I agree wholeheartedly that today's babe channels are generally awful compared to the 'Golden Era', though I would suggest that there have been a number of eras, with a general downward trend over the years, accelerated when there has been significant 'Ofcon' intervention at particular points, with the last couple of years being particularly poor, and 2105 representing a new low.

Of course, there are reasons other than 'Ofcon', to do with the broadcasters themselves, that explains why things have become as bad as they now are.
Having turned, increasingly, to old vids of favourite babes, due to the dire sate of today's output, I am frustrated that, trawling through threads of old videos, many (most?) links are dead – IMO, this has become so common place that requesting individual uploads is no longer tenable.
Having said that, there are obvious problems - how many of the most prolific posters of old vids are still members/active on this site? How many of them still have the videos available? How many would be willing to invest the considerable time and effort required to re-upload them on such a potentially massive scale etc.?
I would suggest that it is at least worth a try, but simply having a single thread, which would then have random content from different channels, and babes, would not be the way to go – if this is to be done, then it really needs to be 'done properly' e.g. a thread for each channel (BS Re-Uploads, Elite Re-Uploads etc.), with sub-threads for each babe; otherwise, the hard work might go to waste if people give up searching through many pages of a single thread on the off-chance that they might find something of interest. Having said that, I've never run a forum, so don't know the implications of this, but suspect they may be considerable, perhaps not practical, or even practicable?
However, if the logistics can be worked out, I would implore anyone who is able/willing to help, to do so, as there is mass of fantastic content from the past that is now largely, or entirely unavailable, and given that we are unlikely to see anything even remotely as good ever again, I, and I suspect many others, would love for as much as possible of it to be made available again, and it just so happens that, last weekend, I started a thread along these very lines, asking for old Lori Buckby videos to be re-uploaded (so far, with limited success (but thanks, again, to those who have already contributed!

Bottom line, I would LOVE for this to happen.