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[split] Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion

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broncobilly10 Offline
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Post: #31
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(02-01-2015 02:37 )harryameliamodel Wrote:  
(02-01-2015 02:29 )mrmann Wrote:  Lol, I remember all of those naughty Afroman moments, and even have some cheeky clips as well laugh

I wonder if we'll get any cheeky moments with him and Harry this year Wink

There is plenty of snapchat and insta vids of us dry humping each other!!

To everyone else still moaning: why do you care what the girls get paid, or how many producers we have, and no not moaning at the gallery staff. I mean doing our bloody job, asking him to go on the mic, on a break, how many calls waiting etc. You all need to seriously get some sort of hobby.

I am well known for my sarcasm and "he bloody deserves an OBE" was a joke, stop taking everything I say seriously!!

You will soon be well known for an inflated opinion of yourself the way you keep over reacting to things.
02-01-2015 08:45
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hairbald Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(02-01-2015 02:37 )harryameliamodel Wrote:  To everyone else still moaning: why do you care what the girls get paid, or how many producers we have, and no not moaning at the gallery staff. I mean doing our bloody job, asking him to go on the mic, on a break, how many calls waiting etc. You all need to seriously get some sort of hobby.

I am well known for my sarcasm and "he bloody deserves an OBE" was a joke, stop taking everything I say seriously!!

If you were getting a poor service of off Tescos/shoe supplier/dress outfitter, would you consider it moaning or would you think its a valid complaint? We, being the customer think we have valid complaints, just S66 don't appear to have an effective complaints department so you get it in the neck. Would you be happy if you phoned Tescos complaints department and they said "well, your just moaning so we're not going to listen"; suspect you may be a tad fucked offWink

Couple of other things; nobody asked or speculated on what you earn. What was interesting to me and a couple of others was how you are employed and therefore what levers the production team have to make you perform/work to instruction. As you basically said "none" was the answer you provided (on breaks) and we speculated on everything else. Information vacuums tend to do that.

As for the difficulty of the production job; well I'm sure, like every job, it has it's own unique challenges but its not rocket science. The media industry is vast throughout the world and the onset of thousands of sattelite and cable channels means there are probably hundreds of thousands of people Producing shows around the world. Most of them pretty successfully but S66 are probably (IMO) bottom of the pile in this tiny sector of the industry in the UK at the moment which isn't good news; Xtreme Filth is as you've hopefully read slightly more highly regarded here but in danger of getting tainted by S66 reputation.

As I said I hope this doesn't stop you posting; go on your own thread and talk to us there on something more positiveBig Grin

And we got the OBE thing too thanks; were you being stupid or funny - so we plumped for funny!

Oh and this is a hobby; nobody would pay me to this sadly - you don't know how lucky you are!!
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2015 10:44 by hairbald.)
02-01-2015 10:41
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broncobilly10 Offline
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Post: #33
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
I always think its funny.

The women need people to interact with them but they always refer to us as low life's who can't satisfy a woman. Funny how a few moments in tv bring out the princess attitude.
02-01-2015 10:56
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trevor format Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(02-01-2015 08:45 )Broncobilly Wrote:  You will soon be well known for an inflated opinion of yourself the way you keep over reacting to things.

She wasn't overreacting. Just carrying on the conversation.

Ironically, you're the one who keeps overreacting, as shown by your last 2 posts in this thread. You must have an inflated opinion of yourself.
02-01-2015 14:26
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broncobilly10 Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
You could say everyone is carrying on the conversation including you. All points are valid.
02-01-2015 14:50
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Post: #36
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
So glad a model can come on here and chat about something other than herself like other models normally do. So for that Harry, thanks! And even when it is about you it's not self promotion, is it? I hope not.

But to the guys who come to your defense at the drop of a hat. To those guys, ''for fuck sake the girl can look after herself without anyones help''. She is not a shrinking violet, look at what it is she does for a living. I want girls to come on here and talk in general and not about how good they think they look. And not about the deep mystic meaning of their last fucking tattoos. And I'm sure you don't want special treatment do you Harry?

You reading this Trevor?
02-01-2015 17:31
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
I think 99% of people on here's interest in the backroom stuff (producers, pay, etc.) is in how it pertains to what we see onscreen. Its not a prurient one. As Goodfella and hairbald state this stuff obviously has a bearing on what is shown on the channels: Who's on when and how often*; what angles are permitted (this definitely varies at s66 with who's in 'the gallery'); what the girls are allowed to wear (some things are obviously vetoed - sometimes shortly after getting on air!), etc.

Thing is, I think, s66 gets a lot of flack on here precisely because, with the girls and the opportunities it has, it still has the potential to be the best babe channel around... If only it didn't look like the screw up operation it does half the time.

Biggest bugbear for me: The picture quality of the webstreams needs to be sorted out. (Part of this is someone admitting they f**ked up when buying a couple of those set dressings. The metal mesh back drop and the red duvet cover really mess up the image, on the littlest movement, to the point where it is barely watchable.) No other professional outfit would put up with their output looking like s66's does.
Edit: I should point out that I'm talking about nights here - when there is heavy demand on the streams.

(02-01-2015 02:37 )harryameliamodel Wrote:  I am well known for my sarcasm and "he bloody deserves an OBE" was a joke, stop taking everything I say seriously!!

Congrats on having a sense of humour btw; you'll find there is a lot of it on the forum if you can see it! bladewave

* I would have thought this is the producers offering the girls slots based on call stats (and, yes, what can be afforded); the girls are then free to turn them down or try and rearrange them... Maybe we can be enlightened on this?

People write about everything online. They are obviously going to give opinions on what they jizz to! If those opinions can be better informed by those in this business posting on here then all the better.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2015 19:38 by ShandyHand.)
02-01-2015 17:45
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Goodfella3041 Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(02-01-2015 17:31 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  But to the guys who come to your defense at the drop of a hat. To those guys, ''for fuck sake the girl can look after herself without anyones help''. She is not a shrinking violet, look at what it is she does for a living.

I'm sure you're right. The lapdog adulation can be as irritating as the bulldog aggression.

But I do think it is a drag that it always has to be one or the other. Whether it is about pay or production or wishlists or tease shows or whatever, we have had instances of girls turning up from time to time with the best intention of answering questions or putting their own case forward. And it seems that as a group, we are torn between kissing their ass or kicking it, with far too little in between. In the space of two or three pages, the thread is transformed from a worthy discussion into Thunderdome. Strap on yer helmet, luv, and be prepared to throw some elbows.

And if I were Harry or any other girl, the question I'd be asking myself is not: "can I take it"? It would be: "who needs it"?

Which is unfortunate. But that's the Internet, I guess.
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2015 18:35 by Goodfella3041.)
02-01-2015 18:34
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broncobilly10 Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
^ if your in the service industry you get people who think your grand and people who think your not.

It's not the internet it's life the best way to reduce the negative vibe is to take some of it on board and strive to improve.

One problem is the attitude of the girls they come on and launch a rant that we are no good and they are some how superior because we watch what they produce for a living.

So a little more understanding on both sides is required. S66 are no angels but they do have some beautiful women they just need to improve the attitude.
02-01-2015 18:45
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trevor format Offline
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Post: #40
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(02-01-2015 17:31 )RESPONSIBLE ADULT Wrote:  You reading this Trevor?

Yes but your comments were just a silly overreaction to an innocent comment I made.

Anyway, you're not a moderator here, so your attempt to dictate what can and can't be posted in the forum is doomed to failure.

Until someone appoints you as moderator you're wasting your time by trying to act like one.
02-01-2015 20:10
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