Posts: 1,773
Joined: Dec 2008
RE: babestation daytime master plan
I can't imagine the rules for daytime content can just change overnight.What would be the point of regulation if the goalposts keep on moving? I'm sure to change any rules requires a lot meetings,a lot of time and a hell of a lot of paperwork.I know a few guys on here check the Ofcom site now and again and if there had been a 'shift' in terms of allowable daytime content we would have heard about it by now.
Cellcast towed the line for a while,which probably gave them a lot of leeway or good grace when it came to sorting out their Freeview channel applications,showing that they could adhere,strictly to any rules imposed.Now all of the channels are up and running they can relax a little and match the 'output' of the likes of BangBabes and Elite.
The bottom line is that now my favourite day girl channels,906 and 909 are a lot hotter and a lot more enjoyable than they used to be.
03-07-2009 11:40 |
Posts: 1,773
Joined: Dec 2008
RE: fake calls
I'm not sure how it works as I have never phoned but lately the girls have been 'performing' for listeners in who don't want to chat just 'do their own thing' without talking to the girl.  Perhaps that is a way around not being cut off when the girl realises what you are doing.The caller can stay on the line until 'finished' and the girl/channel doesn't get reprimanded/fined for eliciting 'dirty phone calls' during the day time.
12-07-2009 12:17 |
Hollywood PillowPants
p.W.o 4 LIFE!!!
Posts: 924
Joined: Feb 2009
Reputation: 60
Cellcast = Rip-off Merchants.
I received the following text from 'Caroline' this morning.... HANNAH " Hii,REAR OF THE YEAR-My MOST Provocative pic closeup-image C6" Reply: PICHANNAH X 1.50/msg rcvd yada,yada,yada. So i replied hoping to get a new Hannah pic only to receive H1.dm which is a pic of Emma in a purple top and yellow pants,i then texted back 'Caroline' saying " you didn't send me Hannah C6,you sent me a pic of Emma. 'Caroline then texts me back saying " I didn't send you a pic of Emma,picture C6 isn't up yet",along with another pic,guess what? it's another Emma pic H2.dm.So i now text back saying " Then why did you send me a text saying get Hannah C6? And you've now sent me 2 Emma pics".'Caroline' then sends me back a sarky text saying "Baby are you listening to me,pic H1 and 2 is of Hannah,i did not send you Emma's pic".So i reply " Are you listening to ME,the pics you sent to me H1&H2 this morning are of Emma in a purple top and yellow pants,it's not hard to tell the difference".So far this morning,i've spent nearly 15quid trying to get a Hannah pic that THEY texted me about,only to get 2 Emma pics that i didn't want,and have an argument with 'Caroline'.That's it I'VE HAD ENOUGH of them ripping me off,crappy websites i've subscribed to,promised pics that i don't receive and general piss poor service all round,so FUCK YOU Cellcast i will never waste another penny on you bunch of scam-merchants!
""This show's about as interesting as Nick Griffin reading excerpts from 'Mein Kampf'!"
17-07-2009 11:54 |