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I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...

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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #1
I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
For some reason, someone has decided to give me negative rep stating...

jonnyb Wrote:Making up stuff about day time chats that are just lies and will get the girls in to trouble. You never spoke to any day time girl and had her saying fucking, wanking, etc etc. What I don't understand is why you'd come on here and bullshit about it.

I don't quite know what this guys problem is but in case other people have been silly enough to misunderstand my posts regarding my calls to the daytime shows, I just want to clear it up:

The daytime girls do not say things like 'fucking', 'wanking' etc. They do not speak outright filth but certain girls are happy to help you get off by staying within the rules and using codewords or suggestive speech.

As far as I know I've never once claimed anything other than that and there's plenty of other people on here who can backup things I've posted as they've tried the girls in question and had a great time.

I feel this should be cleared up in case there are more people stupid enough to not get what I've been posting about the daytime shows and call up with completely the wrong idea.
07-06-2009 10:56
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #2
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
its not me thats doing it

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
07-06-2009 10:57
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Hollywood PillowPants Offline
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Post: #3
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
I've never had a reason to disagree with any of your posts,i know it's very,very rare too get away with anything too saucy on daytime before the girl hangs up.But a few good double entendres can go a long way. Wink

""This show's about as interesting as Nick Griffin reading excerpts from 'Mein Kampf'!"
07-06-2009 11:14
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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #4
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
Well I've got away with a lot on the dayshows and have had some great phonesex on the dayshows but it's never been anything outright. You can't say things like fuck, cock, wank, cum etc. You need to use code and I've explained this a LOT but for some reason this idiot jonnyb can't get his head around that. I'm hoping he's in the minority and everyone else gets the point I've made in my daytime threads and can continue to enjoy hot daytime phonecalls.
07-06-2009 11:16
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jonnyb Offline
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Post: #5
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
It was me. I thought Scotsman was completely b/s'ing about having sex chat during day time shows with girls e.g. below quote from Scotsman re day time chat;

"More talk about sliding my cock between her tits, fucking her in the ass and cumming in her face"

All of the day time shows have had had Ofcom listening in and I am sure they look on here too. Saying things like that will on here will just spoil it for everyone, get the girls into trouble and get the channels warnings from Ofcom.

The day time girls can't say any thing like what Scotsman says they can. All they can do is "innocently" talk about something which you may interpret in a way that was "not intended". Braging about non existent sex chat is b's.

Scotsman Wrote:I had another great wank with Fernanda at the weekend. She's always quite blatant about it to be honest. More talk about sliding my cock between her tits, fucking her in the ass and cumming in her face basically. She's an amazing call.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned Sophia, but she's always up for letting you wank. She doesn't say as much as Fernanda but will pose for you, kind of moan a little bit and go along with whatever you're talking about. Always a good call.

So to continue what I did in the first post with the categories, here's some slightly updated ones...

Filth: Kelly Bell, Michelle Thorne, Fernanda, Tiffany, Dannii Harwood, Sophia, Holly James
Wankable: Vicky Thomas, Laura J, Carmen, Abbee, Lynsey, TJ
Boring: Dani T, Georginna Baillie, most Babestation babes

The rest I've either not tried, are not to my taste or are just too boring.
07-06-2009 11:35
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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #6
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
I didn't say they outright said any of those words. The convo with Fernanda went something like this, as an example...

"You have great boobs, I'd love to slide it between them." - That's basically talking about fucking her tits, without actually saying it.

"You have a great ass as well, do you like it up there?" - That's asking if she likes anal WITHOUT ACTUALLY SAYING IT.

"I'm going to finish now" - That's saying I'm going to cum, to which Fernanda generally says "Well I'll blow you a nice big kiss" and gets close to the camera so I can see her face as I cum.

It really isn't rocket science, I thought people had generally got the gist by now. We did talk about fucking her tits, anal sex and cumming on her face but NONE OF IT WAS ACTUALLY SAID.

Why don't you call up one of the girls I've suggested and try some of the things I've discussed, if you can actually get your head around it since clearly that's an issue, and see what happens.

And also, on the subject of them getting in trouble for it, I'm not saying anything that isn't already fully known by their producers etc. who sit there all day long whilst these calls are taking place. If their producers had an issue, they'd know already about the calls, they don't need my posts to enlighten them. The girls aren't breaking any rules anyway, as I've fully explained if you had actually read the whole thread you're quoting from.
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2009 11:52 by Scotsman.)
07-06-2009 11:50
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Mike Offline

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Post: #7
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
jonnyb Wrote:It was me. I thought Scotsman was completely b/s'ing about having sex chat during day time shows with girls e.g. below quote from Scotsman re day time chat;

"More talk about sliding my cock between her tits, fucking her in the ass and cumming in her face"

All of the day time shows have had had Ofcom listening in and I am sure they look on here too. Saying things like that will on here will just spoil it for everyone, get the girls into trouble and get the channels warnings from Ofcom.

The day time girls can't say any thing like what Scotsman says they can. All they can do is "innocently" talk about something which you may interpret in a way that was "not intended". Braging about non existent sex chat is b's.

Scotsman Wrote:I had another great wank with Fernanda at the weekend. She's always quite blatant about it to be honest. More talk about sliding my cock between her tits, fucking her in the ass and cumming in her face basically. She's an amazing call.

I'm not sure if I've mentioned Sophia, but she's always up for letting you wank. She doesn't say as much as Fernanda but will pose for you, kind of moan a little bit and go along with whatever you're talking about. Always a good call.

So to continue what I did in the first post with the categories, here's some slightly updated ones...

Filth: Kelly Bell, Michelle Thorne, Fernanda, Tiffany, Dannii Harwood, Sophia, Holly James
Wankable: Vicky Thomas, Laura J, Carmen, Abbee, Lynsey, TJ
Boring: Dani T, Georginna Baillie, most Babestation babes

The rest I've either not tried, are not to my taste or are just too boring.

where has Scotsman said in any of his posts that you can talk dirty to any off his day time girls
...innuendo-yes......imagination-yes....code words-yes
if you want that talk then just go to
07-06-2009 11:52
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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #8
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
Don't worry mike, if this guy wants proof all he needs to do is call Kelly Bell tomorrow and when she asks 'Are you being a good boy or a naughty boy', say 'Naughty' and see what happens. Wink
07-06-2009 11:56
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Mike Offline

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Post: #9
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
Tuesday for kelly
07-06-2009 11:58
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Scotsman Offline
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Post: #10
RE: I just want to clear something up regarding the day shows...
Well either way, you know what I mean. Wink It'd clear up all his doubts. Of course, he won't do it, seems far more content to say I'm lying when he has no idea.
07-06-2009 12:00
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