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The downfall of the channels!

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Glenn Miller Offline
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Post: #11
RE: The downfall of the channels!
(15-10-2014 16:33 )babemaniac Wrote:  and fuck Ofcom standards encrypt the channels like tvx and we just use our skybox passwords to get passed the parental controls!!!

That would leave Ofcom as the undisputed champion having delivered a crushing knock out blow. Because forcing the channels to encrypt is exactly what Ofcom have wanted all along.
16-10-2014 13:46
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Bandwagon Away
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Post: #12
RE: The downfall of the channels!
No matter what these channels show, we will always fall fowl of becoming accustomed and complacent.

If last night was the first ever babe show aired, we would probably all be just waking up with sore cock's Rolleyes waiting to see what tonight will bring with anticipation.

It is what it is I guess, possible room for improvement granted, but our expectations have to be realistic I'm afraid.

This is how I've come to see things now and subsequently don't watch the shows as often.

So whilst I could flippantly agree with many comments here, I keep all of the above in mind too.
16-10-2014 14:02
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BarrieBF Offline
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Post: #13
RE: The downfall of the channels!
(16-10-2014 13:46 )Glenn Miller Wrote:  forcing the channels to encrypt is exactly what Ofcom have wanted all along.

Exactly. The day the channels encrypt will be the day that Ofcom crack open the champagne. Probably a Grand Prix size bottle as well.
16-10-2014 15:03
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Post: #14
RE: The downfall of the channels!
We now live in the most 'accept what your given society' that anyone as ever seen, Is there no end to all of this censorship. Not just babechannels, but everyday life. What we say, what we eat, what we watch, what we read, what we drink. Even how many fucking bedrooms we can lay our weary heads in after having our nightly HILARY SWANK, all monitored. Not the wank I hasten to add, we can still do that as many times as we are able to, for now that is.
16-10-2014 17:07
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Post: #15
RE: The downfall of the channels!
I would be happy to watch encrypted as long as it was much stronger than the tame drivel being offered on a nightly basis.
16-10-2014 17:38
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #16
RE: The downfall of the channels!
I seen this Thread posted a few days ago but was too tired to add any comments to it. Firstly it's one of a number of Threads posted about our dissatisfaction towards the babe channels, so what does that tell us. Clearly there is a lot of us who think they ought to do better.

Reading through the various posts I've agreed with a hell of a lot of what has already been said so I'm pretty much going to back up most of those sentiments. Firstly I think we all know that Ed Richards is leaving Ofcom at the end of December so the channels could be playing it safe until he's gone seeing as it was his policy's that have made the channels become what they are now.

With regards to pin encryption I've always held the opinion that would work but it is also totally unnecessary. The entire adult section can already be blocked via the parental options that is built into all current devices.

Second option then would be to pin protect the 900 channels but only pre watershed in order that if any channel so wishes to do so then they are able to show adult material 24/7 Sky movies has this option so why not the Adult Channels.

With regards to bringing encrypted shows back to the likes of TVX then I'd welcome that, I know that we currently have BS Unleashed but its only available on freeview and not sky and it also requires far too much fathing around whereas the tried and trusted 4 pin option is far more reliable. Nothing beats having an encrypted show on the big screen, generally speaking the picture quality is superior in every way.

With regards to the current shows they are just not good enough, far too much of the same thing with absolutely no spontaneity or surprises. My gut feeling is that for as long as the shows remain we are likely to see periods of them blowing hot and cold.
18-10-2014 16:51
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babemaniac Offline
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Post: #17
RE: The downfall of the channels!
Have to agree Scottish.... the parental controls are already in place for fuck sake??? I keep making example of the lazy drivel to which we are.subjected to by saying Evelyn on the Pad and Evelyn on the studio66 now, she was amazing now she's forced to be subdued???

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18-10-2014 18:34
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #18
RE: The downfall of the channels!
I'm also not knocking any of my fellow cappers but if the show is a pile of shit then don't expect me to post any caps or vids. My policy is if they can't be fucked to put on a good show then I won't be wasting any of my time promoting it Cool
18-10-2014 19:01
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jimmyt73 Offline
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Post: #19
RE: The downfall of the channels!
I think the channels have been declining for ages,but personally i think the rot started when Bangbabes went,now that was one provider who really strived to deliver an entertaining adult show,since that time there has been little decent content or babes to get excited about,Zarwood attempted to carry on what they started at Bang but after Ofcom banned 241s its been mostly baron,then when BS went Dutch there was some improvement but even they dont do many 241s like the carefree ones they did between 2006-10,this inturn led to other things being tried like Danni's behind the door sessions but as with so many other great ideas the regulator found a way to outlaw them,leaving us with what we are stuck with at present,namely channels not all starting at the same time,some using daybabes till 11pm making the shows tamer than they should be,and even one which over relies on one or two babes and spends the entire night advising you to purchase an encrypted channel which is not available to all viewers as a no contract service and is far too expensive for what it is,perhaps thats the biggest irony of all that the first channel mostly exists to advertise another,also some of blame must rest with the performers who have swapped tv for webcamming which although convienient for them means that all the better babes are slowly disappearing and channels dont seem to be doing much to replace them with the right type of woman.

im always open to positive change
18-10-2014 20:24
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mickster Offline
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Post: #20
RE: The downfall of the channels!
BangBabes' demise was THE watershed point for ALL the channels .The massive unpayable fines killed them and also made the perfect deterrent for ALL the other channels .The introduction of new regulations effectively "castrating" the babes'visual performances .This is what I mean by you/we are "pissing in the wind" , hoping for a return to "the good old days ".Anyway The Silent Majority could not have put it any better with his observations .
21-10-2014 01:17
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