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Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids

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DarrenLewis Offline
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Post: #681
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
Guys some of you make me sick one minute Tara is hottest thing since slice bread and now your talking her down I think she's a very nice young lady and can't wait to see her on studio66tv again she's a stunner oh one more thing models do have private life's just as we all do just think about that.
21-09-2014 00:23
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SlikRick Offline
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Post: #682
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
Top post that Darren, I really should respect the fact that Tara's private live is furnished with money conned out of misfortunate fans who trust her word!

Silly me!?!
21-09-2014 08:24
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Block Offline
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Post: #683
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
(21-09-2014 00:23 )DarrenLewis Wrote:  [quote='SlikRick' pid='1538151' dateline='1411216141']
Guys some of you make me sick one minute Tara is hottest thing since slice bread and now your talking her down I think she's a very nice young lady and can't wait to see her on studio66tv again she's a stunner oh one more thing models do have private life's just as we all do just think about that.

Darren, no one is denying that Tara looks hot when on screen and looks a real stunner.
This is what makes her dangerous. Her looks make it easy for her to con people out of money. She promises things then doesn't deliver.
She is like a delicious looking apple riddled with worms.
It looks so enticing and delicious then you bite into it and get a nasty surprise.
To me a girls personality means a lot. Someone ugly on the inside can not make up for any natural beauty on the outside. I would much rather speak to an average looking women who has a really beautiful personality.

Darren you are obviously different. This is fine, you are entitled to your opinion and there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone of us is different and like different things.

However this forum is here to share information, pictures and videos of the girls. If one girl is deliberately ripping off customers and lying about all manner of things ALL MEMBERS HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW.

If you decide to ignore this information then that is fine. But it is only fair to warn people what they might expect.

If you contact Tara and have a great experience post about it in the forum. That way people have more opinions to choose from. At the moment all this girl is getting is negative reviews, (IMO because she deserves them). She needs to get some more good reviews so by all means everybody post them. (I fear however she won't get many).
(This post was last modified: 21-09-2014 08:56 by Block.)
21-09-2014 08:54
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DarrenLewis Offline
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Post: #684
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
Yes your right everyone has there own opinion and experiences with Tara but I think some people are to harsh on her it has nothing to do with her beauty and does not distract my opinion think she's a warm and fun young lady as I said what happens in Tara's private life we don't know and never will maybe if you show some respect for Tara she show some back. Plus I have a friend he ordered a custom of her sometime ago now paid for it and got it was very happy with it but don't forget some people could be lieing about her who knows, all I can say is I think she's a top presenter. It just makes me laugh that couple of people had no problems with her when she first started sitting up or laying down now you go off that she does it all the time other girls do it just as well as Tara does maybe it's not Tara's fault but the studio66 bosses tell girls what to do why on screen should take that into account.
21-09-2014 09:42
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Block Offline
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Post: #685
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids

Yes your right everyone has there own opinion and experiences with Tara but I think some people are to harsh on her it has nothing to do with her beauty and does not distract my opinion think she's a warm and fun young lady as I said what happens in Tara's private life we don't know and never will maybe if you show some respect for Tara she show some back. Plus I have a friend he ordered a custom of her sometime ago now paid for it and got it was very happy with it but don't forget some people could be lieing about her who knows, all I can say is I think she's a top presenter. It just makes me laugh that couple of people had no problems with her when she first started sitting up or laying down now you go off that she does it all the time other girls do it just as well as Tara does maybe it's not Tara's fault but the studio66 bosses tell girls what to do why on screen should take that into account.

Darren you are missing the point, i'm not talking about what she does on screen or how she looks on screen.
I am talking about her lieing about her E-mail address, her AW account etc. She is unreliable always skipping shifts. Doesn't turn up for webshows when she says she will.
Some of the people you have accused of lieing about her are some of the people i have learnt to respect on this forum so i am pretty sure they aren't liars.

I am happy that you and your friend have had good experiances with Tara. I hope many more people do.

All that I and some other members are pointing out is she has told lies and cannot be trusted. If you want to take a risk then great but be careful.
21-09-2014 09:56
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #686
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
All these guys with their 'In My Opinion'. If I had a penny for everyone that I'd read I'd be able to phone one of the shows.

On a forum everyone is entiled to an opinion, until it becomes excessive and it then falls into the trolling category.
21-09-2014 09:57
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SlikRick Offline
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Post: #687
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
(21-09-2014 09:57 )Charlemagne Wrote:  All these guys with their 'In My Opinion'. If I had a penny for everyone that I'd read I'd be able to phone one of the shows.

On a forum everyone is entiled to an opinion, until it becomes excessive and it then falls into the trolling category.

Moving the opinions to one side, there is enough fact available to justify warning members of the forum about her recent business strategy Charlemagne.
21-09-2014 10:24
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #688
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
We don't mind you warning guys in a post.
21-09-2014 10:43
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DarrenLewis Offline
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Post: #689
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
(21-09-2014 09:57 )Charlemagne Wrote:  All these guys with their 'In My Opinion'. If I had a penny for everyone that I'd read I'd be able to phone one of the shows.

On a forum everyone is entiled to an opinion, until it becomes excessive and it then falls into the trolling category.

Firstly I never said in my opinion I said everyone has there own opinion just like to clear that up.
21-09-2014 11:03
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dvapour Offline
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Post: #690
RE: Tara - Chat, Caps & Vids
(11-09-2014 17:15 )faketitslove Wrote:  I to have fallen foul of the nasty side of Tara

I was a regular on her web cam for over a year then she sold me a custom video she told me to put in an email what I wanted then she told me her account details via cam, months past and no video when I asked her about this on adultwork she said some 1 was scamming her and she didn't sell videos but when I told she was the 1 who told me via cam she turned it off then blanked me this was then followed by threats of I know where u live so shut up or I send some friends to visit u
shame as this girl could have made it big in this industry but she has a nasty side so be where

They get away with this stuff because they aren't accountable to anyone and believe they can do anything based on their looks. Might be worth going over to somewhere like 4chan and seeing if they can dox her and find her home address.
(This post was last modified: 21-09-2014 11:06 by dvapour.)
21-09-2014 11:06
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