Aahh Yeah
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Joined: Jun 2009
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RE: Big Brother!
cee Wrote:stevesworld Wrote:cee Wrote:Colbert Rules Wrote:It's called trying too hard and wolfman has already spotted it.
Agreed! But for me it has allot to do with east/west abundantly varied value system. I have quite a few Asian friends, some Muslim, a few Hindu but mostly Sikh. All of which, I have very different values to - whether it comes to faith, family or relationships. All those differences are just part of our varied upbringings, and if they were to ever preach to me about their values or beliefs, in comparison to mine, I have to say, I would lose allot of respect for them.
The issue tonight about girls dressing in a provocative way is just his opinion, and is based around his culture and upbringing... and whether he believes that opinion is right, and can't say if it is, or isn't - he should not impose that opinion on someone who clearly feels comfortable about the way she chooses to dress, and obviously has no issues about that choice.
To me he seems like the classic preacher type, he needs to realise that the values of the people in the house will be very different to his, because of the huge culture clash... and in turn, be more excepting of that.
Okay, rant over lol.
HERE HERE very well put, it's the same in all walks of life / faiths whereby people try to get their "My values are better that your values " points across only the Eastern - Western divide is so wide and so published.
Would want a Bible toting mormon in the house either
lol, I've never met a Mormon, but if one walked into my house and started preaching to me about the way he lives his life... he may end up leaving with a few less teeth than he came in with.
Just on Siavash - watching his VT intro, I thought I would hate him. In fact he has been one of the coolest people in there so far, and probably one of the people I would enjoy spending my time with if I was a house mate.
Yep, Siavash is super cool at the moment, hope no-one takes the piss like Deb pointed out - of his good nature.
Certainly made a good impression on Cairon
Hope you don't mine sharing the Dixon - I have 2 left feet!
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