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Child isolated for raising money

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Snooks Away
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Post: #1
Child isolated for raising money
I read with utter despair today at a child of 14 being put into isolation at his school because he had broken school rules by shaving his head in raising money for MacMillan Cancer Support. The head teacher has now revealed the isolation is 'under review'.
I gather the lad called Stan Lock has seen a surge in donations since the story broke and has now gone past the £4,000 mark.
In an age where it has become all to easy to berate the 'Youth of Today' here we have a teenager setting an outstanding example for a noble cause.
A number one haircut may breach school rules but what harm is it doing to society? None.
What harm has the lad done to society? None.
He has set about doing something to help those unfortunate enough to have cancer.
But oh no school rules and procedures must come first.
Bloody jobs worth head teacher.
Under review my arse.
The head teacher should get isolated for a few decades and I certainly would not be putting that under review for a good while.
Can't beat the jobs worth bureaucratic control freak culture it seems Rolleyes.

30-01-2015 20:03
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Tumble_Drier Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Child isolated for raising money
Odd. Apparently the School has a policy against "extreme" hair styles. Would they consider an Afro or Dreadlocks to be extreme? I doubt it.

As long as Kids don't go to School looking like they were dragged backwards through a hedgerow, it shouldn't matter what hair style they have.

Only 3 things in life are certain. Death, Taxes and lesbians will never look how they do in porn movies.
30-01-2015 20:43
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Tumble_Drier Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Child isolated for raising money
When i posted that reply his total was just short of £8000....

It now stands a few quid short of £9500!

Only 3 things in life are certain. Death, Taxes and lesbians will never look how they do in porn movies.
30-01-2015 21:04
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Snooks Away
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Post: #4
RE: Child isolated for raising money
Well done that lad Big Grin.
That head teacher is looking more and more of a muppet with every passing moment Bounce.

30-01-2015 21:58
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Tractor boy Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Child isolated for raising money
Looking on the bright side, by being a moron the head teacher has given the boy and the charity some free publicity which has really boosted the amount of money raised. So everyone is a winner apart from the teacher who has shown the world what a pen pushing box ticking arsehole he is.
30-01-2015 22:10
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Snooks Away
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Post: #6
RE: Child isolated for raising money
Over £15,000 raised nowSurprisedeekshocked.
Wowsers Big Grin.
I bet his family and friends are so proud of him.
The head teacher should hang his head in shame at isolating the young lad.
MacMillan Cancer Support must be thrilled.
Fantastic Big Grin.

31-01-2015 14:47
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SecretAgent Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Child isolated for raising money
Been speaking to a head teacher this morning and it seems lots of schools have a hair policy covering things like No. 1 cuts, Mohicans & hair colours. No. 1's are associated with aggressive behaviour which whilst I have no doubt is not in any way likely from this lad means he has unfortunately caught by a school policy designed to prevent other kids who are perhaps less angelic.
31-01-2015 14:59
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