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Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)

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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #91
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
The Daily Mail has all the important issues covered :

[Image: image-3097_54BFF62D.jpg]

[Image: image-6AB4_54BFF62D.jpg]
21-01-2015 18:57
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mickster Offline
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Post: #92
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Re- Katie Hopkins private bedroom.
She's not the first ,remember Sylvester Stallone's mother (Yeah! Jackie !).
Thing that gets me also , Hopkins is allowed to compose her column for The Sun while she's in there .
Priviliged ,pampered and full of shit !
23-01-2015 02:19
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #93
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Thank god Alicia is out. Absolutely brought sweet FA to the show. Who taught her how to eat? Can't stand people eating with their mouth open.
Can anyone see beyond Calum Best and Michelle to be the final two?
One a pretty boy that makes girlies virginias tickle and the other fighting behalf of all drag queens and gay men in the universe. Be very surprised if they are not in the final two.
24-01-2015 01:12
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mickster Offline
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Post: #94
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
You're probably right Setter , but you never know how the producers are going to "fix" nominations / votes .
Immunity , Save yourself and replace someone else , etc.
They won't want Perez & Hopkins out before Final , or it will become a snoozefest .
They'll have a trick or two up their sleeves .
Cheggers ,Kavanah and Calum don't contribute anything is how I see it .
Right one went tonight though .Makes you wonder how Alicia Douvall got picked for BB .She's hardly eye candy and is thick as pig shit .
24-01-2015 02:47
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #95
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
I think you are right in regard to Hopkins and Perez. They will probably at least make the final day for reason you have stated.
As the American comedienne said about Calum all he does is lie on his bed looking pretty in the knowledge that at least one women will come and sit on his dick. He does bring very little to the house but as mostly women vote he will at least make the final day in my opinion. Not that women are sexist or anythingRolleyes

I think Alicia would be eye candy if did not have a ridiculous amount of plastic surgery. She looks like a blow up doll at the moment. It's amazing how they all get upset when nominated or not saved. She is no exception. It's astonishing she never learnt the alphabet till 2 years ago. Even the fone babes have done that.

Jordan brings nothing to the show as well. After seeing Ulrika win I'm very cynical about it all. I think some celebs have it in their contract that they at least make the final day if not win it. For that reason think Jordan will be in the mix, they paid her enough money so are bound to want her to justify her fee.

Still think Michelle is going to win. You can never go to far wrong betting on the PC angle.
24-01-2015 10:38
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #96
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Just realised that Hopkins and Jordan are getting 400k and 500k respectively. There is no way either of them will be leaving before the end. The producers will want to protect their investment. No wonder why they let Hopkins get away with blatant bullying.
25-01-2015 18:04
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mickster Offline
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Post: #97
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
......and heres BB's "twist" of fate .Perez ,who looked like he was definitely going to walk ,gets to sit in the Producers Chair , to appease him .
Hope he's subtle with any "pranks" he might play , otherwise ,the other housemates will suss he hasn't really walked out .
Hope Nadia loosen's up now . (lol)
Cami -Lee or Patsy next to go ,might be a double ,to take one out from both camps .
26-01-2015 22:59
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setter1000 Offline
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Post: #98
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Cami. What a prat. How dare someone vote for me. It's all right for everyone else to be put up for eviction but not her.
What a surprise with Perez having it in contract to stay to final. I thought that was the case with Spidey and Ulrika. I still think Michelle and Calum will get to the final but will almost definitely be joined by Hopkins , Jordan and Perez. Reality tv my arse. More like contrived tv.

I think Perez is bright enough to do it subtlety, look forward to seeing Cami face when he does comeback.
27-01-2015 12:26
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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #99
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
If Perez really has a contract clause guaranteeing him being in the final, then it was fraudulent to include him in the eviction phone vote, so I don't think that is true. Also, you only heard that being said because the producer decided to let you, which I don't think would happen if it was a fact - but it doesn't harm them to suggest controversy when they know they are in the clear.
27-01-2015 12:43
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #100
RE: Big Brother (Inc Celebrity Big Brother)
Last nights episode pissed me off, the chimp threatens to leave (and demands more money?) and they throw him a secret task to keep him in. This series is blatantly showing how fixed the producers can make it

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27-01-2015 21:18
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