(14-01-2016 13:06 )richpk Wrote: (14-01-2016 10:18 )nilford Wrote: (13-01-2016 21:13 )richpk Wrote: Just checked the stream and the ladies look bored out of their minds
Where are you accessing the stream? It seems to have been offline for days on the sites I access it on.
only place i use is rampant, but its not working again right now
they get the ladies in to the studio evey day and make them sit their with this going on, its ridiculous
AC has a laundry list of issues at the moment. The webstream is up and down right now. There doesn't seem to be a way to contact the producers anymore. I spoke with Amy the other day and she said to let her know and she would try to get someone to fix it - so maybe it's only the girls who can help us. As for the general malaise of the girls, I think it has to do with the current censorship that lowers morale when girls can't meet their callers' wishes, but also with hiring practices. You would think with all the bar girls in Bangkok, they could find some who are beautiful, but also adventurous, i.e., willing to push some boundaries, and comfortable with their sexuality. That is, girls like Ali and Amy. The newer hires are really timid and awkward - Em, Victoria, and Mia are examples. They are all beautiful girls, but they give you little movement and little that's sexually stimulating - in other words, little enticement to call. This afternoon was a stunning contrast to watch Amy next to Em: Amy gave a wonderful, sexually charged performance while Em just watched. Em is a gorgeous young woman, but you wonder why she doesn't learn anything by watching Amy work. It could be that the producers hired timid girls on purpose so they could control them and know they wouldn't push boundaries. Who knows.
I think the return of Amy this year and Ali's return after several months of hiatus has saved AC for now, and helped to offset the much lamented (by me anyway!) departure of Cherry, and apparently Lisa too. Amy has established herself as AC's top girl. She works more shifts than anyone, day and night, often double shifts and even recently a triple shift (!), she puts more effort than anyone, by far, into doing entertaining and sexy shows, she alone maintains a Twitter account, and she is a delight to talk with. She gives the caller her undivided attention (unlike another girl I won't name, who constantly puts down the phone during calls to make comments to producers and the other girl) and makes him feel special. I really believe she is holding AC together right now. I wish she would pick the girls and train them to present as she does. Ali is a gorgeous, fabulous entertainer who does whatever she can to do revealing shows, but she is not as involved as Amy. But it's the boundary pushers, Amy, Ali, and sometimes Nadia, who are generating calls and interest. Take away Amy and Ali, and this channel really has little of interest left.
If only from a business point of view, it's hard to understand how the producers can let the web go down for several days at a time, and allow girls to sit glued to the couch for hours. Can't they see the success the dynamic performers have in getting calls? And don't get me started on the spicy show being at 4 AM and only one hour, and usually censored at that...