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RE: UKBabeChannels Mass Exodus!!!
Paranoia, Medication, no sir not me Mr administrator.
There happens to be no point in critersizing and throwing childish insults at me, this situation happens to be a real concern amongst users that the free flow of information in your forum is going down the pan.
I happen to be in support of the community that you have been able to build here, and all im saying is you need to get a handle on the situation of these birds signing up and attempting to dictate the content here, or at the very least come to a clear and concise agreement with these ladies as to where all this meddling on their part in going to end in the future. if you dont and the forum becomes so mondane that our time would be better spent watching heartbeat on a sunday night for thrills, obviously forum users are gonna leave and find another habitat to occupy. (that just how the internet works - ask somebody). nothing to do with paranoia, no medication needed, just facts and a little bit of humour.
Damn can i at least get a shot of the taco!!!!
admin Wrote:arvod1 Wrote:So the point im trying to make is, at some point these birds armed with cellcast and Ofcom and all the other entities from the Ministry of Truth are going to shut this little party we have going on here right down!! perhaps.
You seem to be suffering from paranoia. This forum has a good relationship with Cellcast and other babe channel companies. As for Ofcom, they are the regulator of broadcasting standards - they have no remit to regulate the internet or anything on it.
For the record, we're not being shut down, going away or vanishing in any sense, and even if we ever did relocate or move for any reason, all members would be notified by email of exactly what was happening.
In future please remember to take your medication! Or perhaps you've been taking too much of it and that explains your irrational outburst?
Forum Admin
17-11-2008 04:37 |
Apprentice Poster

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RE: UKBabeChannels Mass Exodus!!!
What can i say skateguy, i have a life and can't be here every hour the sun brings. balance really is a good thing in life, try it. and in terms of spotting trends i happen to be extremely good at mathematics, so maybe im just better at processing information than most lol.
Im just messing mate, with all the tits and ass flying around in here, im definatly not here to scrap with anybody, but even you must agree that it is a perfectly valid point thats on the minds of at least some forum users older and newer. To clarify, at no point have i ever said i want the forum to close, or that it will definatly close, because its a quite groovy place to be, but at the current rate it has the potential and i stress "potential" to become "Tame", like the tv babeshows shows from 5 years ago compared to today, where you can hardly get a doggy shot (no names lol). thats all im saying, and i just dont want to be the on to say 'told you so' lol. peace.
Damn can i at least get a shot of the taco
skateguy Wrote:arvod1 Wrote:I hate to say it ladies and gentleman, i've been here long enough to see a trend.
In addition to the points made by Admin & BelfastBadBoy, it should be pointed out that you've been a member of the site for for only 6 weeks. During that time you've spent a grand total of 12 hours on the site which, compared to other members, who, like yourself have made a few posts, is a very short amount of time.
You really are kidding yourself if you believe you've been here long enough and spent enough time on the site, to determine any type of trend with regards to the interaction and influence of the babes.
(This post was last modified: 17-11-2008 05:12 by arvod1.)
17-11-2008 04:52 |
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RE: UKBabeChannels Mass Exodus!!!
arvod1 Wrote:What can i say skateguy, i have a life and can't be here every hour the sun brings. balance really is a good thing in life, try it. and in terms of spotting trends i happen to be extremely good at mathematics, so maybe im just better at processing information than most lol.
Great arvod, I love mathematics - we should have a few chats, I could do with refreshing some of what I learnt at Uni all those years ago...
Given that my statistical analysis capabilities are a bit rusty now, perhaps you could help me with analysing the fact that just after midninght tonight, the site saw the most users on-line that its had to date at one time; 224. Not sure how to process that bit of information and whether its a useful stat in supporting your assertion that UKBC has a mass exodus on its hands...?
Using your superior mathematical skills, perhaps you could help my comprehension of the situation by formulating a statistical histogram to determine the dispersion of data & calculate the standard deviation of the number of visitors to the site, which of course any good mathematician would do. I'm sure the more than ample range of time that you've been a member would suffice for this analysis.
Anyway, must dash, I have an unbalanced life that I must be getting on with...
17-11-2008 06:09 |
Apprentice Poster

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RE: UKBabeChannels Mass Exodus!!!
Once again, at "NO" point have i declared the forum was going to shut down, or that people are leaving, or not joining in ever increasing numbers as you so generously stated in your grossly off the point post skater dude!!!!
I said it has the potential and i am stressing "the potential", to become perpetually more censored and sanitized, resulting in users exercising their right to the "freedom to choose" by migrating to rival forums, at some point in the future (this is obviously not in the interests of any forum users, however membership retention is invariably dictated by content).
This is just the opinion of a few that have already espressed this view, and in my opinion is worthy of discussion. (to get a glimpse of what we are talking about in terms of censorship, please do head over to the tiffany thread and observe how vigorously and relentlessly this model sanitizes the thread of any content verging beyond extreme softcore while plugin her own site like a spam or adware bot). i do sincerly hope and suspect this example is an exception to all the great things taking place in this forum, but 'perhap' it is not, which is the point of the thread. surely users can reply to an opinion without resulting to insult!!!
So once again for skater dude because he's special, i am expressing hypothetical eventualities in a loosely correlated emergent system, judging by the clearly agitated nature of your post are we to asume skaterguy is an employee of the forum?
now where did i put my sudoku.
Damn can i at least get a shot of the taco
(This post was last modified: 17-11-2008 17:17 by arvod1.)
17-11-2008 15:08 |