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TNA Victory Road 2009

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theone1986 Away
Becky Lover

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Post: #21
RE: TNA Victory Road 2009
will give my review of Hard Justice, Monday or tuesday. but Impact looks like it's going to be a good one this week Smile
(This post was last modified: 14-08-2009 15:23 by theone1986.)
14-08-2009 15:23
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Rammyrascal Offline
Team Thicc

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Post: #22
RE: TNA Victory Road 2009
sure does

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
14-08-2009 19:02
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theone1986 Away
Becky Lover

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Post: #23
RE: TNA Victory Road 2009
thought Hard Justice was a good show Big Grin not going to post any spoiler just in case people haven't seen it.

Steele Asylum Match: just three words, "That was Awesome!!!!!!" it really had an old X-Division feel to the match. lots of fast action and loads of really great spots. lets hope it stays like this. just an all round awesome match.

Abyss vs Jethro Holiday: match was saved by Abyss, Jethro doing his old boring wwe style of wrestling. some okay spots with weapons, all in all just an average match

Hernandez vs Rob terry: just a squash match. Didn't last long at all.

Beer Money vs The British invasion (IWGP tag Belts) : Beer Money and Doug Williams awesome as always, few Botches by Brutus Magnus (what's new) otherwise a good match

Cody Deaner and ODB vs Angelina Love and Velvet Sky (Knockouts Championship)
Another great match, good wrestling and Cody Deaner was funny as hell laugh wasn't to happy about the results though Sad

Samoa Joe Vs Homicide (X-Division Championship)
very good match, both great workers and put on great match (they always work well together. the one thing I did like most was, there were no major big spots
and still a really good match

Team 3D vs Booker T & Scott Stiener (TNA Tag titles)
quite a good match, I think the no DQ rules made it alot better. some good stuff in the crowd and some good spots aswell. loved the bookend through the table by Booker T

Mick Foley Vs Kevin Nash (Legends Title)
thought mick Foley was great in this match, the gash from his eyes was sick. honestly suprised they didn't stop the match.
very good brutal match!!! end wasn't great though

Matt Morgan vs Sting vs Kurt Angle (World championship)
Main event was Alright, lots of double team by Morgan and Angle near the start of the match. once Angle Morgan turned on each other the match got more interesting
not really a great finish either

All in All a great show, highlight for me was the Steele Asylum
(This post was last modified: 18-08-2009 23:52 by theone1986.)
18-08-2009 23:52
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Rammyrascal Offline
Team Thicc

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Post: #24
RE: TNA Victory Road 2009
thanks for the review will definately be watching it tonight its on bravo2 from 9pm. also brutus magnus from british invasion was oblivion from first series of new gladiators (only just been watching gladiators as didnt have sky till about a month ago)

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
19-08-2009 08:20
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Rammyrascal Offline
Team Thicc

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Post: #25
RE: TNA Victory Road 2009
watched the new impact and the knockouts are having a tag team tournament starting next week.

teams include traci/sharmelle, kong/raesha saeed. taylor and sarita, tara and odb

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
23-08-2009 16:55
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theone1986 Away
Becky Lover

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Post: #26
RE: TNA Victory Road 2009
thought it was Tara and christy hemme?
23-08-2009 17:17
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Rammyrascal Offline
Team Thicc

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Post: #27
RE: TNA Victory Road 2009
oops sorry it is christy and tara. hard justice is repeated tonight at 9pm on bravo 2. really enjoyed it

a match confirmed for the knockouts tag is. sharmell and tracy v kong and raesha saeed

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
23-08-2009 19:47
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