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[split] Babestation - General Chat & Discussion

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Lamarr l 21 l Offline
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Post: #31
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
Dunno why people are sending babeshow girls pm's criticising their performances, that to me can be classed as taking this a step too far, I would certainly take it very personally if someone did that too me, I would very much urge the person who sent the message to own up and apologise infront of us all. After all were also loosing out here as it looks like your message was so insulting it's made Cali tweet about it and also consider if she should be even logging onto this forum!

Also if your gonna start pm'ing girls, taking this to abit more of a personal level I suggest you sort out your priorities and go look up the word "respect" in the dictionary. Very much on Calis side no matter what her performances are like you need to keep that fine line of respect in place. Pm'ing someone saying something like "your performances aren't good enough" is quite frankly asking for trouble.
(This post was last modified: 28-04-2014 08:13 by Lamarr l 21 l.)
28-04-2014 07:59
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
(28-04-2014 06:00 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  
(25-04-2014 20:51 )Joey 27 Wrote:  funny how rammy never defended cali garcia when you "personally attacked her"

Aye he did Wink

(26-04-2014 09:39 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  well said cali, hit the nail firmly on the head

(26-04-2014 15:06 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  I was agreeing with what cali had said about opinions and insults on the forum and what she was saying regarding scottishbloke

I always knew you were a brownosing troll Rammy. Glad you proved me right Cool

As for Cali, if its any consolation I thought you were horrendous once again the other night, sitting on your throne like the Queen of Sheba, plenty of phone waving I happened to notice, Oh dear................Rolleyes

Out of order calling me a brown nosing troll sb. totally unacceptable behaviour, whilst I don't agree with what your saying, I don't have a go at you like you have here with me. so why do it. youre making yourself look like a bully

think the babeshow babes on babestation and the other babechannels can take criticism, they have to given the industry they are in. when they can't take it is when they feel it personally attacks them, usually they get this sort of criticism about their boob job (if they've had one) or when they've had a tattoo (again if they've had one) and when they get that sort of criticism they are entitled to reply just as strongly

I also am extremely fed up of all the negativity on the forum at the moment. if you don't like the babeshows as they are at the moment or don't like a babeshow babe then don't post such negative comments about them. just comment on the babes you do like or if you do feel you have to criticise, do it in a respectful way

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
28-04-2014 08:47
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Whynot Online
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Post: #33
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
Well i must say i find Cali calling the majority of forum members pricks deeply hurtful..... why must these personal attacks happen... if she has nothing nice to say maybe she should say nothing at all Tongue

Although i imagine she has plenty of time to think up insults as she rarely seems to be busy when she is in the alleyway of doom.... why is it BS think doms belong in alleys? Or maybe this is true to real life, if i walked down an alley in London would i be ball gagged and whipped before i reached the end eek

I hate injustice and liars
28-04-2014 09:59
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Snooks Away
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Post: #34
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
As long as criticism is based on the perceived quality of show I don't see a problem.
However criticism should really be posted on the threads and not via pm.
I have been known to send pms to some babes but not for the purpose of slating their shows and certainly not for the purpose of personal insults bladewave.
If it becomes an unncecessary personal insult in no way relevant to a view on the quality of show then that is quite different. Rammy used a good example in terms of derogatory words regarding the looks of the babeshow ladies.
There is obviously no need for that.
Regarding the term 'Deadwood'.
I have heard this term used about people in different roles or professions quite frequently.
It is not inferring to their worth as as a human being it is an assessment on their worth in terms of quality of performance in a certain role.
Yes it is pretty strong but to me not a personal insult.

(This post was last modified: 28-04-2014 10:26 by Snooks.)
28-04-2014 10:17
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Robot Devil Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
(28-04-2014 06:19 )HannahsPet Wrote:  Robot devil if u gonna quote Cali least do all her tweets or was it convienient to leave out the one which i think she was pissed off about. the one when someone PM'ed her criticising her. i dont mind criticism on here a public forum but when you take time to write her a PM to do it thats a bit OTT

HP, As I'm not a regular user of Twitter, just an observer really, I copied exactly what I saw. I didn't see any reference to her being PM'd, just a catty comment about the forum. IF you're referring to a later tweet where she showed a pic of a PM she had received on here then yes, I saw that, but can't confirm if that's what motivated her earlier tweet so I made no reference to it.

28-04-2014 10:27
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Robot Devil Offline
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Post: #36
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
Well said Snookered. Indeed, for me, Ruby has been Babestation's MVP this year, so far. Superb stuff in fact.

28-04-2014 10:37
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
all the the tweets seemed to have been sent around the same time and i didnt see them till this morning so you could have been right and posted the tweets before the latter one came up

dont know what the fuss is about its not like members of this forum havent been called pricks before Big LaughBig Laugh. the way i see it You lot have the right to criticise cali but she also has the right to call the people she doesnt like comments off Pricks if they criticise her work.

people cant bang on about free speech if you dont like the reply that free speech gets

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
28-04-2014 11:02
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whangie Offline

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Post: #38
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
(28-04-2014 08:47 )Rammyrascal Wrote:  I also am extremely fed up of all the negativity on the forum at the moment. if you don't like the babeshows as they are at the moment or don't like a babeshow babe then don't post such negative comments about them. just comment on the babes you do like or if you do feel you have to criticise, do it in a respectful way

Asking for respectful criticism only is laughably naive, even by your usual standards.

Especially when it's all regarding an industry so often wretchedly disrespectful towards both its staff and its customers !!

Maybe if the channels' management started showing a bit more respect towards their performers and their callers, then you'd have a bit more chance of justifying a call for respectful criticism only.

But in case you've yet to notice (despite your umpteen thousand posts) this forum, and the channels themselves, operate in something called the real world rather than some fluffy-cloud universe.

Guess what, in the real world you have to deal with real criticism.

Most of the time, the best way to deal with real criticism is to quietly note the small amount that's worthwhile and totally brush away all the rest of it without giving those critics the satisfaction of knowing they've rattled you.

Alternatively, you can bite on every lump of criticism flung your way and that usually produces only one outcome - loads more criticism further down the line !!!

When you get the oil out, drench yourself rather than just a couple of smears,
28-04-2014 11:47
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lacey_fan Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
I'd just like to say Cali Garcia is a mighty fine hot babe.

I do understand some of the criticism thrown at her as I do think it myself but rather than being harsh we should be constructive. I am also disappointed to see how Cali perceives forum members, its like she has generalised everyone in that one tweet.

The problem at hand is her perception of domination. Im sure forum members on here have seen some of the babes on various channels pull it off exceptionally well through their use of whips, tight leather corsets, knee high boots and stern expressions. I watched Cali the past two nights one with Ella Mai and one with Angela. You could tell Ella knew how to be a dom she had a belt and she knew how to use it, her body language showed she was in charge along, she even wrapped the belt around Cali's neck a few times. In comparison Cali just sat there throughout the whole section. Moving onto her second stint with Angela, babestation wrote on osg it was a domination section, i was baffled why they called it domination both Angela and Cali were dressed in that holey body stockings(hardly a domination outfit), but the problem appeared once more Cali just sat there.

Perhaps Cali should incorporate some sort of whip or belt in her dom sections, more movement to assert her dominance on screen. There are various positions she could use to assert dominance over her callers, i.e. show her feet/boots to give callers idea of licking them, hand scrunching, standing on her side and simulating forcing her ass onto a face.

Just my two cents on this whole fiasco, either she changes the way she does dom sections or she should just stop them, her normal shows are fine and when shes oiled shes magnificent.
28-04-2014 12:19
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Snooks Away
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Post: #40
RE: Babestation - General Chat & Discussion
(28-04-2014 11:02 )HannahsPet Wrote:  all the the tweets seemed to have been sent around the same time and i didnt see them till this morning so you could have been right and posted the tweets before the latter one came up

dont know what the fuss is about its not like members of this forum havent been called pricks before Big LaughBig Laugh. the way i see it You lot have the right to criticise cali but she also has the right to call the people she doesnt like comments off Pricks if they criticise her work.

people cant bang on about free speech if you dont like the reply that free speech gets

Oh indeed she can say whatever she likes as long as we can all respond in the same vain. I feel sure that if that happened it would be met with universal approval Wink.
Criticism of performance is quite different to pathetic and personal insults like 'prick' Rolleyes.

(This post was last modified: 28-04-2014 12:43 by Snooks.)
28-04-2014 12:35
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