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Dr Who

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Sm© Away

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Post: #961
RE: Dr Who
^^ The KLF version was the best.. pity Glitter was involved.
09-10-2014 20:08
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Sm© Away

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Post: #962
RE: Dr Who
09-10-2014 21:47
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andyjb Online
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Post: #963
RE: Dr Who
If you are interested, Digital spy has this feature about the Doctor Who theme.

As Financial Domination continues to grow, less enthusiasm is required when putting on a show.
09-10-2014 21:48
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #964
RE: Dr Who
Smile This is probably old news to Classic Who fans- but the Horror channel is still continuing to show reruns of old 70s Who - mostly Pertwee and Tom Baker; with the odd black and white Troughton one thrown in there - as well as some 1980s Davison, Colin Baker and McCoy stuff.

It was the Douglas Adams "City of Death" last couple of nights. The John Cleese and Eleanor Bron cameo in that shows that neither JNT or RTD (what is with Dr Who producers and three-barrelled names with T in them?) didn't invent dubious celebrity casting !

But it's still a good story and Julian Glover is top class as the villain.
The "pulling his own face off" to reveal the google-eyed cyclops monster head underneath is a cliffhanger I can still remember seeing for the first time on its original showing - and there's not too many of those from that period that still stick in my memory. (The Davros reveal in Destiny of the Daleks is one of the few others.)

Got to admire the late Douglas Adams for his environmental recycling credentials - he later reused bits of this story and his own untransmitted/abandoned "Shada" story mashed up to create plot points for the first Dirk Gently novel. Big Laugh (and on balance probably improved upon Shada looking at the footage surviving from it : a lot of the comic dialogue with the Professor etc is wonderful but it's more Hitch-Hiker than Who imho)
09-10-2014 22:19
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mickster Offline
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Post: #965
RE: Dr Who
Re-Celebrity Appearances in Dr Who ;
The Clangers .
Opening episode of "The Sea Devils", The Master is watching this classic kids animation series on a tv in his cell ,chuckling along with it .
(Pertwee 1973).
10-10-2014 02:24
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The Silent Majority Offline
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Post: #966
RE: Dr Who
Re Saturdays episode on the moon.

If the 'spiders' were actually bacteria, where did the cobwebs come from Huh
10-10-2014 06:43
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Post: #967
RE: Dr Who
Sad to say but Peter Capaldi is wrong for the role. He is a superb actor but simply doesn't do it for me. He cannot decide whether to be a lot darker or play it for laughs. And whilst she is achingly gorgeous there is too much about Clara and her very PC boyfriend. Haven't even bothered to SKY+ tomorrow's episode and deleted last 3 weeks before they ended.
10-10-2014 06:58
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RatedR Offline
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Post: #968
RE: Dr Who
(10-10-2014 06:43 )The Silent Majority Wrote:  Re Saturdays episode on the moon.

If the 'spiders' were actually bacteria, where did the cobwebs come from Huh

'Kill The Moon' was filled with terrible Sci-Fi writing.

World, turn your lights off Rolleyes

A 1.8 billion tonne growth, not over time, instantly. Rolleyes

An equal sized egg laid by something that was hatched from an original egg moments before Rolleyes

A Mexican space program Rolleyes Surprised laugh

It still bugs me as one of the worst scripts I've seen turned into an aired Sci-Fi. If it wasn't Doctor Who it would have been ripped up. And that's not mentioning the dialogue, which was more like a US live-audience show. Statement upon statement instead of character interactions.

Ohh yes! It's good to be bad
10-10-2014 12:38
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bytor Offline
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Post: #969
RE: Dr Who
(10-10-2014 06:58 )SCIROCCO Wrote:  Sad to say but Peter Capaldi is wrong for the role. He is a superb actor but simply doesn't do it for me. He cannot decide whether to be a lot darker or play it for laughs. And whilst she is achingly gorgeous there is too much about Clara and her very PC boyfriend. Haven't even bothered to SKY+ tomorrow's episode and deleted last 3 weeks before they ended.

Totally agree with this and mirrors much of what I said in a recent post. Too much Clara, not enough Doctor. Another fault with recent Doctor Who is the producers' desire to explain the Doctors actions and make him human. He's supposed to be a mysterious alien ffs!annoyed
They just about got it right with Ecclestone but ever since have seemed hellbent on ruining it one way or another.
10-10-2014 18:48
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lazydayz Offline

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Post: #970
RE: Dr Who
(10-10-2014 06:43 )The Silent Majority Wrote:  Re Saturdays episode on the moon.

If the 'spiders' were actually bacteria, where did the cobwebs come from Huh

Same place the stuff in your eye comes from in a morning, bacterial sex wee.
10-10-2014 22:54
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