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Delia Rose - RLC Chat & Discussion

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SYBORG666 Offline
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Post: #91
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
I hope Delia has a quick recovery and on the point of her not turning up to do the night show, give the girl a break. She isn't the first or the last girl to do it. Since I can remember on the babe shows the line up has changed at the last minute and Delia probably at the last minute lost confidence on doing the night show.
I know it can happen but that is just my opinion on the subject and wish her well.

Raising Hell Since 1980.

As a man once said:
"Control yourself, your better alone"
"Control yourself, see who gives a fuck"
(This post was last modified: 14-02-2014 00:33 by SYBORG666.)
14-02-2014 00:32
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dibs2k9 Offline
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Post: #92
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
lets look on the positive side delia has spoke to me and as far as im aware she is thrilled with her boobs so lets just forget last nite its gone and we can look forward ti her return
14-02-2014 00:33
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hairbald Offline
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Post: #93
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
I'm sure that Delia and/or Yasmine would have contacted RLC to say they couldn't make it.

Any sensible company doesn't think "I'll leave it to a girl who's stuck on a train/just had a car crash to let everyone know". No, a sensible company thinks "we've been hyping this show, our customers care about this, some of them may miss a 90th minute penalty over this, we'll communicate the unfortunate news ourselves".

14-02-2014 00:49
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oldmem2009 Offline
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Post: #94
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
it is simple! All we wanted to know is if the show was cancelled so that we could have got on doing other things.

Quite a lot of us felt her boobs were great and didn't need a boob job. But it is her decision. We were hopeful of seeing it in a night show before it happened.

Hence the flow of negative comments.
14-02-2014 07:48
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Mikefranz17 Offline
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Post: #95
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
^ 100% Correct Mate Its Called Having RESPECT!!! For Your Fansannoyed

FYI If Fans Dont Call You Aint Got Jobs.
14-02-2014 13:19
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Trickster Offline
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Post: #96
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
To be fair really at the end of the day it is her job so she doesn't have to keep any of us up to date about weather or not she is going to be on. She goes to work like all the rest of us and thats the money not to make friends ect...

On the other hand in her line of work it is probably best to keep her so called fans what ever happy so they call ect to keep her in a job.

I don't give 2 fucks really just wish girls would STOP wasting money on hard shitty boob jobs that are not NEEDED!!!

Mariam ChatGirlTV Hottest Babe Channel Girl!!!
(This post was last modified: 14-02-2014 16:08 by Trickster.)
14-02-2014 16:05
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YasmineJames Offline
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Post: #97
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
Some of you may have noticed that I did not do my Tuesday night show- this was due to breaking down on the motorway & 'almost' being in a crash. I got my car fixed the following day (Wednesday) & did not do the show due to my own PERSONAL reasons which I did not want to share with the whole of my twitter. Delia; not having the confidence to perform the night show by herself & having train difficulties; therefore decided that she would also not do that nightshow, but post photos of her natural boobs instead & reschedule the night show to do 'the big reveal' when she is more confident with her new boobs.

It frustrates me that people moan about girls getting their boobs enhanced. Both Delia & I were bullied throughout school for having a small chest. Having boobs is a very feminine thing & without them, it gives you low self esteem & confidence issues. Getting my breasts enlarged was the best thing I ever did- not because it enhanced my career, but because it enhanced my confidence. No man will ever understand this because having a small genital region is not an openly visible sight unlike a women's breasts.

Yes, Delia & I could have tweeted to inform viewers that we were not going to be performing our 241 show, but if you check our twitters- there has only ever been one tweet sent by ourselves regarding Delia doing a GUEST appearance on MY show. Our lives are our business. We are people with problems, just like you. Once you inform the twitter world that you are cancelling a shift due to 'personal issues', you then have to expect a million questions & assumptions regarding the 'issue'. I was not ready to answer questions regarding my PERSONAL LIFE at that stage & Delia had no reason to inform everybody that she wasn't going to be making a GUEST appearance, as it was never her shift in the first place. If four hours of one girl revealing her natural assets on TV for the first time for your entertainment is worth more than our emotions & well being, then you seriously need to sit down & rethink your priorities.

Most of you on the forums do not even call the channels but simply report and debate about them. To those rare few that do call, then we apologise for ruining your evening of entertainment but we had valid reasons to not show up.

Many girls have cancelled WHOLE night shift 'big reveals' before over several channels. This was a quick 4 hour stint that myself and Delia thought of as a treat and bit of fun before her breast augmentation the following day- it wasn't even scheduled.

Twitter: @YasmineJamesXXX
14-02-2014 17:05
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Mikefranz17 Offline
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Post: #98
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
^^^^ Honestly Dont Have A Problem With Fake Real Personal, But No Man Will Ever Understand Really Bit Harsh annoyed Men Can Have Visible Problems That People Can See That Effect Confidence Weather Its Bad Teeth, Acne, Skin Rashes So Dont Even Go There With That.

The Big And The Small Of Things Is That It Wouldn't Have Killed You To To Tweet And Say 'British Weather Has Effected Are Appearance On Tonight's Show So We Have Been Forced To Cancel Sorry Guy Hope You Understand' No Question Asked We Are Not Monsters!!!
14-02-2014 18:07
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oldmem2009 Offline
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Post: #99
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
(14-02-2014 17:05 )YasmineJames Wrote:  snip

All would have been simply handled by one tweet.. "car crashed can't make for the show".. none would have complained.
14-02-2014 18:15
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tylercoop Offline
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Post: #100
RE: Delia Rose - RLC Chat, Caps & Vids
A very mature and articulated response from Yasmine. I personally completely forgot about the show to be honest, I didn't even realise all this happened and I was completely mesmerised by Rachel that night anyway. All I care about is whether Delia is all right and recovering well from her procedure and that they both got back safe and sound.
14-02-2014 18:16
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