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Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion

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mr mystery Away
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Post: #5831
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
(06-07-2015 14:52 )ShandyHand Wrote:  Nope.

As I understand it, Xpanded simply replaced RLC on their old epg slot and are providing content for Playboy instead of RLC on the other.

(Hopes to f**k that's right 'cause I don't have Sky epg to see the numbers for myself!)

The company behind Xpanded TV are actually only broadcasting on 1 Sky channel slot previously used by RLC.
When RLC were broadcasting/producing the Playboy TV Chat programs they were broadcast on Sky channel 902, Xpanded have now taken over the broadcasting/producing of Playboy TV Chat Sky channel 902, (the channel is still called Playboy TV Chat)

RLC 1 was last broadcast on Sky channel 930, Xpanded haven't taken over this channel slot and do not broadcast on it whatsoever, it's now a Playboy encrypted channel at night .

Xpanded have taken over Sky channel 914, this wasn't previously a RLC channel slot, it was a night time Playboy encrypted channel slot, Playboy used to broadcast the same programs on 914 that they now broadcast on Sky channel 930.(i think)

Xpanded used to broadcast on Sky channel 931 and 943, Playboy are now the licence holders of these 2 former Xpanded channels, and they have now been renamed "Hot Chat TV (channel 931) and "Flirt & Chat" (channel 943), they do not show live programs any longer, but do still show various Xpanded promotions/adverts .
The licences Playboy use for these to channels are the licences formally used for Playboy TV Chat and Red Light 1, info here in Ofcom latest TV licensing update under the title of "Service name changes"

PS, Just4US Limited the licencee of RL 1/Flirt & Chat is part of the
Playboy group .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
(This post was last modified: 07-07-2015 11:31 by mr mystery.)
07-07-2015 11:19
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #5832
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
Might have known it wouldn't be as simple as I had it! Thanks for reiterating the intricacies I'd missed.

I was trying to ignore the "unused" channels! I wonder if Playboy have anything else in mind for their current promo-only ones?

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(This post was last modified: 07-07-2015 12:14 by ShandyHand.)
07-07-2015 12:11
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mr mystery Away
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Post: #5833
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
Well basically what you posted was right, Xpanded haven't taken over any part of RLC, but like you say, you haven't got Sky, so won't be able to check out the channel slot number for yourself, or know what channels have moved and from were .

I wonder if at some point Xpanded TV might increase channels numbers again ?, and start to broadcast live programs on either 931 or 943 ?, but this time the licencee would be Playboy and not themselves, or i suppose Playboy could let other company's use these channel slots/licences at some point ? .

Life is short . Break the rules, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile .
07-07-2015 13:05
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #5834
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
(07-07-2015 13:05 )mr mystery Wrote:  ... or i suppose Playboy could let other company's use these channel slots/licences at some point ? .

Or they could continue this epg-sitting indefinitely, handily keeping the slots from their rivals.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
07-07-2015 23:25
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gunnar Offline
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Post: #5835
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
^Sort of like what Tesco does with its rivals.

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08-07-2015 05:48
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circles_o_o_o Offline

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Post: #5836
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
The new website has a "South Africa" tab, is it possible that they are still going out on tv at times there? Because if they are only on-line, then why pick one particular country, as the internet is global.
12-07-2015 20:45
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grantorino Offline
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Post: #5837
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
getting confusing for posters still having RLC in the channel section, should be moved to former channels
13-07-2015 06:02
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donnafan913 Offline
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Post: #5838
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
Since red Light is now finished as a babe channel, who do you think was the greatest Red Light Babe ? Mine would be Michelle Thorne
14-07-2015 06:32
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #5839
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
Bex Shiner is back at rlc. she is doing the show on the 24th july 11am-10pm

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
16-07-2015 23:09
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russmeyer Offline
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Post: #5840
RE: Red Light Central - Chat & Discussion
wasn't she at Sin ?
17-07-2015 06:41
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