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Migrant crisis

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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #21
RE: Migrant crisis
Its not a matter of people being uncaring we simply have neither the room or resources to take on another wave of immigration, how are we going to accommodate them? in the last 10 years the population has increased by 8 million, there are major shortages of houses, schools and hospitals. Supposing cameron agrees to take in 10,000 migrants, what happens when the next 10,000 start queuing up to get in, then the next 10,000 and the 10,000 after that? We will simply be putting out the welcome mat for the entire world even if it means our own people go without.
03-09-2015 17:40
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #22
RE: Migrant crisis
(03-09-2015 17:17 )shano123 Wrote:  
(03-09-2015 14:51 )lancealot790 Wrote:  The migrant crisis is a direct result of Blair and Bush,s catastrophic decision to invade Iraq and get rid of Saddam Hussein, the situation was made worse when Cameron assisted the Libyans in ousting Gaddafi. This led to the so called arab spring which totally destabilised the entire region and gave rise to islamic state. As such it is only right that Britain should take its fair share of asylum seekers, however many of the people we are seeing on our televisions are not genuine asylum seekers but economic migrants looking for a better life and we need to find a way differentiating between them.

Wouldn't you agree though the invasion of Iraq was necessary especially if you knew the stuff Saddam and his sons did to the Iraqi people. Rape, torture etc

We had no right to interfere in the affairs of another country, no matter how bad the situation was under Saddam it has got a whole lot worse since the invasion, Amnesty International estimates up to a million people have been killed and many of the minority peoples almost wiped out in what in what is little more than genocide.

And please do not kid yourself the invasion was done in anything as noble as the name of the people, it was about money and oil, pure and simple.
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2015 17:56 by lancealot790.)
03-09-2015 17:49
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shano123 Offline
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Post: #23
RE: Migrant crisis
You made some fair points but it's just when you here how their football team were being punished simply for losing a game of football, just shows what they were subjected to but again you made good points and true it has gotten worser
03-09-2015 18:28
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biggles Offline

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Post: #24
RE: Migrant crisis
I don't think we have a choice morally but to take some Refugees in, consider the parallels with Nazi Germany and the people escaping from persecution during the 30's, the only issue is how to decide who is genuine and who is economic.
03-09-2015 19:07
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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #25
RE: Migrant crisis
Since shano123 managed to bring footie into the mix, I'll mention something I saw earlier regarding Bayern Munich. Apparently the club is setting up a training camp to give language lessons and suchlike, and donating a million euros for refugee projects.

Here's a link to a piece on the bbc website about it. I like the picture included of a banner held by fans at a match declaring 'Refugees Welcome'.

A very different attitude to that over here, which at least prior to the photographs of the dead boy, was more along the lines of 'send troops to Calais to keep them out'!

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03-09-2015 19:35
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #26
RE: Migrant crisis
It is very easy for people to say we should take in more migrants but most of those saying it are not the ones who will suffer when we do, we can't supply enough houses for our own people let alone tens of thousands more, the NHS is on the verge of collapse, this year there will not be enough nursery places for our own children, and thousands of people are forced to use food banks to just to survive. Age concern estimate that every winter tens of thousands of pensioners die because they can't afford to heat their home and yet we are supposed to let in thousands more people to put an even greater strain on the system. Charity begins at home not next door, we need to save ourselves first before even thinking about the rest of the world.
03-09-2015 20:51
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brummie Offline
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Post: #27
RE: Migrant crisis
We can supply houses for our on people, we can save the NHS, we can provide nursery places, we can make employers pay a living wage so people don't need food banks and can ensure pensioners can afford to heat their homes. You speak as though these things are an inevitable fact of life, they aren't, they are a deliberate policy choice by a government obsessed with maximizing profits for its corporate friends with no regard for the lives of ordinary people.

03-09-2015 23:11
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Whynot Online
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Post: #28
RE: Migrant crisis
Look at the picture of that poor little child on the beach.... if that is not enough to make you want to help, then you are heartless. I am the legal guardian to 2 kids...the thought of one of them being on that beach and people in affluent countries (we are affluent) saying fuck you, no room here, you are on your own... it is shameful.

Each and every migrant is a person, mothers, fathers, kids, grandparents... yes there are some bad people who just want to come here for benefits etc... but for the majority they risk life and the lives of their kids because they want safety. Which for a parent is the bare minimum you want for a child.

The right wing press etc... has made it into a us against them.. it is bullshit. Look at the money the political parties raised for the election, especially at the tories ball... look at the foreign businesses that are not taxed properly, look at the huge pay rise politicians are getting, at the sick money football clubs pay, fans too every week. We have enough money in the country to solve our problems and help others. As for pensioners dying... and the nhs in the toilet.. you vote tories you get this. But pensioners dying also shows what an uncaring country we are... if they have no family, where are the neighbours? communities? popping in making sure they are warm and are ok.

Economically it is also a no brainer all migrants combined take out of the country a hell of a lot less than they take. This has been proven time and again.

Helping those less fortunate is a duty and obligation in every life, not something you can ignore.

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(This post was last modified: 03-09-2015 23:27 by Whynot.)
03-09-2015 23:26
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #29
RE: Migrant crisis
So everything is the fault of the Tory party then.
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2015 10:14 by lancealot790.)
04-09-2015 10:11
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Whynot Online
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Post: #30
RE: Migrant crisis
(04-09-2015 10:11 )lancealot790 Wrote:  So everything is the fault of the Tory party then.

I did not say that. I won't get into a war of words about the tories. It would distract from the point of this thread which is that innocent people are dying in there thousands and we are doing nothing to help.

I hate injustice and liars
04-09-2015 11:13
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