You can't beat a laugh!
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RE: Jokes
A disabled man was sick of life and decided to commit suicide. So he positioned his wheelchair near the ledge of the fifth floor of a multi-storey car park, but couldn't quite manage to get over the barrier so that he could plunge to his death. In desperation, he pleaded with passers-by to help him end his life but they either refused or ignored him.
Eventually a beautiful blonde went over to him, but just as he was about to ask her to help him die, she looked him in the eye and gave him the most magical compassionate smile. Dazzled by her beauty, he instinctively smiled back and realized the world no longer seemed such a terrible place.
"I'm so glad we met", she said tenderly. "You are the type of man I've been looking for. You look so honest and kind, unlike all the other men I've known! What are you doing up here anyway?"
"You know it's hard to believe, but when I first came up here I was just desperate for someone to toss me off, but none of these men would do it. But now I've seen you, I don't feel the need anymore!"
Her face dropped instantly. "You dirty queer" she yelled, and pushed him over the barrier.
17-02-2014 10:31 |
Posts: 44,991
Joined: Nov 2013
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18-02-2014 12:22 |
Posts: 44,991
Joined: Nov 2013
Reputation: 172
19-02-2014 20:49 |
You can't beat a laugh!
Posts: 12,876
Joined: Jul 2012
Reputation: 137
RE: Jokes
Celebrity School Reports - Teachers Remarks
"Dear Mr and Mrs Harris, young Rolf is annoying the crap out of everyone."
"Dear Mr and Mrs Radcliffe, Paula is a talented young lady but she must remember school rules: no running or shitting in the corridor."
Dear Mr and Mrs Clegg, Nick has gone into his shell somewhat this term after becoming friendly with the Cameron boy."
"Dear Mr and Mrs Pan, Peter shows awesome promise but he really needs to grow up."
"Dear Mr Ramsden, Harry really is a chip off the old block, but he could do batter."
"Dear Mr and Mrs Wenger, Arsene is doing wonderfully in French, but I'm sorry to tell you that yet again he has failed his eye test."
"Dear Mr and Mrs Milliband, David has been a bit upset by Ed standing against him as milk monitor."
"Dear Mr and Mrs Morgan, I'm afraid Piers is what we at this school refer to as a little c**t"
"Dear Mr and Mrs Hitler, Adolf is doing very well in science and the debating society, but spends far too much time occupying other pupils desks."
Dear Mr and Mrs West, Fred is working hard on the school patio. Unfortunately, the headmaster has gone missing and is unable to congratulate him."
19-02-2014 20:59 |