(21-06-2016 17:39 )terence Wrote: anyone who's undecided, watch this video the silent majority posted. it explains everything in a factual, scientific way.
this should really make up you're mind.
Hmmmm, I'm an advisor to the government, my job is studying Europe - what way do you vote? remain, Well colour me shocked.
That was an incredibly bias talk, he'd do well posting on here, to liken it to a 'bunch of creationalist telling evolutionalist are they are wrong' is just absured.
'and despite the fact that majority voting is now the normal rule within the council of ministers, remember it is not run by the unelected eurocrates.... it's actually run by the 28 government'
'despite the majority voting being the normal rule with in the council in practice about 90% are taken by EU consensus'
Wait? what? the norm is to have majority rule, but actually 90% is a consensus? so they agree to vote a certain way.
Well thankee for clearing that one up, so the 'big 3' could still be out voted by the little 25, either by consensus or by ministerial votes.
There is a huge amount of OBJECTIVE evedence - The balance of confidence rule - which was under taken by THE GOVERNMENT, who happen to pay him as an advisorer.
Apparently it concluded 'what is the problem', it 'does not see a problem with our EU membership' but they say it brings real added value to national policy making - but there are problems, 'individual measures which are a subject of despute, DEPENDING ON YOUR VIEWPOINT', . Well thats overwhelming right there.
The evedence is that the relationship between the UK and EU is 'satisfactory' it took 2 years to come up with just satisfactory?
That's if you stay, but what would it be like if we leave 'NOBODY HAS A CLUE' (which incidentally I have said on here several times)
He then goes on to list some things, legislation etc, where it might have an affect, just after saying nobody knows and was he hinting the troubles in Ireland would start again and nother scotish referendum? So we could have a stay leave referedum just as quickly then?
'nobody really cares about tariffs'

So, it's not tariffs so much as standardization, so, how do the technological power houses of microsoft, sony, apple be able to make their products and sell them world wide. but the UK couldn't?
Funny how he mentions mexico, south korean regarding trade, but not US.
So basically his argument is, it seems ok being in the EU, nothing spectacular, but satisfactory, so why leave? That seems to be his argument.
Basically why rock the boat.
And of course, be in Europe or else, regarding world trade.
Of course voting out will cause short term problems, but there was nothing about long term in his talk; has he said, nobody knows.
He's just trotting out all the remain prograganda, with, I'm not bias guv honest, peppered around.