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Poll: Which Party Will You Vote For
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Conservative 32.46% 37 32.46%
Labour 31.58% 36 31.58%
Lib Dems 8.77% 10 8.77%
UKIP 12.28% 14 12.28%
SNP 4.39% 5 4.39%
Green 6.14% 7 6.14%
Others 4.39% 5 4.39%
Total 114 vote(s) 100%
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General Election Vote

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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #11
RE: General Election Vote
I will admit to Voting Tory this time Usally voted Labour and Lib Dem in last Elections but if i vote tory least i know they are cunts so will be less surprised and least will have the decency to stab you in the front instead of the back Wink

One Major reason why i will not vote labour this time is because of Ed Milliband if it had been his brother then i might have changed my mind. him and ed balls in my opinion will be the worst thing for this country. In my mind Labour have not had enough time in the wilderness for the way they dumped this country in the Shite in 2008. the fact when they came into power in 97 01 and 05 with large majoritys they Did fuck all for the north they let it fester which is an even bigger crime than thatcher screwing us over in the 80's in my opinion

I also want a Euro Referendum because i want the end to all the fucking shit from the bastard euro sceptics and im confident if there was one we would still remain in Europe

To all the SNP voters want you to remember who was it that gave you the referendum do you honestly think Labour Leadership would have given you the independence referendum because they were scared of losing there 41 MP'S Majority turned out well for them didnt it Wink

Im hoping for more torys in scotland than Labour in Scotland Wink

Only voting Tory Because i cant vote SNP because i like Sturgeon shes a good conviction Politican even though not sure i like most of her policies

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

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(This post was last modified: 01-05-2015 20:38 by HannahsPet.)
01-05-2015 20:26
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #12
RE: General Election Vote
(01-05-2015 20:23 )Scottishbloke Wrote:  BTW aswell as casting your vote this Thread can also be used to debate the forthcoming election and all the events as they unfold next Thursday night.

I just hope it doesn't go the way that the Scottish Independence Thread went when all debate ended with members trading insults with each other instead laugh

Hmmm bit rich as it was you calling us all English Bastards TongueTongueTongueTongueTongue

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
(This post was last modified: 01-05-2015 20:39 by HannahsPet.)
01-05-2015 20:33
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Scottishbloke Away

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Post: #13
RE: General Election Vote
I'll take your post as banter because at no point did I post any such comments. But you are one shit stirring bastard Wink
01-05-2015 20:52
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wackawoo Offline

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Post: #14
RE: General Election Vote
I don't normally vote, but I will use my vote as a protest vote and vote labour.

Any party who can come up with ATOS are a complete disgrace.

ATOS for those who do not know are a profit making organization that the government has sunk something like a billion pounds in to. They basically harras people into work, what the disgrace is, they particulaly target sick and disabled.

They have unqualified and inexperianced staff that ignore doctors opnion and tell the sick when they think you can work and ignore doctors. This harrasment as been going for over 2 years with apparently nobody concerned about the huge amount of distress (including scuicides) caused to sick people.

Whats particularly distastedful, is for everybody they get into 'work' they get a bonus pay.

For those who think it will get the con artist, it won't. There are far more genuinly sick than fakers, the old way where you was assessed by your own doctors and if a challange was made independant tribunal, with doctors and lawyers was the best and only way.

Whats esepcially irksome they claim is a way of saving money, but they take off the sick so they can cover imigration expence and start up sceems where they give money for poeple to stop smoking, smokers stop, they get the money and then use it to buy fags. They also plough it into things like getting fat poeple to diet.

Things they use for assessment:

Are you able to move into a seat directly next to you?

Can you lift one arm?

Can you speak to your own mother?

can you stand, but move around, NOT in one place?

There are very little questions for emotionally ill.

Answer yes to any off the above, which is anybody not crippled from the neck down, and they will assess you can do some form of work.
01-05-2015 21:58
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #15
RE: General Election Vote
Hmm...interesting decision to vote labour as they were the ones who introduced the ATOS test to this country back in 2008.
01-05-2015 22:15
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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #16
RE: General Election Vote
Don't go making up your mind until you've seen ALL the choices :
01-05-2015 22:18
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Whynot Offline
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Post: #17
RE: General Election Vote
Can we find the cunts who voted ukip and get after them with the pitch forks?

I hate injustice and liars
01-05-2015 22:24
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #18
RE: General Election Vote
Hate to say this but this Back to work Capability Assesment wasnt created by the conservative it was created by A Labour Goverment in 2007 they were the ones that Gave the contract to ATOS Healthcare. in fact the conservatives have sacked atos off

As a person who went thru the system for a disabled parent it was a fucking nightmare. because of ATOS incompetence thought i saw that over 60% of appeals were sucessful which meant that it cost the DWP back pay as well as the cost of setting up the tribunials that it would have been easier to just pay the people in the first place

there are other things like that which annoys me Labour wasted 20Billion on an NHS IT System that wasnt fit for purposes that medical staff found it hard to use

they used PFI to fund the building of new hospitals that we will paying of for decades to come.

they ordered 2 Aircraft carriers at high cost when they knew they wouldnt have any aircraft to go on them for about 5 years and the contracts were so that it it was impossible to get out of without huge cost to the tax payer

thats why i dont want them back into power

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
01-05-2015 22:26
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #19
RE: General Election Vote
Labour are without any doubt the most two faced bunch of hypocrites ever to disgrace the halls of westminster.
01-05-2015 22:34
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #20
RE: General Election Vote
that's a tough standard to beat...Nick Clegg anyone ?
01-05-2015 22:36
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