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The Official WWE Discussion Thread

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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #1271
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
We need times like this again! the PG era is shit!

This is just a Raw from 1999 and is better than the PPV they have now.

WWE needs to get rid of Cena, he is holding the company back, it's boring, same week in week out, everything revolves around him, people are sick to death of seeing him, even when he is getting boo'd ect he always find a way to leach of somebody else who is a fan favourite like Daniel bryan, for example if Cena is getting Boo'd out of the arena and Daniel Brayn comes out, the crowd will cheer Bryan and then Cena will start ass licking Brayn to get the fans to "like" him.. also he is so contradictive of himself saying he has had to earn everything he gets in WWE... biggest load of shit I have heard, he is handed everything, like when he came back from his injury and the hand him the heavyweight title, or the times he is magically able to kick out of 2, ,3 ,4 finishers and win with 1 arm ect...

here is an example of what i mean

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
(This post was last modified: 24-12-2013 23:57 by Fernandez Esperenda.)
24-12-2013 20:19
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #1272
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
WWE need to find new commentators who can actually make anything sound remotely important, they just laugh between themselves and make everything sound like a joke or sarcastic... how are the people who watch supposed to care if they can't even be bothered, i don't know why i still bother to watch this crap.

Bring back JR

*ok Brock lesnar coming back and Killing mark henry was pretty good, they need to get rid of crap like brodus clay, Kali, Curtis Axl, Santino.. and stop the "total divas" bullshit!

*and it gets worse, wwe turn daniel bryan into a heel, and make him bray wyatts bitch..... all because they can't have a guy who was more popular with the fans than cena...

The rock is a legend, says exactly how 90% of wwe fans feel

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
(This post was last modified: 31-12-2013 08:21 by Fernandez Esperenda.)
31-12-2013 02:38
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #1273
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Thing is, making Bryan a heel means he's more likely to win a big title in 2014. He'll also do great things for the Wyatts, if WWE stick with it. How much more anti-Authority can he get than joining a band of creepy nutters who wouldn't know a suit & tie if it fell on them? It's more likely to turn them Face.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
31-12-2013 08:59
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #1274
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Win a big title? Not at all, the only reason they made him a heel is a way for them to kill his momentum with the fans and crowd because he is more over with them and more popular than cena is, and we all know that nobody is allowed to be bigger than Cena in the WWE... thats the only reason why they heel turned him...

Now with bryan turning his back on the fans it has given super cena the oppourtunity to say "hi guys look I still love you all,id never turn my back on you, please love me"... sooner cena is done in wwe the better, he is holding the company back so bad... right now it should be daniel bryan in his prime as WWE champion fighting it out with guys like CM Punk, Dolph Ziggler, Damien Sandow, Wade Barrett Roman Reigns.. but becuase the WWE would rather shove Cena down our throats every week for the last 10 years, those guys i just said are not getting a chance.... they need to move on from fucking john cena.

There are loads of up and coming guys on shows like NXT that should be coming through and they are not getting the chance, When Jericho put Fandango/Johnny Curtis over at wrestlemania to kick start his Career, Jericho obviously saw a lot in him to agree to do that but since then they have just wasted another great new talent...

The big announcement tonight, main event at Royal Rumble PPV... wait for it..... Cena v Orton.....Again!... who gives a shit?

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
(This post was last modified: 31-12-2013 09:36 by Fernandez Esperenda.)
31-12-2013 09:23
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Joey 27 Offline
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Post: #1275
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
i sort of agree with you for the first time ever fernandez
01-01-2014 02:00
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #1276
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Breaking wwe news today. It has been announced that Kaitlyn has left/been released. Wonder if tna will try and sign her. Big blow for wwe as Kaitlyn was of their better divas I think

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 08-01-2014 17:56 by Rammyrascal.)
08-01-2014 17:46
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handsomeSOB Offline
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Post: #1277
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
She wanted to leave, she has some "big" plans with her fiancé (no not pregnant, he said on twitter, apparently, i'm only going by a facebook page though)

"Don't quote me on that"

People say, "I was born ready" with me, it's like, I wasn't born ready, but like 10 minutes after, I'm kind of ready-ish...

all views are my own... someone told me to say that and I thought it was a good idea
08-01-2014 20:36
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Joey 27 Offline
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Post: #1278
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
that's a shame, i thought kaitlyn was quite good in the ring and was the hottest diva in WWE
08-01-2014 21:27
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #1279
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
I haven't watched any of this shite for ages. Last time I watched any of it was around the time of Bryan being the McMahon's bitch getting beat down by HHH, Steph and their cronies every week. Now he's the Wyatt's bitch?

Hmm... doesn't really inspire me to start watching again yet. With Kaitlyn's departure I think it's a blow aswell. Easily the hottest diva of modern times along with AJ. Is AJ still in it?

Haven't wasted any money on the pay per views for ages either. Just can't get motivated to watch it. bladewave

PS - Cena v Orton again, again, again eh? Blah.... Sad

(This post was last modified: 08-01-2014 21:49 by Regenerated.)
08-01-2014 21:48
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stato Offline
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Post: #1280
RE: The Official WWE Discussion Thread
Don't blame Kaitlyn for leaving all the decent diva's that can actually wrestle leave as because they are not barbie dolls they dont get a fair shot - i mean Kaitlyn is sexy in my opinion but as she aint stick thin and looks like a barbie doll she dont get used properly and has to lose to the likes of the useless bella's who are no doubt where they are because of who they sleep with Cena and Bryan. I mean look at Tamina and Natalya both can wrestle but have to lose every week to the divas who just dance or win fancy dress contests. Victoria/Tara was the same no wonder she went to TNA where she was used better!
09-01-2014 00:03
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