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Call of Duty: Ghosts

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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #41
RE: Call of Duty: Ghosts
Next one is going to be basically MW4, there are some rumors going around that it may have a name like Ghosts but it will basically be MW4. Expecting a teaser trailer about May 6th (usually premiered during half time of one of the NBA playoff games). I've hated Ghosts so much that I'm actually looking forward to the next one whatever it ends up being called, it'll hopefully look good enough to warrant me finally getting a PS4.

And on the whole WAW thing, with the new 3 year cycle now between production studio's, you could get a new WAW title next year

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27-04-2014 09:03
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #42
RE: Call of Duty: Ghosts
just downloaded the snoop dogg narrator pack on multiplayer... why i do not know..

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
02-05-2014 13:16
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Lamarr l 21 l Offline
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Post: #43
RE: Call of Duty: Ghosts
^^^^BounceBounce better off spending that couple of pounds on the lottery
07-05-2014 06:45
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #44
RE: Call of Duty: Ghosts

New DLC looks great here, but in all honesty when you play it we all know what it will probably turn out like...

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
(This post was last modified: 30-05-2014 18:25 by Fernandez Esperenda.)
30-05-2014 18:22
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #45
RE: Call of Duty: Ghosts
Looking forward to the return of Favela, one of my faves from MW2. My guess as to what the new game will be like was pretty wide of the mark lol. With all the talk of hover bikes and exoskeleton suits I am concerned already for the new one :-/

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30-05-2014 18:51
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Fernandez Esperenda Offline

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Post: #46
RE: Call of Duty: Ghosts
Had the new maps for 2 days for favela, not once has it been on that map yet, same old shit, getting spawned and killed straight away from behind, getting killed off 1 shot by machine guns, whats the point in this game?

Why should i have to play with sad fucks like this that spend all day everyday on the thing who's life ambition is prestiege 10 and a 3.0 K/D ratio? I just want a fair game to play with others at a similar level to me for fun! its a fucking joke! why is it so much to ask just to put people togethr who are similar levels?

FCP mais que um clube*Super Dragoes*
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2014 15:05 by Fernandez Esperenda.)
07-06-2014 14:50
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #47
RE: Call of Duty: Ghosts
Pretty much agree with every single word of that Fernandez. Been on for a little rip this morning to complete a couple of challenges and as we say in my office "the levels of retardation are high with this one" lol. Had some right rage quit moments. Spawn system continues to be fucked making everyone either camp or run around like a YouTube moron with the ripper.

Oh *Edit* and WHY do people continue to play the objective game types and NOT PLAY THE SODDING OBJECTIVE! #Rage

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(This post was last modified: 07-06-2014 15:21 by BaddaBing.)
07-06-2014 15:19
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