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Ofcom Discussion

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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #3261
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Apparently 6 people complained about the lesbian kiss in the new Dr Who series on saturday. Ofcom has reponded saying they won't be taking any action. Their comment was :

Quote:Our rules do not discriminate between scenes involving opposite sex and same sex couples.

Good news for the babeshows, unleash the girl-girl action laugh

"I'm a featherless bird ... in a sky so absurd"

Sophia - Becky - Mica - Camilla - Ella
28-08-2014 21:11
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #3262
RE: Ofcom Discussion
^^^^ It wasn't just a same sex kiss : it was inter-species into the bargain ! eek Big Laugh

(As well as gratuitous and irrelevant to the story laugh)
28-08-2014 21:43
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eccles Offline
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Post: #3263
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(28-08-2014 04:46 )munch1917 Wrote:  I also recall a thing some time back, probably on channel4, where they took various celebs and sent them on various courses, like fire-walking and suchlike. One course was about 'personal enlightenment' or some such nonsense, and the key feature was that they had to drink their own pee. I seem to vaguely recall that former page 3'er Jo Guest was one of the celebs, possibly on that very course, but I may well be wrong.

Is it possible to nominate people to go on those courses? Like neknom but with a telethon element? Id pay to send Jeremy Kyle.

Gone fishing
29-08-2014 01:06
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eccles Offline
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Post: #3264
RE: Ofcom Discussion
(11-08-2014 20:41 )eccles Wrote:  No Ofcom Broadcast Bulletin today.

Perhaps they have seen the futility of what they do and given up.

And again. The last one was 18 Aug, a week late(r than usual), meaning one would normally be due out today. Perhaps they have a cunning plan to drop every third bulletin, then if no one notices drop every other one, and finally drop the remaining 1/3 and give up enforcing bedroom activities altogether. Or is that too much to hope for?

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01-09-2014 23:49
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eccles Offline
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Post: #3265
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Ofcom have finally dragged themselves out of bed and bothered to publish another Bulletin after their long August break. And what do you know? A quick glance suggests just one series accounts for 1/3 of all the complaints - of 12 pages listing one line Complaints Assessed Not Investigated 4 pages were full of complaints about Big Brother on various 5 channels.

Adult channels? Just one mention, the same as Noel Fieldings Luxury Comedy.

On any sane and rational basis where is offence occurring?

Gone fishing
09-09-2014 00:33
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benrichards7 Offline
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Post: #3266
RE: Ofcom Discussion
im suprised noel fielding only got one complaint. id complain that he's calling himself a comedian!!!!
09-09-2014 00:59
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billyboy1963 Offline
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Post: #3267
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Ofcom boss Ed Richards to step down in December

It was announced yesterday that he is going in December as reported elow which could be good news: -

''Ed Richards, chief executive of broadcasting regulator Ofcom, is to stand down at the end of the year.

Richards, a former BBC executive and advisor to Tony Blair, has held the post for eight years and said it was "the right time to move on".

It had been "a privilege", he went on, to lead the media watchdog "during such an exciting and dynamic period".

Ofcom chairman Patricia Hodgson said he had been an "outstanding" chief and would leave "an impressive legacy".

"Under his leadership, Ofcom has helped to deliver superfast broadband, 4G, lower prices, innovation, competition, and sustainable public service broadcasting in the UK."

"It is never easy leaving a job that you enjoy greatly," said Richards in a statement. "But I have always felt that once I had completed eight years as chief executive this would be the right time to move on."

As chief executive of Ofcom, Richards has overseen the regulation of the TV and radio sectors, fixed-line telecoms, mobiles and postal services.

Before his appointment in 2006, the London School of Economics graduate sat on the Ofcom Board and served as its chief operating officer.

Richards was one of those tipped to become director general of the BBC in 2012, only to lose out eventually to George Entwistle.

Former BBC boss Greg Dyke memorably referred to him as a "jumped-up Millbank oik" in 2003.

It is hoped Richards' successor will be appointed early next year''
03-10-2014 19:44
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #3268
RE: Ofcom Discussion
Firstly great news, I've literally had fuck all to say on Ofcom in months (Other than my signature)

I've been reading up on who his possible replacement might be and as such they haven't even bothered to start this process whether it be through advertising the position or drawing up a short list of candidates.

Call it a conspiracy theory if you like but Ed Richards announcement that he will be stepping down comes of something as a huge surprise. He doesn't seem like the type of man who would leave quit so easily unless he was going to a bigger job in which he could wield even more control.

Is David Cameron going to stick to his word and give Ofcom the chop as some kind of stint in order to gain popularity with the voters 7 months to go before the General Election. Is he finally prepared to start treating adults as adults as not as children just like he promised back in 2010 before he become elected.

Lastly I've been doing a lot of research with regards to the recent SKY Merger and its still unclear to me what SKY Europe will actually mean, is it the companies merging rogether or could it lead to all the satellites merging. One stumbling block could be with regards to the BBC Channels which is why a card system which we've already discussed before could be something of a possibility.
03-10-2014 23:34
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eccles Offline
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Post: #3269
RE: Ofcom Discussion
So. Farewell then
Ed Richards.

Owner of the

Shining light

Once you
Milliband’s teaboy.

Then they
Made you
Chief Operating

Officer. Is baffling

Farewell then.

Gone fishing
04-10-2014 00:31
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eccles Offline
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Post: #3270
RE: Ofcom Discussion

The UK’s Gambling Commission is starting the process of finding a replacement for chief executive Jenny Williams, whose second five-year term in charge of the regulator will come to an end next year.

Chairman Philip Graf has been contacting industry operators and trade bodies informing them of the plans to search for an new Executive to head up its operations.

Read more:

Gone fishing
04-10-2014 03:10
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