(19-06-2017 06:58 )hugh_g_rection Wrote: Ha! You've really gone for broke here. You think I've 'tripped up' by not posting about the victims on a wank channel forum?
You think that all the people who have posted (of which there are many) about the victems are wrong? even on a 'wank channel forum'?

Yet you are right to make polictical gain by reading the self same post?
Quote:I'd think that was quite inappropriate, no?
Quote:I have no idea of the despair that the victim's families must be feeling right now.
You obvisouly do not care, you're more interested with pushing your red agenda.
Quote:[I'd imagine the one thing they want in the world is their loved ones back. For this whole thing never to have happened. For someone to tell them why, how this could happen to them. So no, I don't regret a single thing I have or have not posted on here.
I agree, but there's a time and there's a place.
Quote:[Unbelieveable you'd think I 'tripped up' there... like... are you trying to win an argument or something? I'm not even doing that. I'm just trying to make sure every stupid thing you post has a level-headed retort come immediately or at least soonish after.
Whhat? you don't have to be in an argument to 'trip up', people who trip up often are not.
Ironically, trying to be level headed when everybody is running around playing the blame/ political game when it should be about the victems now, is what I have been doing. But it's not the first time you have manipulated what is there for your own purposes.
Quote:We can't do anything by posting here? Then why post at all? I've made it clear why I'm posting. I'm posting to challenge the biased and blinkered information that YOU post. When you stop posting about it, I wi... might. 
No we can't, but why shouldn't people comment about major news events? even on a 'wank channel forum' (which oddly, you are here reading and contributing but think inferior).
Quote:No I haven't noticed that most people on here are extreme remainers and anti-May. I have noticed though... that May was a remainer... 
Goodness have you not? you need to read the Brexit thread then. May be this is your Neslon eye at work. Yes May was a remainer, but the public vote was to leave.
Quote:I'll tell you what though... you'll get me to cave somewhat on this. No I'm not happy if people are using the tragedy for their own political gains. It would be monstrous and inhuman. I've said all along I'm happy if the government get held to account. If truth and justice wasn't their goal in this, they'll have to live with that, not me.
Then stop doing it, there's a time and a place.
Quote:[sarcasm]But yes it is I'm sure a great comfort to all that you agree questions should be asked. Just not now. It's disrespectful right? Yeah. Yeah... We should respect the right of anyone who might have something to hide, to at least be given the chance to hide it... Yeah. Respect...[/sarcasm][quote]
That's right, it's disrespectful right now to be making political gains from it, not asking questions about what casued it, but to be making political gains.
[quote]Sorry buddy. One day we might live in your tory utopia where poor people just die quietly without kicking up too much of a fuss, without causing rich and powerful politicians too much inconvenience. But I'm glad to see we're not quite there yet.
There's nothing quiet about 24 hour coverage.