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My Birthday

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G@Z! Offline

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Post: #21
RE: My Birthday
my did i click on this thread again decompression sickness
07-06-2009 10:56
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Stacey Offline
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Post: #22
RE: My Birthday
Crikey. This was just a personal note about the fact that it happens to be my birthday on Monday & I was sharing my feelings about not being a teen- no big deal. If you didn't like it or thought it over the top or not relevant/appropriate then either flipping ignore it & not waste your time & energy being bitchy about it making it worse than it was ( there was no harm in it). There is no need to be shitty on my post- I won't be shity to any of you on your posts. Either that take it to Flamebox & you can bitch all you want & I'm happy to retort there & perhaps have the debate whether any of your posts/comments are relevant/appropriate/necessary/over the top each & every time. Or perhaps certain people actually think that & certain people say what they want- oh yeah it must be right cos certain people say so. Smells a bit like 'like do what I say not as I do- Cronyism a little. Ok I'm leaving it alone here I hope others do & forget it.

07-06-2009 11:02
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bobbistuff Offline
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Post: #23
RE: My Birthday
a bit harsh from a few of you for a youngster just wishing to get a few happy birthday wishes and and to share a bit of sadness at losing her teens with other members of the forum....think the navel gazing and explanations of the meaning of life or death was uncalled for.....maybe your a bit previous...but have a lovely day would have done....enjoy your day honey....
07-06-2009 17:34
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Sooky™ Offline
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Post: #24
RE: My Birthday
what was harsh?

poking fun, sarcastic, not fawning etc - yes

harsh - eh, where?

I'm not gonna wish sum1 happy birthday if it's not their b'day yet - otherwise i'm gonna be here an awful long time with over 11,000 other members to wish happy (it's not your) Birthday to.

This thread does (like an awful lot of her other posts) seem an awful lot like attention seeking. if that's not what stacey intended, then i recommend she tone it down a bit (and not keep repeating her posts til someone pays it attention) and just be herself rather than what she thinks she has to be on here and she'll settle in a lot better

But as for the navel gazing/meaning of life or death stuff - if you can't deal with humour/sarcasm then unfortunately you are not gonna deal well on this or any other forum as they kinda go hand in hand with each other. And what other reason is there for a birthday than to celebrate/reflect on all aspects of life, one of which is ultimately death lol. But I think you will actually find it was stacey who made the biggest deal of the whole getting old thing - it's only turning 20 FFS! it's hardly pensionable age.

And I could argue, how patronising of you to dismiss her merely as "a youngster" Big Grin

To quote the eurythmics..."when tomorrow comes" I will wish her happy birthday, as then it will be Smile

07-06-2009 18:06
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ritchie1 Offline
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Post: #25
RE: My Birthday
once u reach 20 you change section in the adult industry,
From Teen to Milf

Hehe just kidding Wink
I'll not wish u a happy birthday yet,
but i'll be on to it tomorrow Smile

Im here for a good time, Not a long time !
07-06-2009 18:10
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Stacey Offline
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Post: #26
RE: My Birthday
Fair enough, I've taken all your comments on board. I've read a lot some of other peoples past posts & they could certainly be viewed as 'over the top' or attention seeking' - far more than my ' its my birthday on monday' :-) & perhaps they should be toned down- but my view is that it is up to them what they post & i won't go bitching about it in their posts or go highjacking people's threads- which I am told is against forum rules. I realise that some of the comments were made in jest & maybe I was a bit 'over sensitive' As Sooky says you need to able to take a bit of banter etc & in the real world I do. Also i am new & need to learn the ways of the forum so on this occasion I will bow to your experience on the forum & not be such a wet blanket ;-)

Can we leave it there now ?

07-06-2009 19:27
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rickhardo Offline

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Post: #27
RE: My Birthday
We'll leave it there till tomorrow when you are sure to get plenty of birthday good wishes.

I don't know where you magic pixies came from, but I like your pixie drink!
07-06-2009 19:29
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Sooky™ Offline
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Post: #28
RE: My Birthday
Stacey Wrote:Can we leave it there now ?

Here's hoping everyone does after you asked for it to be dropped last time and people kept dragging it up again lol

the countdown starts now though and I will see you back here in 3.5 hours for your birthday message Smile xx

07-06-2009 19:31
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ritchie1 Offline
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Post: #29
RE: My Birthday
see now that you have kissed and made up...
dont suppose that you made a video of it Tongue Smile

Im here for a good time, Not a long time !
07-06-2009 19:32
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Sooky™ Offline
The Rack Attack!!

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Post: #30
RE: My Birthday
ritchie1 Wrote:see now that you have kissed and made up...
dont suppose that you made a video of it Tongue Smile

now, unlike most other posts on this thread which were still on the topic of birthday's etc and so still to a degree relevant to the thread topic....that is off topic and poses the potential of hijacking the thread
at least have some relevancy folks Smile

07-06-2009 19:35
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