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OFCOM Breaches

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rogerthedoger Offline
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Post: #31
RE: OFCOM Breaches
even if it is offcom i bet its not i won't give them any videos if i had any because they will look in to geting rid of elite tv i do't want that because i like seeing Emily geting naughty with the other babes
09-06-2009 12:39
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firekind Offline

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Post: #32
RE: OFCOM Breaches
i don't know why people dont report playboy for showing 'pg' rated shows that are actually 18 rated. i am sure they are doing this with offcons knowledge. i would think you guys would be pissed at your favourite girls being reported while the big american channel gets away with breaches like this.
09-06-2009 14:14
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Dreamlander Offline

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Post: #33
RE: OFCOM Breaches
DiduHearThat Wrote:
Ofcom.Compliance Wrote:Thank you for your private messages. Please remember to include times and dates when submitting.


[Image: zcd4s6478ml5xk79w3rh.jpg]

That guy is holding a Desert Eagle I think and with one hand he would have trouble hitting a barn door,such is the recoil of that big caliber gun.Also,it isn't 'cocked' and the trigger pressure required is quite considerable,so I've read.So my money is on the guy with the foil.If he is as agile as a fencer usually is he should win but will be deaf in one ear for the rest of his life!Big Grin The upside being he still has a life! But then it looks like an official competition setup so the guy with the gun would have already been disqualified.Big Grin

How bored am I ? lol! Big Grin

Dreamlander-Funny picture though!
09-06-2009 15:41
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Chucknorris Offline
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Post: #34
RE: OFCOM Breaches
I think a good old roundhouse kick would be suitable for HendersonBig Grin

Everytime you masturbate, Chuck Norris punches a Mexican baby in the face.
09-06-2009 15:56
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rickhardo Offline

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Post: #35
RE: OFCOM Breaches
I can see the irony in what I'm about to say but why are we humouring this idiot by replying? Just ignore him, he's clearly after attention.

I don't know where you magic pixies came from, but I like your pixie drink!
09-06-2009 15:57
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DiduHearThat Offline
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Post: #36
RE: OFCOM Breaches
we could send chuck to find him

[Image: 8aooq56wr1ykwnjtf0.gif]
(This post was last modified: 09-06-2009 16:07 by DiduHearThat.)
09-06-2009 16:03
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archie Offline
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Post: #37
RE: OFCOM Breaches
SomeGeek Wrote:Don't Feed The Troll

Some of my best friends are trolls, and they like a good Gnosh.
09-06-2009 21:54
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