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Call of Duty: Black Ops III

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Bandwagon Away
Nuclear Baby

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Post: #31
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
(10-11-2015 19:32 )HannahsPet Wrote:  have a problem with MP its bloody hard to start off because the player load is all wrong found myself on level 1 with players of level 40 and above so keep getting my arsed kicked

That's because this game is similar to that of BO2 in the way it creates lobbies.
AW based it's predominant match-making filters around skill; not network quality.
BO3 uses a similar technique to BO2 by way of prioritising network quality.
So yes, you will find yourself amongst a mixture of players with different levels of rank and skill, simply because their ping rate is more compatible with yours.
Wrong or right it doesn't matter, you will still find yourself on both ends of lag compensation and need to play accordingly.
My golden rules work as such.... if it's laggy (your behind on time) keep it long-range or pull from the lobby.
If your at an advantage.... go fucking nuts with an SMG and make the most of it Smile
11-11-2015 23:40
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Unlocked the is beast Big Grin Already getting in the groove on which maps its best used on.

Been having mixed experiences with lobbies and spawns, especially last night. I'm an assault rifle/mid to long range kind of player but the go to class already seems to be 'silenced SMG then hop about like a cunt' but thats how CoD's go nowadays so I'll just have to put up with it, because at the end of the day it's miles better than AW and Ghosts, lol

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12-11-2015 17:25
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Bandwagon Away
Nuclear Baby

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Post: #33
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Yes it's definitely better used mid to long range and is fairly useless face-to-face, unless you land on target initially; It's too slow and clumsy. The rapid-fire mode once unlocked is fairly handy too, fortunately it's quite mild which keeps the recoil under control Wink
I've used this as a third attachment which requires using a wild card. I like this feature because it gives you the option to use your ten class slots how you want.This is particularly relevant within this new release because many of the perks are shite (IMO) and I'm quite happy to sacrifice some to beef my guns up with further attachments.
12-11-2015 18:08
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #34
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Same here, I don't use 'nades or any tacticals, I'd rahter have extra weapon or perk slots. Never really used secondaries since MW3 too but a launcher might be handy in this game

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12-11-2015 18:37
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Bandwagon Away
Nuclear Baby

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Post: #35
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
(12-11-2015 18:37 )BaddaBing Wrote:  Same here, I don't use 'nades or any tacticals,

I never used to use grenades or tacticals either, but now I will use the concussion grenades.
In this game I'm liking the new thermite grenades too.
I use the concussion grenades for throwing around suspect corners or into camping rooms. If I get a hit marker.... in goes the thermite! Doesn't always work but at least you know someone is there and gives you a 'heads-up'.

(12-11-2015 18:37 )BaddaBing Wrote:  Never really used secondaries since MW3 too but a launcher might be handy in this game

You are right IMO, the XM-53 launcher is always in my secondary because it's great for earning an easy 75 points from the countless enemy UAV. Not to mention the obvious advantage of keeping yourself off their map which suits my style of play.

On BO2 a friend once asked me how he should set his classes up? Stupidly, I just rattled off my class setup and he copied it like-for-like. The thing is, he forgot to use the launcher and couldn't get to grips with aiming the grenades. So basically he wasted some valuable slots on equipment he either - A) didn't use, or B) were just plain useless to him.
So the best advice for setting individual classes up (IMO) is to make sure every slot is used for something that you will use and/or benefit from.
It seems quite obvious until you look through your classes shocked

For example, last night I realised I've been wasting slots too. After AW and leaping about the maps like a demented bullfrog Rolleyes I stuck with the Blast Suppressor perk.
On a rethink..... do I really need that perk? Not really.
The jumping suits aren't as effective here and I'm not jumping nearly half as often. The same applies to the Afterburner perk; do I really need to speed up my thruster recharge rate? Not really.

I've now removed both perks and made far better use of the slots.

By the way, I'm only sharing ideas here. I'm far from great at the game and simply enjoying reading what everyone else thinks and swapping ideas etc Smile
13-11-2015 10:01
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #36
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
I think you're pretty spot on to be honest mate, you need to set your classes that go with your strength's not because some YouTube commentator tells you it's the best class. One of my biggest hates in this games community is someone doing a video that tells you about a killer class set up and a week later every fucker is running around with it.

Remember MW2 with its UMP 45, Marathon, Lightweight and Commando? *Shudders*
And in Ghosts where every MLG "pro" used the M-Tar(d) so everyone else did too *Throws up in mouth*

People just need to try weapons and set ups out and decide for themselves.

But back on topic with Blops3, some of the perks seem very redundant to me also, but I'll only fully get to play around with them once I've unlocked them all

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13-11-2015 18:34
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Bandwagon Away
Nuclear Baby

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Post: #37
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
The lag isn't as bad as Ops 2 (yet) , but it is ever present and starting to become rather frequent and annoying annoyed
02-12-2015 18:17
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
I've noticed the lag being quite bad recently too. Loving the MP side of the game, really got me hooked again. However (there always is with CoD isn't there lol), SMG's need a nerf or something because I am tired of being beaten out by them in gun fights at seemingly any range.

Playing a lot of Ground War and the new game mode Safe Guard, enjoying racking up points and kills on that one

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02-12-2015 19:06
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Bandwagon Away
Nuclear Baby

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Post: #39
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Which specialists have you used? I've tried quite a few but the Annihilator seems to be my favourite so far. Quick and easy one-shot kills from any range.
The Vision Pulse has a nasty bug for completing the final camos and is fucking annoying annoyed

And yeah, I totally agree about the SMG's, they have way too much range and need patching. I expect to get wasted by them in close quarters if I'm running my M8A7 for example (love this gun) but not halfway across the bleeding map Rolleyes
(This post was last modified: 04-12-2015 14:52 by Bandwagon.)
04-12-2015 14:45
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #40
RE: Call of Duty: Black Ops III
I've used the Vision Pulse mostly as its handy for my playstyle, but I've now got to the point where unlocking anymore headgear or uniforms requires me to get kills with the bow and arrow and I've not really used that. I might give it a go though as not fully commited to which specialist I'm going to work on next.

I've tried the Annihilator a few times which is good but everyone seems to use it and the other ability of the points boost seems to only be worth it if you're playing an OBJ game mode.

I'm running the H.I.V.E. specialist at the minute which is getting me some kills and proving to be quite good on Safeguard and Dom.

I've just unlocked the Dredge and my God, its like the Gorgon on speed. Post up on Safeguard with that during your 'protect the base' round and you can rack some kills up as the robot and the enemy team gets closer

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04-12-2015 17:25
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