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Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #21
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Big spoilers ahead btw.

Yeah it was a good film but (and I know it is kinda like banging my head against a brick wall with it being a Michael Bay film) but less really is more sometimes, I did not get the names of 85% of the new robots so didn't give a fuck about them. Also the nicest car in the film (the R8) is in it for less than 30 seconds of screentime and there is like an hour after Optimus 'Dies' that is really slow and boring. If you are going to make a balls to the wall action film, what the hell were they thinking putting that in? The Autobot twins were fucking annoying too and actually racist IMHO, then at the end of the film they just disappeared, what happened? Also it is amazing that Sam heard Mikaela tell him she loved him when he was dead when she said it, some things in movies just annoy the fuck out of me for their sheer stupidity.

Also I had THE most annoying c unt in the world sitting behind me, who laughed like a hyena over EVERY joke (seriously) and gave his views over every part of the film, like when Megan Fox says ex he said, very loudly 'Oh shit'. When I turned to my mate in one of the quiet bits and said (not quietly) 'This dude behind is the most annoying c unt I have ever seen' he did quiet down a bit but he was still irritating, so much in fact it probably tarnished my view of the film.

I would give the film a 6.5, maybe a 7/10. When it was doing what it does best, Transformer fighting, it was brilliant and would easily be a 9, but there were just too much wrong with the film (pisspoor (and too many) new transformers, boring middle, too many really stupid things that could of been easily fixed) for me to give it a great recommendation. Bear in mind the first would of got like an 8.5 off of me, so I do like the films, this was just too Bay.

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28-06-2009 23:34
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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #22
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Not racist, maybe that was not the phrase I was looking for, but every time the Autobots have got a black mans voice it is always very stereotypical like the token black guy in 'Not Another Teen Movie' who says he is only there to say stuff like "Damn", "Shit" and "Whack". Even Jazz in the first one was like a gangster rapper. Fuck it, it is racist, it is portraying a negative stereotype and never a positive one so yeah, it is fucking racist.

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29-06-2009 21:46
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steven6 Offline
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Post: #23
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
I think your over analyzing it mate

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30-06-2009 09:58
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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #24
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Maybe, I am a huge film geek and over analyze basically every film (which can cause headaches for films like Donnie Darko or other ones involving time travel). But I should realise it IS a Michael Bay film, so I need to let things slide that I usually wouldn't. Racist Autobots are allowed! Haha.

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30-06-2009 22:01
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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #25
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
No not black at all (there is a picture or 8 of me in the tattoo thread if you don't believe me), I just thought it was out of order, but then I always do, like when I see Americans ripping Canada, I think it is out of order. But the Canadians must just be thinking "Say what you want, we have stronger beer, a National Health Service, the average IQ in this country is higher than that of blancmange, lower legal drinking age and the world actually likes us". So it is all swings and roundabouts I suppose (I fucking hate that expression but I could not think of a better one for it).

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01-07-2009 23:33
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moon12 Offline
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Post: #26
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Saw it last week sometime.

02-07-2009 00:13
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mas0887 Offline
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Post: #27
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Haha, I read your post moon12 and looked at the Pip Boy at the exact same time, so it was like, "Awesome", thumbs up lol.

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02-07-2009 22:41
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bytor Offline
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Post: #28
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
saw it again the other day, but this time at imax, with extra footage. absolutely incredible.
10-07-2009 17:49
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Chucknorris Offline
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Post: #29
RE: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
bytor Wrote:saw it again the other day, but this time at imax, with extra footage. absolutely incredible.

Whats the extra footage?

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11-07-2009 16:13
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