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The Supermoon

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Snooks Away
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Post: #1
The Supermoon
Saw a brief clear sight of the Supermoon about 10 minutes ago Smile before it clouded over Rolleyes.
Probably go back out in a bit to see whether I can get another clear view.

14-11-2016 23:36
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cwpussylover Offline

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Post: #2
RE: The Supermoon
for anyone who missed the is so super about it??HuhHuhImportant

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

15-11-2016 00:04
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Tumble_Drier Offline
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Post: #3
RE: The Supermoon
^The simple answer is...nothing.

It's almost impossible to see any difference with the naked eye. It's all down to perception and people falling for the media hype.

Only 3 things in life are certain. Death, Taxes and lesbians will never look how they do in porn movies.
15-11-2016 00:49
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #4
RE: The Supermoon
FFS another media invention basically same moon but closest to earth because its elipictical orbit with the earth Wink

these astranomical events are always a bloody letdown cos of weather only one that took my breath away was one of the comets going past and it was a clear night and you could see it that really blew me away

Apparently good coverage on STV of it Tongue Tongue Tongue
[Image: CxPlnubXUAA57YK.jpg:large]

True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!

I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
(This post was last modified: 15-11-2016 00:57 by HannahsPet.)
15-11-2016 00:51
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