(20-06-2015 17:12 )Joey 27 Wrote: (20-06-2015 11:41 )snookered147 Wrote: What gets me is the number of babes who go on the mic to bemoan the lack of calls.
Where are you all tonight? 
I have got nobody in my queue? 
What's going on guys? 
Call me now and get straight through. 

They seem to have lost touch with reality
No realization as to the pathetically poor output being a contributory factor in lack of calls.
I am certainly not willing to fork out £1.53pm and a connection charge on such tripe
You have to take into account that most of these models have egos even the nice ones, so they think people should be calling them regardless of what kind of show they put on, i doubt they are disappointed with themselves for putting on a poor performance when they go home
Anyway i was browsing through this thread last night and this thread was created in March 2010, so people have been moaning about the babeshows for 5 years now so this isn't anything new
i'd class my self as a serial moaner in real life but i don't really want to moan about something trivial like the babeshows all of the time even though they are so tame now, im long past expecting to see showers sets, bath tub sets and proper 2-4-1s those days are gone, so as long as i continue to find babes that i watch attractive i will carry on watching them until i need a break from watching them
Whether we like it or not these shows are designed for casual viewers, how long would it be before you got bored of watching babes do naked 2-4-1s in the shower esp if it was always the same few pairs of babes doing them because not all babes will do them
^ I agree with every single word there,
expect I'd add one caveat to your last statement.
If just a couple of babes were seen to be making a bomb doing regular shower sets, or whatever, that would be enough to spark many more similar sessions from other babes.
It is this 'cold war' (frigid war?) aspect of the current babe shows programming that really aggravates me. Even during the so-called classic era(s) there were lazy babes. But the difference was then that the general ethos and work ethic of the industry was different. Now it's become a "don't give away anything for nothing" at all costs culture. Energetic, varied performances are no longer encouraged; the majority of babes do not want to be doing any more than the babe on the next bed (or more often these days the
same bed - which in itself makes matters worse if you think about it, who wants to be jigging about right next to a girl doing sweet fa!)
Yes, to put it crudely, every flash of erogenous zone should have a value but large sections of the current crop of babes are taking this way too literally and seem to have completely forgotten the art of speculate to accumulate. And, above all,
they have no possible way of judging how not doing so is effecting their long-term ability to make money in this and associated industries in the future. Short-sighted decision making was obviously omitted from the babes' business dictionary!