This is a fascinating question.
The truth, in my opinion is that there is no one particular definitive factor in terms of whether babes get naked or not especially in the current nightshow climate of mutual distrust, destruction, negativity and overly cautious production.
In times gone by it would be as simple as deciding which babes would get naked and which would not.
Now the issue is clouded by which producer is in charge and even which cameraman/woman is in control.
Add to this what seems like ever changing times at and conditions under which certain babes can go nude on certain channels as opposed to other babes on the same or different channels and the whole matter becomes utterly bamboozling.
You may as well throw a load of balls up in the air and see where they all land such is the unpredictability of who will do what and when

. Things are not straightforward anymore.
Add to this the anti freeloader sentiment that has poisoned the mentality of rather too many babes comes a further increase in the uncertainty. Will the babe strip off or won't she?
So many of my calls are now made in trepidation rather than expectation. If it is as simple as a babe says no to getting naked while giving a pretty strong indication that she is unlikely to ever do so well that's fine.
I terminate the call immediately and at least know where I stand. No point in wasting my money further.
It is where babes chop and change that the trepidation kicks in.
And there are some babes who you just get the feeling that with the right sustained encouragement that nudity is eventually possible

It is a bit of a sixth sense really

My antennae is pretty sound generally speaking.
I choose not to name those who decline indefinitely and nor have I ever said how many attempts it has taken for me to undress the babes on the phone (unless they do it first time).
Not my style and never will be.
There are some babes who it took a number of attempts to oblige and others where it was achieved very quickly.
The most enjoyable naked routines are the ones that incorporate a slow, sensual and erotic striptease from a themed outfit on a relevant set.
There is absolutely nothing hornier, dirtier or more intimate than that. Progression to a prolonged nude stint with changes of position and pose a plenty make for thrilling viewing imo.
So if you want nudity and ring in what is the best ploy?
My advice: Be very polite, very complimentary and if necessary patient. Charging in like a presumptuous bull in a china shop simply does not work. It may take a number of attempts

Always, always be polite and courteous
