Ok so to be serious for a moment........
What do I classify as good and bad?
To answer this question I am separating it into two categories.
1. The babes
2. The channels
So what makes a quality nightshow babe?
Well Bob eluded to a fundamental thing i.e ATTITUDE.
Someone who is consistently reliable. Turning up on time consistently and giving themselves sufficient leeway to ensure they do. Someone who focuses on the caller and does their utmost to ensure they provide a stimulating visual and telephonic experience. If a request cannot be granted a valid and reasoned explanation is called for imo.
It is not good enough to just say no, the cost of the call merits a proper explanation.
If people think that I am being unrealistic well quite frankly I don't care. I know what I want and if no reasoned explanation is given for declining my call terminates immediately.
By focussing on the caller that means listening to and talking to THE CALLER. Not the bloody cameraman or producer - THE CALLER!! Got that ladies? Good I will continue

Now focus on the viewer. When calls dry up this should be the cue to breathe some life, excitement, eroticism and stimulation into a stint. Don't sit there waiting for a caller to improve your stint. That is not their obligation. It is your job to put on a show worthy of the cost of the calls. Callers have a choice to spend their money on you so treat that with the respect it deserves.
Rather than being obsessed with not doing anything for freeloaders focus on putting on the hottest horniest show you can. Todays casual viewer is tomorrows caller.
If you stimulate someone enough they just might call.
And even I as a regular caller am not just going to ring in for any old stint. I demand quality to merit parting with my money or at the very least an idea planted in my head that I might be able to call and generate something spectacular.
Choose an interesting set, wear an enticing outfit appropriate for the set. Don't continually wear the same things in the same sets time and again.
Peel off as much of the outfits as you dare my preference is full nakedness in lots of different poses. And don't tell me a range of nude positions is impossible, I have seen ample evidence to counter such a claim.
Use the set and the outfit to your advantage. Enough of the sitting and lying down while phone waving.
Phone waving is not the way to stimulate a performance or peoples enjoyment of it

Get into the spirit of what nightshow entertainment should be about. Get horny and worked up and stay like it.
This way you will enjoy it more and so will the viewers and callers.
And don't tell me it is not possible.
If you do you are living in the culture of can't, won't and failure.
Time to start living in the culture of can, will and success.
No excuses, no bullshitting, no blabbering on about freeloaders. Get on with the job and do it properly.
You probably earn more for a few nights work than I do in a month so treat me with some respect especially as I am parting with my cash to chat to you.
2. The channels.
A good channel is one that works both with and against its competitors in a fair spirit.
A unified approach as to what is viable, possible and stimulating. There is an exception i.e BS1 which as far as I am aware works to a Dutch licence.
All the other channels though should be spending more time giving their babes the best working environment to allow stimulating shows. Quality sets, professional cameramen and producers who know the limits and will allow babes maximum flexibility and opportunity to give the viewers and callers what they want to see. All the channels need a clearly defined set of standards they can work to and limits they can work within.
This is much healthier than the culture of watch the every move of every babe on opposing channels and grass em up at the first opportunity.
Channels that motivate and encourage a positive approach from its babes that focuses on giving the customer and potential customer what they want to see as far as reasonably possible.
It should be noted that as and when a quality stint with loads of callers in the queue is in progress this is NOT the time to turf off the babe concerned in favour of what many perceive to be a 'usual suspect'

. Yes Babestation I am talking to you

. This is another example of where common sense and flexibility should kick in but all too often it does not.
Go with the flow and with the situation in play - NOT with your rigid and narrow minded formula that says that scenario A must happen at a certain time come hell or high water.
That sort of intransigence is counter productive, illogical and unacceptable imo.
When a stint is not working and calls dry up end the stint and encourage the babes to try something different in terms of outfit, set and if necessary demeanour also.
If they refuse then tell them to go home.
I am not interested in excuses. My employer gives excuses and refusal to comply pretty short shrift.
Buck your ideas up, show some ambition, universally stand up to OFCOM and inspire everyone to do better.
Lecture endeth!!