It would be easy to draw the snap conclusion that S66 is somehow suddenly better than BS.
But when looking deeper into the issue at hand I soon draw a different conclusion.
S66 have recently had two factors worthy of consideration which may have contributed to a sudden belief that S66 had suddenly improved.
1. Kerrie Lee.
Now leaving aside all the pro and anti boob job stuff

There is attitude and performance to consider.
It seems pretty obvious to me that Kerrie wants to satisfy both the viewer as a potential caller and the viewer that is already a caller. So she sets about putting on a hot, horny filthy show.
Full of energy, committment and honest endeavour.
She does this largely in spite of her channel, their production staff, cameramen and lack of set variety.
But Kerrie herself does not seem preoccupied with freeloaders and denying them anything.
Unfortunately her channel still does not allow her enough freedom to push the boundaries on enough different sets.
That, however is not her fault.
2. Tommie Jo.
Those things that I highlighted in respect of Kerrie are more than matched when looking at Tommie Jo and her performances. Tommie Jo has one extra string to her bow though. Imagination!!.
Strawberry and cream anyone?

Unfortunately however it is once again her channel that lets her down. Panic stricken production = cut to logo

Nuff said.
For me the quality of viewing has improved in a meaningful way because of the quality of these two babes as performers and their desire to please.
It is their obvious sense of fun and desire to put on committed, hot and horny shows that set them apart on their channel.
In the end however they have been stifled in their full ambitions by the OFCOM wary production and behind the scenes incompetence and intransigence.
MOST of the rest of the S66 product ranges from the abject to the average. Some of that is down to the attitude of the babes and some of it down to the general channel failings.
The one exception I give to that is Kandi Kay.
For all the failings of S66 of which there are many there is one thing we have seen on S66 that I for one am immensely grateful for. So grateful in fact that I can ALMOST forgive so much of what they have got so badly, badly wrong for so so long. What is it? Naked Kandi by the load.
The holy grail to end all holy grails. The impossible dream.
Naked Kandi on a nightshow.
So yes I am bloody grateful to S66 for that alone.
Especially after finally tracking down an upload of her shower show from last week

So what of BS?
The channel responsible for signing so many babes from the channel in longest term decline i.e S66.
It was tempting to believe that each departure from S66 to BS was just another nail in the S66 coffin.
But no.
And why?
Because BS have ultimately not maximised the potential benefits of so many of their signings.
Many of them started so well but imo have seen their respective star begin to fade.
Attitude once again lays at the heart of the matter.
A preoccupation with freeloaders has even started to cast its ugly spell at Babestation even amongst some very established performers. A prospect I never imagined possible and a reality that fills me with despair and horror.
The lack of outfit variety is a bug bear and the constant samey feel of every stint. The relentless and remorseless desire of either babe, channel or indeed both for the babe to lie on a bed or sit on a desk or a platform for hour after hour.
The failure to use the exciting sets often enough or indeed in the right way is also a criticism of babe or channel or indeed both. The airtime and its allocation has been a source of much spleen venting by so many to the extent that it cannot just be fobbed off as a few awkward old gits having a bit of a whinge.
The two minute log in time, the ridiculous amount of time spent on the mic by babes with callers waiting in the queue and the time out rule meaning the prospect of any meaningful chat time being further eaten into.
The OSGs, the absence of sauna and paddling pool, the insufficient use of water based sets and one of nightshows most heanous crimes.
The negation of the Dannii Harwood effect.
Oh dear oh dear Babestation.
What have you done?
What started off like the biggest nightshow firework display in history with Dannii pushing every boundary both solo and together with Lucy Summers has now turned into the metaphorical token few sparklers where she suddenly seems to have been reined in and no longer allowed to wow the crowds with the same fire and intensity.
The dark clouds of OFCOM doom I sense from many miles away from Milton Keynes.
Those clouds are swirling around the nightshow arena like never before. Visions of panic stricken men and women cutting to logos, quickly adjusting camera angles and babes increasing the clothes wearing options to make it feel more like a fashion show.
So who is winning this particular battle?
In truth........... nobody.
The only winner is OFCOM.
The only desire I am left with is Dutch Licence for all channels.
But perhaps a lot of the babes need to have their own version of the Dutch licence to prompt some meaningful energy and enthusiasm out of them.
For every Jada and Madison Rose on Babestation and for every Tommie Jo and Kerrie Lee on S66 there are too many others who are simply not cutting the mustard.
It should be of no consolation whatever that RLC are plunging into an even deeper mire for a list of reasons longer than both my arms and that Storm and Xxxpanded are forever suffering through the disease that is Onetrickponyitis.