(08-12-2013 07:15 )Scottishbloke Wrote: Well I've just logged into the forum after having to work last night but I do have a smart phone so I was able to check out the stream every now and again and from what I seen she was truly atrocious.
Unless Jesse somehow dramatically pulls out all the stops on Monday night can I please ask that Studio66 never ever book her again, total insult to all the home grown talent flying over a top porn star from the states to churn out arguably the worse nightshow of alltime.
On a final note and please know that this is not point scoring Rammy because I've personally had it with all that shit but you strongly deny that you are a Studio66 fanboy, then why is that you are the only member on this forum to actually pass comment that she was somehow good last night or the one that went previous.
You also stated that she delivered exactly the type of show that you expected, all I can say is you must really be easily pleased if you thought that was good, just how bad does a babe have to be before you actually see the facts presented clearly to you.
Not a Studio66 fanboy, could have fooled me 
IM NOT A STUDIO66 FANBOY!!!!!!!!!! if you can be bothered to look in the tonight im loving thread, there is just ONE studio66 BABE!!!!!!! on my list. the others being 2 on babestation, 2 on storm and one on rlc
also you say you have the facts to say jesse was bad and did the "worst nightshow of all time" if so can we see them please, in particular jesse's call stats because that will i think ultimately decide whether or not she has a bad night or not and will also probably decide if jesse does more guest stints on s66 next year and your request that s66 don't have her on again wont make a blind bit of difference, also think she isn't an insult to the "home grown talent" s66 has
as for why I was the only one to say why jesse was good the past 2 nights who knows? I think jesse has been good and if others don't think that she has been good then fair enough. not every forum member likes the same babes
overall I think jesse has been good on s66 so far (last night and Friday night), I will accept she hasn't been as good as other guest us adult stars s66/elitetv has had on like Siri, Alexis Texas, Tanya Tate and Sophie Dee, but she has not been as bad as some forum members have said she has been
also I haven't defended s66 in this thread. all I said was it was unfair jesse was getting comments about her either not going topless or a lack of topless action when jordana on rlc/playboy was doing a non-topless dominatrix show last night. and wasn't getting comments about her not going topless
at the moment I do think Jesse will be back next year because last night and Friday night it looked to me she was busy on the phones and haven't seen anything in general to say jesse shouldn't be back after her final s66 show tomorrow