Firstly I hope all the forum members are enjoying the festive period and I hope that Santa was good to you. The fat white bearded cunt never did give me Lucy Summers as requested despite the fact that I wrote my letter out to him months ago

So I had to make do with the usual shit instead, ie - Jumpers, aftershave etc
Ok firstly the highs, RLC have delivered quite a number of really good 2 for 1's which have involved proper interaction aswell as some full nakedness.
One set that stands out for me most involved and no surprise here - Danni Harwood and Lucy Zara.
Another high for me was seeing something a revival taking place at Studio66, master stroke bringing back the shower sets and the oil sets are just simply breathtaking with Lily Roma taking centre stage a lot of the time.
With regards to Babestation moving into their new studios has brought out some legendary performances, also what a year for Jada too, last year at this time she was really struggling to make any sort of impact, what a difference a year makes.
Now onto the lows.
Overparanoid and overcautious producers and very nervous cameramen have ruined far too many potentially great shows. Studio66 is by far the worst offender in this department cutting away to the logo on far too many occasions.
Also some truly awful 2 for 1's and also far too many shows that cater for dom fetish, it's sucks and RLC is the worst offender in this department. Also split screens and very poor lightning too has been a constant bug bear of mine throughout 2013 with Babestation taking this honor of being the worst offenders.
Not to mention inconsistent line ups and shows, Studio66 have been guilty of this throughout the whole year, putting on babes who frankly are bloody hopeless and who should never have been on the nightshow to begin with, not to mention the overhyped yanks that came across. The least said about Jessie Jane the better, she was rank and her recent performance for me was a particular low point.
Also the loss of the Bluebird Channels too, although I'd lost interest in their shows I sort of hoped that they might have made some sort of revival eventually.
My hopes for 2014 go as follow.
Less interference from ofcom.
More producers prepared to grow a set of balls (ie - Studio66)
More channels too and more stable and consistent line ups.
Finally to see the dawn of a new golden era bringing back all the channels to their former glory and beyond. I want to see shows deliver exactly what they say on the tin. If its got an 18+ certificate then I expect to see content that fully justifies it. At the moment the shows are just going through the motions and I want to see more spontaneity in 2014.