course, to Mr Scaroth, last of the Jagaroth, and his nifty little "spider" model from "City of Death" .
27-11-2013 21:25
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #754
RE: Dr Who
I've ordered Jon Pertwee stories The Daemons and Colony In Space and Patrick Troughton story The Web Of Fear. Got plenty of other Pertwee, Tom Baker and Peter Davison dvds to enjoy before the new year so hopefully I'll get a chance to revisit the classic era over the Christmas holidays. I will of course be tuning in for Matt Smith's finale on Xmas Day so should be a very Doctor Who orientated Xmas holiday period for me. Something to put on when the cold winter comes roaring in over the next few months.

27-11-2013 21:42
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #755
RE: Dr Who
(27-11-2013 21:10 )bytor Wrote:  Amazon have most of them priced around £5 each Smile
Sainsbury's Entertainment have (or had, last I looked) many good prices too Cool

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
27-11-2013 21:53
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bytor Offline
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Post: #756
RE: Dr Who
(27-11-2013 21:53 )Doddle Wrote:  
(27-11-2013 21:10 )bytor Wrote:  Amazon have most of them priced around £5 each Smile
Sainsbury's Entertainment have (or had, last I looked) many good prices too Cool

Better be quick there though as Sainsburys are stopping all sales of dvd's and games early in the new year.
28-11-2013 07:13
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #757
RE: Dr Who
Really? Crap, that would explain it..! Sad

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
28-11-2013 07:45
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The Silent Majority Offline
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Post: #758
RE: Dr Who
I thought the show was quite good, although the comedy was a little overdone at the start.

I was a bit disappointed there wasn't more about the Time War but I wonder if that wasn't deliberate. John Hurt's doctor is pretty much self-contained. He has only one storyline and no companion, that we know of, so maybe a future special?
Or even another movie? A gun-toting, blow the aliens to smithereens, Doctor would probably go down better in America than Paul McGann's Doctor.

I hope the Zygon thing is unfinished business. It doesn't really matter about 'expendable' characters, I guess, but the brigadier's daughter deserves a better epitaph than that.
29-11-2013 06:58
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #759
RE: Dr Who
Trailer for the 2013 xmas special "the time of the doctor"

and a poster for it

[Image: 1459187_774750945872268_970752069_n_zps085e7c75.jpg]

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
11-12-2013 16:28
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #760
RE: Dr Who
He's a bloody awful poet
And don't we just know it Rolleyes

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
11-12-2013 21:20
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